Super God

Chapter 1657: Sword Servant

Suddenly, the power erupting from above made Yun Feiyang's face change, and when he looked again, he saw a man stepping on a sword flying in the dark clouds.

That is the elder of the immortal spirit, with white hair fluttering, not arrogant, and radiating powerful power all over the body, which is enough to represent the immortal consummate strongman who is far stronger than the four elders!

His appearance made the pouring rain suddenly stop, and the surrounding air showed a strong killing air.

"call out!"

The elder Sword's sharp eyes locked the clouds flying in the mountains below, and with a single wave of his hand, the sword flew out like a violent sword.


Swords condensed in the strong wind.

Just blinking, the diffused sword intention quickly formed a flashing giant sword, stab from top to bottom.

Such an understatement of a waved hand, the condensed giant sword, the terrifying power carried by it, the process of falling, it has shaken the space barrier!

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang's face was solemn, and then he waved his hands, immediately withdrew the sword array, held the Hunyuan Qiankun sword in his hand, and suddenly lifted the sword and split it.

After the sword array was withdrawn, the seven elders who were seriously injured were relieved, and they fell to the ground one by one.

"Sword Servant!"

They saw the old man who stepped on the sword above the sky, and there was excitement all over his face.

The sword servant is a name, and it is also a strong man who is extremely proficient in kendo under the Hongwei immortal.

Although his realm is only at the level of the fairy perfection, his understanding of kendo has been infinitely close to the level of the little fairy king.


This sword servant has a strong understanding of kendo.

Yun Feiyang was so strong that even holding the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, he cut out a Taiqing sword spirit, and instantly felt that his sword intention was suppressed by the other party.


In the end, the huge sword gas that fell from the sky collided with the Taiqing sword, and smashed the latter instantly.

Only a huge disparity in strength can achieve this.


Yun Fei Yang stood on the spot, a spur of blood spurted out.

Taiqing Jianqi's overbearing cracking caused him to have different degrees of damage to the meridians.

At this time, Yun Feiyang can rely on the attributes of life to quickly recover, but he has no time to do it, because the huge sword energy is still cut down like a rainbow.


The pressure of the sword went down, and a powerful wave burst.

"Oh shit."

Yun Fei stood beneath, his eyes flashed with anger, and the black hair flying under the disturbance of the waves gradually became half golden and half purple.

This is the first time he has performed three changes of the God of War soul body in the real martial arts realm, and it is still a direct change.

It can be seen that the huge sword energy that fell down is so powerful that he has to let him use more hands to counter.


Yun Feiyang, who was surrounded by golden purple power, took a step forward. He clasped the Hunyuan Qiankun sword with both hands, shouted suddenly, and struck up hard.

"call out!"

A matchless sword gas burst out.

It was at this time that the flying swords scattered around all sides quickly moved closer together according to the intention of the sword and enveloped the sword gas to form a giant sword with a substantial form.



The surrounding space vibrated, the branches and stones scattered around floated up, and flew to the giant sword at a very fast speed, and around its body, the sword body continued to expand!


Witnessing this scene, the sword servants above the sky secretly wondered: "I didn't expect this child to realize that all things are swords."


The giant sword formed by flying swords, stones, and branches, carrying a horror sword, rushed from the bottom up.

The supreme sword spirit condensed by the sword servants fell from top to bottom.

From a distance, it seems that two roaring dragons are about to usher in a shocking collision.

The horror sword was intended to wander around, filled with sharp breath, which shocked the seven elders lying on the ground.

Although they were injured now, they always believed that Yun Feiyang could not rely on the sword formation, but he only knew that he was wrong after witnessing the sword meaning contained in the condensed giant sword.

I also understand why this person has experienced tremendous thunder.

Because it is so evil!

It is also normal for such terrible younger generations to be beheaded if they are not killed here today.

Seven old parents with four serious injuries are thinking in their hearts that the sword servant under the Immortal Emperor can kill this son with one sword, so as to eliminate the troubles forever!


It was at this time that the violent wind blew even more violently.

The two swords, one from the top and one from the bottom, are getting closer.


In the end, under the witness of the late seven immortals, the two sword spirits that existed like giant dragons slammed together.

The powerful sword intention reached the extreme at that moment, and shattered the space in the collision area!

In the real martial arts realm, the only thing that can cause the space to split and even fragment is the strong man above the fairy king level.

An immortal is perfect, and in the early stage of an immortal, such a supreme sword intent, but it can crack the space, it can be seen how terrible!



Rao is the seven elders who are far away. He is spitting blood after being affected by the sword.

At this moment, their injuries have increased, and they have completely lost the slightest fighting power. Only the half lying on the ground looking at the fighting area, caring about the sword servants can gain an absolute advantage.


When the sword intention weakened, the split space area was empty.

"Gaw! Gaw!"

Yun Feiyang exploded until he retreated to the back of Baizhangyuan before stabilizing his body. Then he held the sword with one hand and held the chest with a single hand, "wow".

His face was extremely pale and his meridians were severely damaged.

However, the sword and arrogance that enveloped the whole body still existed, and he gently raised his head and looked at the sword-staffing man with cold eyes.

Seven elders were overjoyed.

They can see that Yun Feiyang has been seriously injured.


Yun Feiyang was seriously injured.

Moreover, the 100-handed flying swords collected from under the world were all destroyed in the confrontation.

"Three thousand six hundred and seventy years."

The sword servant stepped in the air ~ ~ with his hands behind his back, said: "You are the first swordsman to receive my traceless sword spirit."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang smiled lightly even though he was disturbed by pain.

Sword Servant said: "Moreover, it is a descendant with only the realm reaching the early stage of the fairy, which makes the old age incredible."

"The sword is not the realm."

Yun Fei said: "It lies in the understanding of the sword."

"Not bad."

The sword servant agreed: "Young people, your understanding of kendo is far beyond the realm, and in time, it will definitely become a generation of kendo masters."

The seven elders were slightly stunned.

It is also very rare for this swordsman, who has always been reticent, to evaluate Yun Feiyang in this way.


The sword servant shook his head and said: "The old deceased was ordered by the immortal emperor, and it must be your life, so you are destined to be difficult to become a guru guru in this life."

Yun Feiyang said nothing, and Xiannian shrouded the surroundings, thinking about how to escape.

He knows that with his current understanding of kendo, even if there is a Hunyuan Qiankun sword, it is difficult to be an opponent of this person.


At this moment, it was poured down by the still heavy rain.

The sword servant gently waved his hand, wanting to condense the traceless sword qi again, but suddenly stopped, looking at the distant mountains and forests.

"Tap! Step! Step!"

The sound of footsteps came from a distance. A man dressed in black and wearing a hat and a sword in his hand came slowly. The dripping rain was deliberately avoided, and he did not splash half a drop on his body.

"When I first came to Zhenwu God Territory, when I met two people from the same path, I was also destined."

The man in black walked sideways.

The voice was cold, as if there was no emotion at all.


He stabilized his body, took off the hat that he carried on his head, and showed a cold face, looking at the hanging sword servant, and said lightly: "Northern Continent, be cold, please fight!"

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