Super God

Chapter 1708: ruins

Yun Fei was running wildly, feeling a burst of explosive force rushing in, and his heart suddenly rose badly.


It was at this time that the violent storm formed by the wings of the dragon, eagle and beast had swept through, giving him no chance to escape.

"Oh shit!"

Yun Feiyang scolded, and the flame armor appeared instantly. With the blessing of the three flames, the strongest defense was formed!


A loud noise came and the space shattered.

Bai Ze, who tried to stop the dragon eagle beast, saw a blast and sighed at the fellow.

He was clearly reminded why he left here, why he rushed in, and rushed into the realm of dragon, eagle and beast. Isn't this looking for death?


Suddenly, Bai Ze's huge eyes flashed stunned.

Because in the explosion area, a streamer flew out very quickly, and it was a fellow from the same place!

"He didn't die?"

Bai Ze was shocked.

The dragon and eagle beast that revealed terror and majesty were dumbfounded.

His own strength is already comparable to the top little fairy king of mankind. Although the condensed romance has only 50% strength, it is enough to kill any fairy warrior.

Only the little guy in the middle age, how could it be safe!


Yun Feiyang burst out and landed on the ground.

He didn't stay at all, sprinting into the depths of the forest with great speed, the flame armor on his body gradually fell off, and vanished nothingness.

The quasi-central treasures exchanged from the Gongxun Pavilion, resisted the 50% strength of the dragon and eagle beast and finally shattered, and at the end of life, they still helped the master to remove a lot of power.

Otherwise, Yun Feiyang would use pure flesh to contend, and after being bombarded by the current, he would be seriously injured and even die on the spot!


The armor shattered, making Yun Feiyang angry.

But at this time, he could only press down, keeping his mind absolutely calm and rushing forward.


The dragon eagle beast roared, and fluttered its wings again to form a strong mage, but before it rang out, he saw Bai Ze standing in front of him and said coldly: "Your opponent is me!"


"Boom! Boom!"

The two fairy beasts fought again, and the power of terror continued to rumble, shattering the rocks and shattering the trees.

Taking advantage of the gap between them, Yunfei Yang ran all the way, completely ignoring the damaged meridians.


Tongtian Snake swims out of the cuff, sniffing the breath in the air and saying, "It's coming!"

This is coming, not fast.

Because, Yun Feiyang ran for more than half an hour and ran for dozens of miles before coming to a fairly spacious area.


He stopped abruptly, his eyes stunned.

Directly in front is a low-lying valley with a huge circle, surrounded by lake water on the edge, and a piece of land protruding from the middle area.

On the land, an ancient building covered with moss appears in front of you. The desolate breath is condensed in the sky, giving people the feeling of being like abandoned civilization ruins.

In the deepest part of this untouched primitive mountain forest, such a strange ruin suddenly appeared, which really made Yun Feiyang very surprised.

"Master's breath is just below!"

The sky snakes.


Yun Feiyang jumped forward and fell towards the depression.

When he came to the edge of the lake, he saw the surface of the water and brushed out several fish and beasts with teeth!


Yun Feiyang waved with one hand, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword appeared, and quickly cut out several Taiqing sword qi!

"Boom! Boom!"

Half-size fish and beasts exploded.

Yun Feiyang breathed a sigh of relief, then jumped with his sword and flew towards the central area of ​​the valley.



Blisters rolled over the lake, and fierce fish and beasts flew up.


Yun Feiyang waved his long sword, and his sword gas exploded, killing fish and beasts who were not too strong.


Eventually, he landed on the land carrying the ancient ruins. The fish and beasts in the lake suddenly stopped, and everything became very quiet.

Yun Feiyang held the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and moved forward step by step. The whole person was in high alert.

God knows.

In the desolate ruins in front of you, is there a powerful fierce beast hidden?


Yun Feiyang took a few steps and felt as if he had passed through some kind of streamer enchantment.

"Is there a formation enchantment here?"

He retreated immediately, but was bounced back by some force, and the streamer visible to the naked eye appeared blurred.

The streamer has a semi-circular shape, like a big bowl with an upside down, which just covers Yun Feiyang and the ruins together.


At the same time, at the center of the enchantment, a dazzling beam of light flew towards the sky.


Yun Feiyang frowned.

The light seems to go straight into the sky, and it will inevitably attract the attention of the martial artists of the Eastern Region.

Not bad.

Soaring into the sky, the warriors in the Eastern Region were clearly witnessed.



In the Liuli Emperor City in the small center, many top strongmen flew out and headed towards the streamer.

Their eyes sparkled with excitement and excitement.


A fairy king laughed and said: "Bai Mang Guan Sun, the birth of the treasure, this legend turned out to be true!"

Tens of thousands of years ago.

There is a bizarre stranger in the Eastern Territory called Shoubu Lei. It has been estimated that after a while, Baimang will pass through the small central direction, and then there will be a treasure!

The warrior at the time was looking forward to it.

Waiting hard, I never saw Bai Mangguan.

Over time, many martial arts believe that even if this calculation is not missed, it may be the only thing wrong in life.

However, who ever thought that today, tens of thousands of years later, Bai Mangguan really appeared!

The legend is deeply rooted in people's hearts, so when Bai Mang appeared, the strong men in the small central government dispatched to the ruins where Yun Feiyang was located as quickly as possible.

Inside the Emperor Liuli Palace.

The majestic and imposing Emperor Liuli stood on the throne and murmured: "This day is still here."


After Bai Mangguan appeared.

The closest, the two fairy beasts fighting are stopped.


Bai Ze said in surprise: "That little guy, broke into the forbidden place?"

"It must be!"

The dragon eagle beast is not good.

Two fairy beasts live here, naturally know the ruins, but there are enchantments around the protection, never entered.

"Baimang runs through the sun and the treasure is born."

Bai Zedao: "This ancient legend actually exists."


The dragon eagle beast snarled, waved its wings, and flew deep into the forest at the other end.

Bai Ze also seems to be aware of what dragged his body and disappeared into the forest.

Not long after the two beasts left, many strong men from Liuli Emperor City flew by and drove towards the area where Bai Mang appeared.

No wonder Bai Ze and the Dragon Eagle Beast will slip away, because the several strong men who came have their strengths are all big fairy kings!



In a few breaths, the five great fairy kings came to the valley covered by the lake and stopped outside the boundary of the Baimang sky. When they saw the ruins inside, their eyes were hot.

"If you are in this group, you will not be too old."

The desolate sound resounded through the sky.

After hearing the voices, several big fairy kings were horrified and said: "Broken ancient fairy emperor!"

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