Super God

Chapter 1738: West Huaicheng

?? After returning to Guanfeng City, Yun Feiyang rarely indulged himself. In addition to condensing the Immortal Stone in the Ring of Cultivation, he drank with Cui Xingtan and Liu Sihai every night.

of course.

He will not forget the king shopkeeper of Hengtong.

From time to time, I talked to it, and at the same time, I exchanged a lot of inferior immortal stones for the daily operation of the business.

Ten days later.

Yun Feiyang got up early and just walked to the main hall of the hospital, and saw that Bai Liyan was thinking about something at the counter.

The woman has developed a habit of getting up just after dawn, and then counting the accounts and allocating the list of medicines that need to be purchased.

"Just let the little things deal with the things in the store. Hurry up and prepare, and we set off for Xihuai City."

Yun Feiyang walked.

Guanfeng City and Xihuai City are far apart, and you must rush ahead in advance.

Bai Liyan closed the account book and walked out of the counter and said, "Sir, I have prepared it. Let's go now."

Yun Feiyang looked at her up and down and said, "Would you like to wear this outfit?"

"Can't it?"

Bai Liyan said blankly.

She is wearing a cyan long dress, although it is very matching, but from the fabric point of view is relatively ordinary.


Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "Go, I will accompany you to buy some decent clothes."


Bai Liyan followed him and left the hospital.

The two visited several clothing stores one after another, and Yun Feiyang selected several expensive clothes for them.

People rely on clothing, while horses rely on saddles.

Bai Liyan put on a new set of clothes with excellent workmanship and fabrics, and the whole person suddenly restored the temperament of the former Miss Family.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang said with satisfaction: "This is my person."

Bai Liyan bowed her head shyly.


Yun Feiyang said: "Let's go to Liucheng Lord and go to Xihuaicheng."


The sky.

The colorful flowing cloud car was driven by the swallowing white dragon, and inside it was Yun Feiyang and the beautiful Liyan.

As for Liu Sihai, he sat in the car like a groom.

no way.

The colorful flow cloud car of Yun Da cheap **** only allows women to sit in, even the little fairy king can only squat on the outside car board.

of course.

Even if you can sit, Liu Sihai will not go in.

Because he guessed that Yun Feiyang and Bailiyan had an unusual relationship, and it was definitely inappropriate for them to go in.


Located in the extreme west, Xihuai City is the second largest city in the southwest region, and its scale is slightly better than that of Guanfeng City.

The master who controlled the king city was named Si Qingyuan, the realm was a small fairy king, and his strength was also stronger than that of Liu Sihai.

When Yun Feiyang arrived, a lot of powerful kings of the Xianwang region entered the Xihuai City one after another, among them Maru and Mo Xingzhi.

For a time.

Five fairy kings appeared in Xihuai City.

Immortal king-level powerhouses have always seen the **** dragon and never saw the end. Today there are so many sudden appearances, which must have caused the shock of the martial artists in the city.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a rainbow of light flew from a distance and fluttered lightly on the streets of the city.

When the light was gone, an imposing old man stepped forward, and his whole body exuded a little coercion.

"Oh my God!"

"An additional fairy king is here!"

The warrior in the city was shocked again.

Ma Ru stopped in front of the city's main palace and looked at the fairy king who just arrived and smiled and said: "Lao Li, I haven't seen you in years.

They are all powerful in the Southwest, and they are naturally familiar.

Mr. Li said with a smile: "The old man heard that a treasure was born not long ago, and he hurried over, but was picked up by a young man."


Ma Ru shook his head and said: "Don't mention it."

Natural vision, the treasure is born.

Not only did he and many fairy kings not grab it, he didn't even know what treasure it was.

"I still heard."

Li Lao Gui continued: "The young man who took away the treasure, later experienced a tremendous thunder."

"Not bad."

Ma Rudao: "It does happen."

The fairy kings in the Southwest Territories now know that it is Baili Feiyang that robbed the treasures, and the true identity of this Baili Feiyang is Yun Feiyang from under the world.


Lao Li sighed: "It's a pity that the old man has been closed for hundreds of years and has not witnessed such a miracle."

Ma Ru said with a smile: "It's a loss that you didn't see, otherwise, you will be shocked for a long time and you will never forget it."

In the scene of Yun Fei Yangdu Tribulation, he and many fairy kings witnessed it. Although it has been a long time, but when I think about it, I still feel shocked in my heart.


Li Lao Gui said: "Why did the Sicheng Lord hold the fairy king meeting this time?"

"Not clear."

Maru shook his head.

It was at this moment that Mo Xingzhi came over, he said lightly: "I heard that Si Qingyuan has been holding a meeting of the fairy kings against Liu Sihai recently, I am afraid it is also ulterior motive."

Mr. Li said with a smile: "In this way, this fairy king meeting should be very interesting."

Several people said while walking, and soon came to the gate of the city's main palace. When they were about to enter, they looked startled, and turned their heads to look at the sky beyond.


A gurgling breath roared, lingering like clouds.


The fairy kings who entered the city's palace in advance seemed to perceive something, and they all went out to look at the sky beyond.

"what happened?"

"What are the fairy kings watching?"

The warriors in the city saw Maru and others looking at one Although they were puzzled in their hearts, they still followed instinctively.

It's okay not to watch, and almost intimidated at first sight.

Because, in the sky, the cloud and mist seemed to be stirred by a certain force, and a big head gradually appeared, with a long horn on the top of the head, and two beards floating.

"Swallow the white dragon!"

Ma Ru and other fairy kings were well-informed and immediately judged, with shock on their faces.

The warriors in the city have never heard of it, so when they saw the dragon head appear, they exclaimed in unison: "This is... dragon!"

It was at this moment that the clouds on the sky dissipated.

The long body of the swallowing white dragon appears, and the silver-white scale armor flashes dazzlingly in the sun.


A dragon yell sounded and shocked the world.

When the warriors in Xihuai City heard the sound of Long Yin, the blood suddenly boiled, and it was almost difficult to suppress and squirted out of the mouth.

Ma Ru and others were not disturbed by the sound of Long Yin, but the expression on their faces was very dignified, because they saw a treasure car shrouded in colorful flowing clouds at the dragon's tail.

The fairy beast swallowed the cloud and the white dragon actually pulled a car, and the person sitting inside must have an unusual identity.


The white dragon swallowed down slowly, and did not stop on the street, but hung above the wall just above the city wall.

The warriors in the city also saw the treasure car. When they saw the beautifully dressed women sitting in the car, they looked dull.

"The eldest lady of the Baili family!"

The Baili family is also a famous family in Xihuai City, and the martial artists in the city naturally remember Bailiyan.

"They haven't forgotten you."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Bai Liyan didn't say a word, her eyes filled with strong hatred, came to her hometown, reminded her of the scene that night the family was destroyed.

"Si Qingyuan!"

Suddenly, Yun Feiyang sneered, "Get out of here!"

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