Super God

Chapter 1667: Flying over the sea

In the sea of ​​Zhenwu Shenyu, there are extremely dangerous, not only unknown storms and ferocious sea beasts, but also a natural barrier.

This natural barrier exists above the sea, the purpose is to prevent the warrior from flying. They will appear in many forms, such as the misty minefield that Yun Feiyang now experiences.



The sound of the thunder struck the sea.


"That kid touched the natural barrier, I'm afraid it's going to be unlucky."

On the boat driving behind, many warriors looked at the mist-covered area, with a gloating smile on their faces.

They are not worried that the dense fog area is right in front of them, because the natural barrier is only aimed at the trigger, even if they drive in, they will not be affected by lightning.


"This mist shrouded half of the sky, and the power formed may also be extremely terrible. In my opinion, 80% of the consequences of the streamer's entry have fallen."

The crowd shook their heads one after another.

This year, someone foolishly drove the Flying Treasure across the sea, it was simply dying.

In fact, Yun Feiyang is not dead.

Rather, he didn’t know at all that there would be a natural barrier on the sea specifically for flying.

The concubine had just heard of it, but it had only been heard. If Yun Feiyang had just thought of it, she hadn't even thought about it.

"It's over, it's over."

Looking at the strong Rayman, passing by in front of the car, the concubine was like to cry without tears: "We all die in the natural barrier."

"You woman."

Yun Feiyang said silently: "Can you hope for something better."



It was at this time that the second wave of thunder and lightning crashed down, and the large number of them made the concubine look like a flower.

The thunder and lightning condensed in the mist is completely stronger than thunder.

Because the thunder and lightning formed during the cross-robbing is the condensing of heaven, and it is also aimed at the people who cross the robbery.

The thunder and lightning condensed in the mist is the power of heaven and earth, and each power is comparable to the strength of the fairy.


Although Thunder was better than Thunder Tribulation, Yun Feiyang smiled lightly.

"This guy……"

The concubine collapsed as if he saw him laughing.

Strangely, the panicked state of mind gradually subsided after seeing the man's smile, and at the same time raised an unprecedented sense of security.


Swallowing the white dragon roared, and pulled the colorful flowing cloud car again, shuttled through the thunder and lightning gap at a very fast speed.

It is worthy of the extremely rare fairy beast. Faced with this situation, it was not in trouble, and finally passed the clouds and water, and passed the second wave of thunder and lightning.


In the mist, Raymond coagulated again.

Yun Fei said: "Swallow all the dense fog here."

Swallowing the white dragon receives the master's instructions, his body instantly transforms into a complete form, expands to hundreds of feet, and then opens his mouth wide, forming a terrible suction.

"Oh my God!"

The concubine was shocked as if covering her mouth.

She only felt that this dragon beast was very special, but she didn't know that it would turn out so big!


The strong wind roared, driving the mist, turning it into drops of water, and flew into the white dragon's mouth.

As a fairy beast that can swallow the clouds and mist, the mist form formed by the natural barrier is undoubtedly delivering food to itself.


It was at this time that the third batch of Lehman came down.

Swallowing the white dragon while swallowing the mist, while turning his thick and long body, swimming in the thunder and lightning gap.

outside world.

Many ships have entered the foggy area.

Those falling lightnings, as if they had grown their eyes, avoided them deliberately.

I am sure that it will not affect myself. Many warriors on the ship are interested in enjoying the spectacular sight of Na Wanlei.


It didn't take long for them to discover.

The mist, which was still very rich, gradually became thinner.


Someone was shocked: "What is that!"

Everyone looked up and saw a long shadow appearing above.

At first the shadow was not obvious. As the mist gradually faded, it became more and more clear, and some details could be seen clearly.

Many warriors judged that the shadow was very long, like a snake, with four claws, and then saw the head clearly, judging that there were horns on the head and two whiskers.

"this is……"

Someone was shocked: "Dragon!?"

It was at this time that the fog faded again, the thick and long body gradually emerged, and the big guy clearly saw the flickering silvery scales.

"Oh my God!"

"Really dragon!"

Many warriors exclaimed.


Swallowing the white dragon ignored the exclamation of the warrior below, still absorbing the mist.

In the end, the mist covering dozens of miles was completely dissipated under the swallow of madness, and the blue sea and blue sky appeared.

The warrior standing on the deck also saw clearly that this majestic dragon beast dragged a treasure car, and through the window, clearly saw a man and a woman sitting inside.


Everyone took a breath.

Pulling a cart with dragon, the identity of the two people sitting inside is definitely not easy!

"Swallow the cloud."

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Let's go."

"Observe, master."

A thick voice came from the white dragon that swallowed the cloud, and the body shrank again to a certain extent, pulling the colorful streamer car, turning into a streamer and flying away into the distance.

Many warriors saw this, and then they realized that the streamer that had just flown from the sky was originally a dragon and a car. is deeply shocked.

The warrior who had been gloating over him had a strong pain in his face.

No wonder people dare to fly brightly, and they have such a powerful dragon and beast escort!


Yun Feiyang continued to hurry.

It didn't take long for me to encounter a natural barrier again. This time it wasn't the fog, but the storm and the waves.

"call out!"

Swallowing the white dragon ignores it and drives in the storm.

Natural barriers are used to prevent warriors from flying unscrupulously in the sea, but only against ordinary warriors.

I want Yunfei to fly this level, and have the late fairy fairy beast, except that the flight speed is slightly delayed, it will not cause any substantial damage.

This is not.

The next three days.

The colorful drifting car driving in the sea, experienced eight times of natural barriers, all of them passed by without fear.

"how about it?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Will you follow me to the Eastern Territory, is it a wise choice?"

The concubine seemed silent.

During this time, she witnessed too many thrilling pictures, her heart was completely shocked, and she could not describe it with words.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang jumped and plunged into the sea from the sky.

There are fierce beasts in the mountains and forests on the land, and in the vast sea, there are countless sea beasts.

Yun Feiyang must take advantage of the way to kill more advanced sea beasts to obtain crystal nuclei to condense the fairy stone, so as to strengthen the road tires in the space.

Don't say it.

Few warriors set foot in the sea, quasi-central perfection level, and even fairy-level sea beasts can be seen everywhere.

Within a few days, he had acquired many high-level crystal nuclei.

"You can try to condense the top grade immortal stone."

Yun Feiyang's soul was integrated into the ring of fortune, and he brought out a large number of high-quality crystal nuclei in reserve.

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