Super God

Chapter 1755: Reunion

Qin Yi, who came from the ethereal world, directly entered Flying God Realm without participating in the assessment.

If anyone knows, it will be very envious, after all, it is guaranteed by the **** Lord Yun Feiyang personally!

"Thank you benefactor!"

Qin Yi was overjoyed and thanked quickly.

Yun Feiyang waved his hand and helped him up: "Little guy, don't be too happy. If you can't break through to a higher level in a short time, you will be evicted."

"I will become stronger!"

Qin Yi clenched his fists in both hands, his eyes fixed firmly.

It was this look that Yun Feiyang decided to send the little guy into Flying God Realm.



Suddenly, a stream of light flew through the sky and flew through the sky.

Yun Feiyang gently raised his head, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Feiyang!"


Luo Mu, Shen Qing and others flew over ecstatically.

After Yun Feiyang appeared on the Sand Continent, they immediately felt the long-lost breath.


Luo Mu fell first, his eyes wet.

Yun Feiyang grinned: "I haven't seen you in a few years, isn't it so exciting?"

"Oh shit."

Luo Mu rubbed his eyes and said, "He Qi, the dust here is too big for you to go into Laozi's eyes."


He Qi's mouth twitched.

"Brush! Brush!"

It was at this time that Yunli and Shen Qing also fell down, one by one excited.

Seeing the long-lost brothers again, Yun Feiyang was also very happy. The feeling of loneliness in the domain completely dissipated.



In the flying God Realm, roar came.



The behemoths flew out from different directions and headed towards the sky.

Among them are the white tiger, the fire thunder dragon king, the water unicorn, the Kunpeng, the hydra, and other different beasts.

They hang in the sky, revealing a terrifying atmosphere of fear.

"what's the situation?"

"How come all the gods and beasts of the town have come out?"

Before Yun Feiyang left, he sealed his contract beast as the mythical beast of the town. He rarely appeared in the world on weekdays. The collective dispatch today will definitely shock the martial arts in the world.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Several streamers flew from the outside and stopped in front of the gods and beasts. After the light dispersed, a heroic white man stood in a standing motion.

After seeing the man clearly, the warriors flying God Realm looked dull, and then shouted in unison: "It's God Lord!"

"the host!"

Fire Thunder Dragon King and other beasts shouted excitedly.

Yun Feiyang stood between the heavens and looked at his contract beast with a smile on his face.


Iron Bone City.

In the worship of millions of residents, Yun Feiyang slowly fell.


Just stabilizing his body, Chen Chen threw himself over.

As a nine-tailed sky fox, she is still in the form of loli, as if she will never grow up.


Chen Chen was lying in Yun Feiyang's arms, tears falling like rain, sobbing: "Ah, I miss you so much... I still dream about you in my dreams..."

"I miss you too."

Yun Feiyang whispered.

He said, looking up at the gate of the main palace, he saw Lin Zhixi standing there quietly.

This woman, still like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks, has no expression on her beautiful face.

Chenchen withdrew his body consciously and left with tears.

Yun Feiyang stood outside the city's main palace, Lin Zhixi stood inside the city's main palace.

The two were less than ten feet apart. They looked at each other without talking, and the air seemed to freeze.

"came back?"

Slightly, Lin Zhixi spoke first.

Although there are only three simple words, they express a deep emotion.

If you change to Mu Ying, Liang Yin and other women, after many years, see Yun Feiyang again, it must be difficult to control your emotions.

But Lin Zhixi's mood is very stable, because of her character, she decides that no matter what happens, it will be well controlled.

Yunfei stepped forward, entered the city's main palace, hugged her in his arms, and said softly, "I'm back."

"Are there any flowers on the outside?"

Lin Zhixi Road.


Yun Fei was full of confidence.

"is it?"

Lin Zhixi expressed doubts.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Do you just distrust your man?"


Lin Zhixi straightly said.


Yun Fei twitched the corner of his mouth, embarrassingly said: "Let's talk about it in the house."

Lin Zhixi withdrew his body and said, "You should be hungry. I will order the next person to prepare something for you."

After finishing speaking, leave on his own.

Yun Feiyang was not hungry, but did not stop Lin Zhixi, because he knew that she left on purpose.

"Brother Yun..."

The sound came from the side.

Yun Feiyang turned and saw Mu Ying standing in the corridor, tears dripping down her cheeks.

She has long been here.

It wasn't until Lin Zhixi left that he dared to shout, and he dared not release that emotion.

Yun Feiyang stepped forward and gently wiped the tears off Mu Ying's cheek, laughing: "Silly girl, I am back, I should be happy."

Mu Ying struggled to control his emotions and smiled: "Brother Yun, I am very happy now."

Yun Feiyang smiled and looked at the pavilion on the left, where Liang Yin in a red dress stood.


He shouted: "Why didn't you cry."

Liang Yin glared at him and said, "You are not dead, why should I cry."


Yun Feiyang laughed.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, carrying a strange smell.


Yunfei Yang suddenly fell to the ground.


Seeing this, Mu Ying squatted down quickly, panicked and said, "Brother Yun, what's wrong with you!"

Ling Sha Luo came out of the dark and said with a lip: "Ying Ying, don't worry, I can't poison him with this poison, it must be pretending to be dead again."


Suddenly, Yunfei stood up and appeared in front of Ling Sha Luo, grinning; "Knowing that poison won't pour me, is it still poisoned?"

Ling Sha Luo smiled and said: "Even if the poison doesn't fall, you should try it."

After finishing speaking, turned away.

As soon as Ling Sha Luo left, Liang Yin and Mu Ying also left.

Yun Da cheap **** stood in the house, a breeze blowing, the whole person suddenly seemed lonely.

This loneliness lasted until the night came.

Especially at the banquet, Lin Zhixi, Mu Ying and other women gathered together and whispered with each other, completely leaving him aside.

Yun Feiyang said silently: "Are you guys colluding well and deliberately ignoring me?"


Mu Ying smiled and said: "Brother Yun, you eat food."

However, When Da Yun Yun just picked up the chopsticks, Liu Rou put down the tableware and smiled, "I'm full and I'll go back first."

"I'm full too."

Liang Yin also left.

After a while, the women left one after another, leaving only Yun Feiyang and Lin Zhixi.


Yun Feiyang put down the chopsticks and shook his head: "They must have deliberately."

Lin Zhixi said: "Are you coming back this time, are you going to take us to Zhenwu God Territory?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

Lin Zhixi said: "You can go, but before that, you need to do one thing."

"what's up?"

"Give them a place."

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