Super God

Chapter 1726: I disagree

Qi Weiwu's hatred for Yun Feiyang was very strong, because Mu Shengnan was knocked down by this guy in front of him.

As a big family heir, he has a strong self-esteem, especially in front of women.

Therefore, this guy was caught today, and naturally he must use the most cruel means to torture him, so that he can vent his hatred.

"If today it is better to die than tormenting the life of this person, others think my family is bullying."

Qi Jiaqiang, who called the third uncle, came over and exuded a yin and evil breath in his palm.

He said that in a loud voice, apparently talking to the lively warriors to let them know that the Qi family cannot exist.

"Don't mess up!"

Yun Feiyang took a step back.

The panic and fear that appeared in his eyes proved what superb acting is!

Qi Weiwu smiled.

The more fearful the guy is, the cooler he is.


Qi Jiaqiang, who called the third uncle, stopped in front of Yun Feiyang, and his palm, which contained Yin and evil breath, lifted gently.


Breath broke out and diffused outward.

After seeing the breath, many warriors who watched the excitement shuddered involuntarily.

"It's Yin Dafa!"

"I heard that this is a very rare soul martial art!"

"That kid is going to be miserable."

Everyone whispered.

Even, it has begun to imagine the picture of Yun Feiyang being abused by Qi Jiawu.



The yin and evil spirits continued to spread, and the palms of Qi Jiaqiang slowly came closer again.

The panic in Yun Fei's eyes had reached its extreme, and he shivered: "Don't... don't mess up."

This performance is normal.

Because, the outburst of evil spirit can easily make the warrior's spirit collapse.

But who would have thought that Yun Dache is nothing more than a performer, and that he possesses various attributes such as demons, and naturally has no fear of evil spirits.


Qi Jiaqiang said eeriely: "Slowly enjoy the thrill of life and death."


The speed of the palms accelerated, grabbing Yunfei's shoulders.

Oh shit.

I really thought I was so bully?

Yun Feiyang glanced at the killer in his eyes, and was about to hold his opponent with his backhand, but he heard a voice from a distance: "Stop!"


Qi Jiaqiang stopped.

Yun Feiyang, who was preparing to fight back, also dispelled his thoughts.

Looking at the direction from the voice, he saw Mu Shengnan walked out and said in a cold voice: "This man is my general who embroidered from the Wangcheng. Your Qi family should not deceive people too much."

"This woman."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and smiled.

I had previously told myself not to reveal my identity, but why did I say it first? Isn't it afraid that I will cause trouble to Xiulili Wangcheng?

Mu Shengnan is of course afraid of causing trouble to his father, but it is also difficult to watch Zhen Deshuai, tortured to death by Yin Fa Dafa.

After all, if it were not for him to appear deep in the mountains in time, he would have fallen.

Qi Weiwu said angrily: "This guy is a general embroidered away from the king city?"

At first, he believed that Yun Feiyang and Mu Shengnan didn't know each other, but only occasionally passed by, and he took a bad look when he was unhappy.

"Girl Mu."

Uncle Qi San coldly said: "Since this person is a general who embroidered you away from the king city, he started to fight Weiwu, presumably you gave your advice?"

"Not bad."

Mu Shengnan walked between his speeches and pulled Yun Feiyang away, blocking him behind.


Yun Feiyang whispered: "Are you crazy?"

Hearing this sentence, Mu Shengnan could not wait to kick this guy out.

She whispered: "If you listen to me at first and leave quietly, how can you be caught by others, and how can I risk the enmity with the Qi family to protect you."

"I also said, I won't be okay."

Yun Feiyang preached.

Mu Shengnan wanted to scream, to vent his depression.

Because, he found that this man hasn't realized that his situation is dangerous until now.

"Girl Mu."

Qi Sanshu's face was dark: "Who are you deceiving?"


Many warriors who watched the excitement got excited.

Mu Shengnan's sudden appearance made them realize that Qili's Wangcheng and Qicheng's Qi's family might complain.

If this is the case, something more exciting will happen in the future.


Mu Shengnan said lightly: "Who let Qi Weiwu keep entangle me."

She wants to take things to herself, because the Qi family will not embarrass herself even if it is rampant.

Hearing this, many people who eat melon understand the general idea.

The cause of the incident should be this. Qi Weiwu has always admired Mu Shengnan and struggled with it. The latter could not bear it, and he ordered his generals, who were embroidered away from the king city, to abuse the Qi family.

In the final analysis, this was a matter between Mu Shengnan and Qi Weiwu, and the general was nothing more than an order.

The big guy has a good brain.

But in fact, Yun Feiyang abused Qi Weiwu completely because he was unhappy, not because Mu Shengnan ordered it.

"Miss Mu, no matter what the reason is, if you order your men to hurt my Qi family, it is your fault." Qi Sanshu said.

Mu Shengnan pouted and said, "The order is from me. If you want to get started, come to the girl."

At this point, she could only do her best to protect Yun Feiyang.

Uncle Qi San said with a smile: "Miss Mu, in fact this is not a big deal, my Qi family will not care at all."

When Mu Shengnan was stunned, he did not expect the Qi family to talk so well. He knew he should have appeared early in the city.

"How about this."

Qi Sanshu said: "Hand over this murderer who hurt my Qi family's lineage, Quan has never happened."

After all, the emperor who embroidered the king city is a big fairy king, and the Qi family is not easy to tear the face, but the face can not be lost, so the murderer must be solved.


Mu Shengnan said: "He is the general I embroidered from the king city, no one can move."

"Girl Mu."

Uncle Qi San frowned: "You are so difficult for my Qi family."

Mu Shengnan said: "I took out ten immortal stones, and Quan Dang paid Qi Weiwu no more."

"Mu Shengnan!"

Qi Weiwu said angrily: "Are you thinking less and lacking ten fairy stones!"

He is not lacking.

He is going to kill Yun Feiyang to recover his lost dignity.


Uncle Qi San frowned: "Put your temper away and talk to Mu Mu."

"Three uncles..."

Qi Weiwu wanted to speak, but when he saw the third uncle's eyes were different, he shut up and chose to be silent.

"Girl Mu."

Qi Sanshu turned his head and said with a smile: "Xianshi will be waived. It is better to do this. A few days later, the hunting competition held by the academy, you and the Wei Wu team together."


Yun Feiyang twitched his This guy was giving Qi Weiwu the chance to get in touch with Mu Shengnan.

It seems that the Qi family not only did not dare to offend the emperor from the city too much, but also wanted to match up his family to become the master-in-law of Mucheng.


Mu Shengnan hesitated.

Qi Sanshu said: "Miss Mu, this is the biggest concession of my Qi family."


Mu Shengnan agreed to come down.

As long as he can keep his own general, even if he hates Qi Weiwu, he can only agree.


However, Yun Feiyang said: "I disagree."

(End of this chapter)

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