Super God

Chapter 1622: Daohua Jingjuan!

In order to verify, whether or not Bai Liyan knew that she had a remnant of the fairy king, Yun Feiyang specially called her to ask.


Bai Liyan seriously said: "I really don't have a fairy roll!"

If Yun Feiyang asked the fairy king to see if she had just met, she might be wary.

Nowadays, getting along for a long time is another life-saving benefactor, helping himself to obtain the status of Guanfeng City and managing three stores. Bai Liyan has long regarded Yun Feiyang as his loved one.

Yun Feiyang could see from Bai Liyan's eyes, she didn't hide herself. Immediately transmitted a voice to Tongtian Snake hidden in the cuff: "Are you lying?"


Tongtian Snake hurriedly said: "This woman exudes the breath of immortal thoughts left by her master, and she must have a broken volume on her body."

Yun Feiyang didn't think that the little snake that was controlling the origin of the soul would deceive himself, so he said; "Xiaoyan girl, do you think about it, for example, did Ling Zun give you anything before leaving the family?"

Bai Liyan fell into thought.

After a while, he shook his head and said, "Father never gave me anything, just let me live well and continue the blood of the Baili family."

"That would be strange."

Yun Fei said.


Bai Liyan puzzled: "For no reason, why do you ask about the fairy remnant?"

Yun Feiyang never mentioned anything about the remnant, but now it suddenly makes her surprised.

"Girl Xiaoyan."

Yun Fei Yang said: "It's true, I found a little snake that can perceive the existence of the fairy remnant."

With that, the celestial snake was revealed.


Bai Liyan screamed, and immediately backed away a few steps, said: "Sir, this snake is so ugly!"

Tongtian Snake was immediately hit.


Yun Feiyang didn't intend to hide Bai Liyan, but showed the Tongtian Snake out.

After learning that the snake could perceive the immortal remnant, Bai Liyan fell silent again, trying to recall the things that left Baili's house.

"Sir won't lie to me."

"Since this little snake can detect the existence of Xiannian, it means that there must be a remnant of the fairy king on me."

Bai Liyan secretly said.

But where?

"Girl Xiaoyan."

Yun Fei said: "Can I check your space ring?"


Bai Liyan handed over the space ring she carried with her. After some exploration, Yun Feiyang found nothing.

"Little snake bug."

He frowned: "No."


Tongtian snake promised: "The broken volume must be on this baby girl, you can find it again."


Yun Feiyang was speechless and could only ask Bai Liyan again.


Bai Liyan said: "From the family, I only have one space ring, and the precious fairy stones are also held by Abo."


Yun Feiyang hurriedly said: "Forget him!"

Before long, Pelibur came to the study and took out the space ring.

Yun Feiyang explored, but still no gain.


Tongtian snake said: "Xiannian breath is on this woman, what use is it for you to search the old man."

"Already searched."

Yun Fei said: "Not at all."

Tongtian snake said: "The whole body has not been searched again, you kindly said that it was searched?"


Yunfei Yang was speechless.

He also thought about searching the whole body, the key is that Bailiyan is a woman, he is embarrassed to start with a man.

"Stop ink."

Tongtian snake said: "Take off her clothes, search carefully."


Bai Liyan hurriedly hugged her chest with both hands and was scared to take a few steps back, apparently very resistant to such things.


It was this action that made Yun Feiyang discover that she had a rather quaint necklace around her neck.

"Girl Xiaoyan."

Yun Feiyang came.

Bai Liyan thought that her husband would take off his clothes and hurriedly took a few steps back. His face was ashamed and said: "Sir, don't mess up!"

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

What does this woman think of herself? Is there a bottomless man?

Yun Fei stood there and smiled, "The necklace on your neck seems a little special."


Bai Liyan was startled, and when the necklace she was about to pull out, she said: "This was given to me by my father when he was a kid."


Yun Fei raised his heart and said, "Can you show me?"


Bai Liyan took off the necklace and passed it shyly, obviously knowing that she had misunderstood Mr.

The necklace's remaining temperature still exudes a slight fragrance, Yun Feiyang didn't care, but released Xiannian and enveloped it gently.


Suddenly, the necklace like jade and non-jade trembles gently, emitting a faint light.


Bai Liyan's eyes widened.

The necklace has been with her for many years, and the first time she sees it will shine.

Yun Fei raised his eyes and said solemnly: "Xiaoyan girl, there is a small formation hidden in the necklace, the level is very high!"

If he had not relied on Xiannian to forcibly investigate, he would never have thought that there was a hidden mystery inside.


Tongtian Snake said anxiously: "Can it be cracked?"

Intuition tells it that there is a greasiness in the necklace, which may be related to the fairy scroll.

"no problem."

Yun Feiyang said seriously.

The hidden formation of the necklace is very powerful, but his soul is equally powerful, and it can be cracked with time.

as predicted.

After five hours of penetration.

Yun Feiyang will finally crack the small array method on the necklace, and the soul force suddenly enters a void space.

"It turns out that this is a space necklace."

Standing in the space, Yun Feiyang murmured.


Soon, he found a stone platform erected in the central area of ​​the space, on which was placed a very simple cheats.

The cheats read-Dao Hua Jing.

The ancient books are quietly visited on the stone platform, shrouded in enthusiasm.

Yun Feiyang came over to feel the spread of Taoism and immortality, and was suddenly deeply shocked in his heart.

that moment.

He feels the breath contained in the space, the strength is not weaker than the super strong like Aurora Fairy Emperor!

And this is just an ancient book.

"Could it be!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked and said, "This is the fairy scroll?"

"Not bad."

In the study room, Tongtian Snake looked at the yellowed book, and revealed the secret book of his master Xiannian, and said with tears in his eyes, "This is one of my master's remnants of Daohua Jing!"

In the domain, because most warriors have not seen this thing, they only heard that it came from the Tomb of the Immortal King.

In fact, it is the most correct way to describe the "Taohua Jingjuan".


Yun Fei Yang said: "The breath of an ancient book is so strong, no wonder that after it was born that year, there will be a storm of blood and blood, and even the Immortal Emperor was alarmed."

Tongtian snake solemnly said: "The world only knows the immortal king remnant volume, which can allow the warrior to break through the immortal king realm, but he does not know that the Daohua classics can be fully understood, and he can completely achieve the immortal emperor level strong!"

Yun Feiyang exclaimed: "Achievement of fairy emperor?

The next Bai Liyan opened her mouth wide and was shocked.

Tongtian snake said: "My master once said so, but unfortunately he didn't wait until he realized the ultimate, so he died early."

" Yun Feiyang was shocked and said, "Xiaoyan girl, can I take a look at this remnant of the classics?" "

Things are from other people, and you need to ask for permission if you want to see them.


Bai Liyan said: "You can read the remnant, Xiao Yan won't say anything."

"Thank you."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Tongtian Snake seriously said: "Boy, the remnant of Daohuajing contains my master's fairy tales. If you want to get the internal formula, it depends on whether you have this chance."


Yun Feiyang collapsed and said: "Is there such a **** setting?"

(End of this chapter)

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