Super God

Chapter 1654: This is your burial place

"Cooperate, cooperate!"

Liu Sihai smiled. ()

He is just a small fairy king in the Southwest Territories. He is definitely a small person in front of Hongwei Fairy Emperor.


Liu Sihai said: "Yunfei, which turned into a flying sky, has left the switch and closed the city more than two months ago."

The Nanmen parents said: "I heard that the kid opened a Yunji firm in the city. I'm going to search for it."

"Sou can."

Liu Sihai, who was still smiling, suddenly said seriously: "However, Liu Mou said the ugly words first."

"What you want to catch is Yun Feiyang, which has nothing to do with others."

"If I take other people away in Guanfeng City, I will never agree."

What he said was very clear.

You can go to Yunji firm to search Yunfeiyang, you can't find anyone, and you can't move them.

"Master Liucheng."

The Nanmen parents said: "Please be assured that the person we want to catch is Yun Feiyang, and will not implicate innocent people."

Qiang Long headed the snake.

The Simen family is certainly not afraid to come in Guanfeng City.

Hearing this, Yun Feiyang reassured Xiannian with confidence, and secretly said: "Master Liu, you are protecting the cloud today, I will remember Yun Feiyang, and there will be rewards in the future."

Liu Sihai was very cooperative, and the Simen family was also very cooperative. After searching the Yunji firm, he did not find Yun Feiyang and could only leave.

"Yun Xiaoyou."

After everyone was gone, Liu Sihai secretly worried: "There are a lot of fairy people sent by the Simen family in the imperial city in the later period. You must be careful not to be caught by them."

However, he did not know that Yun Feiyang in the wild, after seeing the warriors of the Four Door Clan out of the city, his eyes showed a strong murderous opportunity.

This look hasn't appeared in a long time.

It means that Yun Feiyang has already made a killing heart and played a life-and-death game with these four family warriors.


Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the whole world lost its luster instantly, and became dark and dull.


Liu Sihai raised his head and said: "Unprovoked, why is it cloudy?"


It was at this moment that the rainstorm poured down.

Yun Feiyang squatted in a dark place, letting raindrops splash on his body and face, containing a murderous gaze, and always locked the four-door family coming out of the city.

The four-door family who are approaching step by step, have involuntarily struck a clever, mistakenly thought that it may be caused by weather changes.


At this time, another thunder fell, illuminating the front, and a martial artist who was walking suddenly stopped, frowning and shouting, "Who is it?"

Behind other family warriors looked at the dark place, and a dark shadow gradually emerged.


It was at this time that another thunder appeared, illuminating the surrounding moments, and also clearing the black shadow, the Simen family first saw a smiling face.

"It's Yunfeiyang!"

Exclaimed the warriors of the four-door family.


Yun Feiyang came out of the mountain forest, his whole body was splashed with rain, and the sword of the Hunyuan Qiankun behind him shook left and right.

Witnessed by the four-door family, he came out step by step under the heavy rain.

It's a pity that the warriors who came to kill him didn't appreciate it. It was determined that after Yun Feiyang came out, they cultivated behaviors one after another, and instantly formed a strong aura to isolate all rain drops.

"You guys."

Yun Feiyang gently raised his hand, grabbed the hilt of the Hunyuan Qiankun sword behind him, and grumbled: "Today, this is your burial place."


As soon as the words fell, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword was pulled out, and it was suddenly hacked out, turning into a strong sword spirit.

Quick shot.

Jian Qi is faster.

More than forty martial arts warriors from the Simen clan were overwhelmed when they felt the sword.

They realized in an instant that the power contained in this sword was totally beyond their ability.

"So strong!"

"Is this Wanlei Fairy?"

The appearance of a strong man in the late stage of the Ximen family was shocked, but he also sacrificed his own fairy-level sword, forming a sword spirit to welcome him.


The two swords collided with each other, the space shook slightly, and the violent swords flew wildly, causing the trees around them to instantly become powder.


In the late period of the Simon's fairy, he spurted blood immediately, his body receded wildly, his face pale and shocked.

Although successfully obstructed Yun Feiyang's sword spirit, he could clearly feel that the other party's sword spirit was completely in his own!

The immortals who have experienced thousands of thunders are understandable, but their comprehension of kendo is still so strong, which is terrible.

"Brush! Brush!"

At the time of the two men's confrontation, the two strong men from the north gate and the south gate attacked from the side. Their double fists condensed the power of terror, and there was nothing hidden at first glance.

Before going out, the head of the four-door family told everyone that once they met Yun Feiyang, they should be killed anyway, even if they came back with their bodies.


Yun Feiyang was not afraid. He held the Hunyuan Qiankun sword with one hand and cut out two Taiqing sword spirits.

"not good!"

The two strong men were startled and hurried away.

When they feel the sword spirit passing by contains the morality that is not weaker than themselves, and their expressions are all changed greatly.

After this guy has survived the Thousand Thunder Tribulation, his strength is not weaker than that of the late Fairy?


The two took a breath.

A warrior who has just entered the fairy level is so terrible, it is really terrible.

"You guys!"

The elders of the Nanmen family shouted: "I will join hands to kill this son to prevent future troubles!"

"it is good!"

The warriors of the other three families were in unison.

The four families are separated from each other, but they are also working together today.


When the eight immortals later martial arts shot together, Yun Feiyang did not contend with it and quickly fled into the mountain forest.

At this time, only fools have a hard time with them.


Naturally, the eight powerful men could not let Yun Feiyang escape, immediately cast his body and pursued toward the depths of the mountain forest, and more than forty immortals followed.

It's just that their level is a bit low, and they quickly separated from the family elders.


It was at this moment that thunder thundered again, briefly illuminating the dark mountain forest, and in a tree, showing Yunfei's gloomy face.

Forty cents were shocked.


Yun Feiyang jumped up and down, his hand mixed Yuan Kun sword crossed the void, and a powerful Taiqing sword burst into the air.

"Boom! Boom!"

The loud noise passed in the rain.

After the eight elders galloping ahead, their faces changed and hurriedly turned back.

When they returned to the area they had passed by, they saw the fairy warriors sent by the family, all fell to the ground, and they showed striking sword marks on their chests.


A warrior was still in despair, and said painfully: "Yes... it's Yunfeiyang..."

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