Super God

Chapter 1787: Anger, anger!

Emperor Zhentian was left by Yun Feiyang's father. Although it is now deserted and it is extremely difficult to reshape the former glory, he will never let others **** it.

Therefore, the perpetrators, kill without amnesty!

Yun Fei raised his sword, his eyes flashed coldly, and his whole body exuded a horrible sword.

The warriors who withdrew in advance felt the aura, and they were all in awe.

However, many homeowners witnessed their own lineage being beheaded, but their eyes flashed with anger, completely ignoring Yun Feiyang's killing.


Dozens of heirs from a certain family rushed over. They wanted to avenge the dead clan, and they didn't care to go together!

Yun Feiyang stood on the spot, his mouth raised with disdain, and then his wrist waved, a sword light flashed.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Sword shadows flew away, the sword intention condensed in the air skyrocketed, and in a few moments, dozens of descendants rushed to stand on the spot.

"Quick sword!"

The strong man in the distance exclaimed.

Although they didn't clearly capture Yun Fei's movement, he could feel that at least dozens of sword qi flew out in a moment.

Kendo pays attention to fast and unbreakable, and gathers dozens of sword qi in the blink of an eye. This is already very strong in the real martial arts domain.



It was at this time that dozens of standing martial arts soldiers stood still, their heads flew away from their bodies, and blood spewed out.

They interpreted Yun Feiyang's sentence with their lives-those who committed my imperial city, there was no pardon.


Seeing dozens of descendants of his own family descend, the eyes of the Song family's head flashed in anger.


He took a step, the peak-level little fairy king's strength broke out, and his double fists slammed in the void, forming two pairs of heavy punches!


The wind screamed and swept through.

Yun Feiyang is in danger, not to be chaotic, his toes are lighter, and the whole person recedes towards the back like fallen leaves.


The two main punches of the Song family's masters passed past him, slammed into the heavenly seal array, and gradually disappeared.

Before it was changed, anyone who touched the Heavenly Dao Seal Array would certainly bear the power of terror and counterattack. Now the Tianwei in the formation is seriously weakened, but it has only defensive effects.


Liu Jiazhu and others were overjoyed.

They were a bit worried at first, but when they saw a parent slamming into the seal formation, they were safe and sound, and the concerns in their minds were immediately dispelled.


Yun Feiyang, who held his body, shook his head and said: "With your strength, you want to occupy Zhentian Emperor City, which is really a fool's dream."

"Damn fellow!"

The head of the Song family was furious.

The people of their tribe are also angry, and they wish to cut Yun Feiyang's chaotic sword into meat sauce.


Yun Feiyang raised her eyebrows and said, "Say you are rubbish, are you not convinced?"


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Someone who is said to be **** and has a little temper will never take it.


The exasperated Song family owner said angrily: "Today, this family mainly lets you understand that even as a son of the immortal emperor, you should not be too arrogant in the domain!"


The words just fell, and fist came.

The housekeeper once again exerted his famous martial arts, condensing two pairs of powerful double fists.

In terms of strength, Yun Feiyang is temporarily unable to contend with the pinnacle little fairy king, but he can also easily escape by relying on the sky.


He stood upright, avoided the bombardment again, stabilized his body and laughed: "In my opinion, you are just a garbage that only uses brute force."

After all, look at Liu Family Master and others and say, "You too."

The four characters are exported one by one, and the heads of the major families and their family members are all angry.

"Just die!"

The lively warriors were speechless.

However, they did not know that when many homeowners and their heirs were raging in the sky, Yun Fei raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

At that moment, no one realized that a whiff of invisible breath came from all directions and merged into his body, slowly increasing his strength.

When embroidering Wangcheng to participate in the martial arts meeting, Yun Feiyang stole a special mental method called Zun Wei from Zong Weilun's knowledge of the sea.

The principle of this mind method is to ingest anger from the body of the angry warrior, so as to enhance his own strength.

Yun Feiyang has not forgotten the practice of anger determination. Today, he has already realized Dacheng.

In the face of strong enemies, he did not show it. Because the anger intake of a single person, the amplification effect is not as good as the three changes of the God of War soul.

Today, there are a total of 50,000 or 60,000 martial arts warriors in the family. If they all provoke their anger, the energy formed is immeasurable!


The anger, which was invisible to the naked eye, sprang wildly from the family warriors, and when they merged into Yunfeiyang, they suddenly turned into a pure power.

"not enough."

"You have to make them more angry!"

Yun Feiyang gently raised his sword, very beating, "I'm in a hurry, you group of garbage, just go together."

A little fairy king, acting so arrogantly, the anger of Liu Family Master and others was inevitably mobilized instantly.

However, the more angry they were, the stronger the anger they had ingested.

"very good!"

Yun Fei's eyes flashed and shiny.

At that moment, under the blessing of anger, he felt his power increase was extremely significant!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the God of War spirits are used to change, it is far from the extent of the current increase in power.


Song Family Master raised his fist again and burst into anger: "Sure to die!"

He was so angry that the speed and strength of his third shot were higher than before, and he obviously did not intend to give the opponent any chance to escape.


Yun Feiyang, who gathered a lot of anger and made the strength increase rapidly, will not.

Just looking at him recalling the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, taking one step, double fists directly greeted him!

When everyone saw it, they shook their heads.

The martial arts performed by the Song family is the supreme King Kong fist of the fairy king level. It is characterized by strong strength and strong force. That Yunfei Yang dares to fight hard, and the result is definitely...


When thinking, the sound of collision came.

"Kaka Kaka!"

A huge force broke out, causing the surrounding space to shatter.

The two people who fought against each other are immortal kings, and the destructive power they produce must be terrifying.

"Oh, uh!"

The Song family master retreated until he withdrew dozens of feet before stabilizing his body, his face slightly twisted, and his fists shook slightly.

Yun Feiyang also stepped back more than ten steps, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was nothing wrong.


Many warriors were dumbfounded.

They can see that this time the two confronted each other, and the Song family fell completely into the disadvantage!

"Don't he just break through to the fairy king, how could there be such a strong power?" a strong man exclaimed.

Yun Feiyang broke through the Immortal King at the Soul Soul Platform, and it was widely circulated in the region. Many martial arts knew it naturally, so when he saw him competing with the Song family master, he gained the upper hand and suddenly lost his mind.

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