Super God

Chapter 1669: I want to admit

The mountain forest coverage of the Zhenwu God Territory is extremely high. Many warriors often appear and hunt down the internal beasts to earn crystal nuclei in exchange for fairy stones for cultivation.

Some people kill fierce beasts to obtain crystal nuclei, so there is the existence of thieves and bandits to steal the fruits of others' labor.

Suddenly appeared in front of Fei Wanru, more than 20 fierce warriors were thieves living in this area.

Unlike Fanchen and Xiaxia, their strength is very powerful, and the leader of the first thief has reached the level of Zhunxian Daquan, and all his men are in the mid-to-late period.

This quantity, this state.

If it appears in the world, it is definitely a destruction level.

After realizing that these people were thieves, the concubine frowned.

She took a step back subconsciously, but found that she was surrounded by them, and it was impossible to escape.


I'm so unlucky!

The first time theft was discovered by Xiang home.

I met another shameless person who followed me all the time and could not get rid of it.

Now that I have just arrived in the Eastern Territory and just entered the forest, I have encountered a group of powerful bandits.

The concubine was like a bitter heart.


The guy followed himself.

The concubine was like a joy in her heart and hurriedly looked back, but found that the shameless guy who had been following her had disappeared!

What about others?

After seeing so many bandits, did they slip away alone?

Think so far.

The concubine seemed to be ashamed.


The ugly thief leader laughed badly: "How about the little girl, go back with Lao Tzu to be a wife-pressing lady?"

Between the words, step by step, the eyes flickered and lascivious.

The concubine seemed to be scared and took a step back.

The men behind him moved forward, narrowing the distance she could retreat.

The bandit leader grinned: "Are you afraid of me?"

To be honest, this buddy looks ugly, fierce and evil, even a serious person, it is very difficult to seek a wife.

"Don't...don't come..."

The concubine said like a trembling voice.

Besieged by a group of thieves in this wild mountain and wild hills, she has realized that she is in a very dangerous situation, and quickly made a choice in her heart. The other party dares to mess up and commits suicide to keep innocent!


The leader of the thief laughed: "Laozi likes to look at women in panic. The more you are afraid, the more excited Laozi is!"


"It's really a metamorphosis."

Suddenly, there was a voice from the tree.

The leader of the bandits approaching step by step, the concubine who was frightened, and the gangsters were all startled.

When they looked up instinctively, they saw a handsome young man sitting on the tree. The man was resting on the branch with one leg, and his face was filled with a spring-like smile.


The concubine seemed to be overjoyed.

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

On the way to the Eastern Territory, I have been ignoring myself, and now when I am in danger, I call the son.

"Silly woman."

Yun Fei Yang said: "I warned you earlier, go the other way, but don't listen, but now you are in trouble."

The concubine seemed speechless.

It turned out that this guy let himself go the other way, and he had found thieves.

You don’t know, how can I know!

Although the concubine collapsed, she still behaved like a little woman, begging her eyes and saying, "Son, save me!"


Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "I only save people who are related to me, and always ignore the outsiders' business."


The concubine was speechless.

But then I thought about it, I can only rely on him at this dangerous moment, so Qiang Yan laughed and said: "You said, I am the destiny of your destiny."

"You admit it?"

Yun Fei said.

The concubine was like ten thousand people who didn't want to admit it. Until now, he could only hold a pink fist and said hardly: "I have recognized it!"


Yun Fei Yang fell beside her and smiled: "I want to admit, not admit."

The concubine just bowed her head and said, "I... I... admit it."


Yun Feiyang slapped on Fei Ruxiang's shoulder, took two steps forward, glanced at the bandits, and said, "Relax, no one can bully you with me."

This sentence was very warm, especially to give Fei Wanru's back a sense of security, which made her suddenly confused.


The leader of the thief laughed loudly, then gloomy eyes, said: "Boy, are you asking the hero to save the beauty?"

"something wrong?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.


The chief thief said: "In the early days of a little quasi-century, he dared to appear to be a hero, and he was really impatient."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and gently raised his hand: "I will give you a chance to hand over all the space rings on your body in three counts, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."


The leader of the thief smiled and said, "It's really interesting today, but I even encountered a dishmate who dared to rob Laozi!"


Yun Feiyang shouted for the first time.

The head of the thief was disdainful and his eyes were contempt.


A crowd of people fought and rubbed their hands. Someone showed their weapons and exuded a faint murderous opportunity.


Yun Fei said.

"Little ones."

The leader of the thief waved his hand and said, "Give me this kid..."


There was a loud noise, and the sound shook the mountains.

The concubine standing in the back seemed to hide his mouth, his beautiful eyes flashing in disbelief.

Yun Feiyang, who had kept a certain distance from the leader of the bandit, was already standing in front of the other party. His fist passed directly through his chest, and blood was spilled on the ground.


Under heavy!

After feeling the pain from his body, the smiling face of the thief's leader suddenly twisted.


In the mountains and forests, the screams of pain are passed, making people creepy.

The gangsters who were ready to start were stunned one by one, completely ignoring the screams of the gangster leaders.

Boss, a strong man with a quasi-central perfection level, was pierced in the chest by a weak boy, and he could not imagine it!


The bandits who licked the blood suddenly thought that this child is by no means a quasi- fairy, absolutely a fairy!


No matter in the world or in the world, Yun Feiyang has encountered bandits, and the results are all anti-robbery.

When I first arrived in Eastern Territory this time, the group of thieves that appeared also could not escape the fate of being robbed. They fell to the ground one by one in pain and the space rings on their bodies were scavenged away.

Yun Feiyang and his concubine had just left.

"Big...Big Brother..."

A man covered his chest and came to the head of the bandit who was lying on the ground and was pierced through the right chest. The head of the bandit was pale, but because he was not injured, he was not in danger of life for the time being.

"But... hateful..."

The leader of the thief was weak and angry after taking an inferior healing medicine: "Through...notify the master, don't...don't let the kid run..."

The order was made, and the candle-like thing was taken out of his arms.


He patted the incense candle, and a stream of light flew towards the sky, bursting after reaching the highest point, and flashing multicolored lights.

The thing the thief took, called help for help, was released by the driver, and the streamer formed could be clearly seen by the warriors within tens of thousands of miles.


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