Super God

Chapter 1793: Wandering

It can be seen from the mouth of the official blog that he is extremely optimistic about Yun Feiyang.

This is also normal. After all, his father Zhen Tianxian Emperor has fallen, and the North Central Territory is also under the control of the four kings.

As a businessman, if you have to choose between Yun Feiyang and Hongwei Immortal Emperor, you will definitely choose the latter.

of course.

This is just the attitude of the official blog.

The president of Hengtong Commercial Bank has not spoken yet, and he still does not know who is on the side.

The backstage in the official blog is the No. 3 person in the headquarters of the business. The other party is closely related to Hongwei Xiandi, so naturally he prefers Hongwei Xiandi.

The purpose of coming to Beiyu this time was to investigate whether the big shopkeeper of Yunji Company exists.

If it exists, it is better to say.

If it does not exist, the number three character will definitely attack the number two character on the king's shopkeeper, so as to find a way for the president to support Hongwei Immortal Emperor.

Within the family and Xianzong, the intrigue between rights is everywhere, and this type of business struggle is also inevitable.

Wang Zhaoping is naturally clear about these.

He seriously said: "Although Zhen Gongzi is the son of the declining fairy emperor, but there is a strong concentrator behind him to provide him with high-quality fairy stones, it is said that there is still an ancient fairy emperor to support the future, unlimited in the future."


The shopkeeper who looked at the lively and unreasonable shopkeeper smiled and said: "I said, Wang shopkeeper is standing on the side of Yun Feiyang. Whatever you say, it is difficult for him to change his mind."


Guan Bozhong said helplessly: "Then only go to the Aurora Emperor City and confirm whether there is a Yunji firm."

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "If not, the Aurora Immortal Emperor would probably not tolerate it. Some people used their city outside to swindle and cheat."

"Not bad."

Guan Bozhong sneered: "Since then, Yun Feiyang is equivalent to offending the Aurora Immortal Emperor. Will it be better then?"


Wang Zhaoping frowned.

At this moment, he was thinking about it with hope, and hoped that the headquarters of Yunji Business was in Aurora City, otherwise, the problem would be very serious.


Suddenly, the running horse blew, and a sudden brake came, and the three people sitting in the car almost planted from the inside.

"what happened?"

Guan Bozhong stabilized his body and Xian Nian was released. He found a middle-aged man with long hair scattered on the official road in front of him, like a wandering repair.

"Damn fellow!"

Another shopkeeper came out and scolded: "Dare to be the car of our Hengtong Commercial Bank, are you looking for death!"


As soon as the words fell, the wandering casual repair suddenly appeared in the front of the car, grinning: "I heard from you that it seems to be going to the Aurora Emperor City?"

Guan Bozhong's face changed.

This man suddenly appeared in the car, with the strength of his fairy perfection, it was never captured.


Absolute master!

The former shopkeeper also realized that he immediately shut up and said nothing.

His strength is only in the late period of the fairy, and the warrior who is lower than himself will definitely be very arrogant, while the one who is higher than himself is definitely a dog.

Wang Zhaoping looked down on such people in his heart, so there was a trace of disgust in his eyes.

"Not bad."

Guan Bozhong smiled and said: "We are going to the Aurora City."


Wandering and Sanxiu squeezed in, sat down, and said with a smile: "I just want to go as well, it is better to take a ride."


The corner of the mouth in the official blog was slightly twitched, but he could only bow his hand and smiled and said, "That's fine."

"Da da."

The carriage continued to hurry.

Although there was one more person in the spacious car, it did not appear crowded.

"This friend."

Wang Zhaoping grinned and said, "What do you call it."

To be honest, when the wandering and scattered cultivation came in, he developed a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen or contacted somewhere.

"Countryman, no mention of the name." Wandering Sand repair grinned.


Guan Bozhong and another shopkeeper were a little speechless.

This person's strength is definitely at the level of a little fairy king, but he likens himself to a villager. It seems that he should be a very low-key strongman.

Since people are reluctant to say names, Wang Zhaoping naturally no longer asks, but closes his eyes and raises his mind.

It didn't take long.

The carriage went to the city ahead and was stopped by the soldiers.

"General Li."

He got off the bus and lifted an exquisite jade sign, saying, "I will wait for the long order and go to the Aurora City."

General Li, who was guarding the city gate, was still a woman. After taking the jade card, she waved and said, "Release."



The soldiers around the carriage dispersed, and the carriage moved slowly and smoothly into the city.

The wandering casual repair sitting in the car was relieved.

Thinking about it, Hengtong Business is in the northern region, and the energy is not small. It can be freely passed by only a jade card with the word "Hengtong" engraved on it.

"This friend."

After entering the city, Guan Bozhong smiled and said: "I will wait for a little rest adjustment in this city. If you are in a hurry, you can go ahead."


Wandering and repairing and getting off, said: "Then I will rest with you."


The corner of his mouth twitched in Guan Bo.

Wang Zhaoping didn't care, but handed over: "Friend, please follow me to Hengtong Business Office."


The wandering monastery.


The business of Hengtong Commercial Bank spreads all over the region, and naturally there is a semicolon opened in Jasmine City.

After Wang Zhaoping entered, he personally took the wandering repairs to a chic courtyard and said: "Friends, the courtyard is a bit shabby, please succumb to this temporarily."

"The king's shopkeeper."

Wandering and scattered repairing looked at everything in the room and smiled: "This kind of luxurious accommodation is not shabby at all."

Wang Zhaoping looked dull.

Because the voice of the wandering and scattered repairs has changed and become extremely familiar!

He exclaimed: "Zhen...Zen Gongzi?!"


Wandering Sanxiu gently raised his hand, crossed his face, and the slightly vicissitudes of his face suddenly changed, turning into the look of Zhen Deshuai.

It turned out that this guy is Yun Feiyang!

The shopkeeper Wang was very happy, but he seemed to be afraid of being known, and hurriedly closed the door.

Closing the door is superfluous.

Because Yun Feiyang revealed his identity, the entire courtyard was already shrouded in powerful morals.

"The king's shopkeeper."

He arched his hand: "Congratulations to Gao Sheng."

Some time ago, Yun Feiyang returned to Guanfeng City, and did not see Wang's shopkeeper, because he had been promoted to Hengtong headquarters.

"Zhen Gongzi."

Wang Zhaoping pressed his voice and said, "Why are you in the Northern Territory?"


Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Can't I come to the Northern Territory?"

Wang Zhaoping said solemnly: "Yang Gongzi has no idea. The three directors of our bank sent people to Beiyu this time to investigate whether the headquarters of Yunji is in the Aurora City."


Yun Feiyang responded.

Regarding this matter, he had overheard before.

Wang Zhaoping said: "If it is found that the Aurora Emperor City has no Yunji firm, the official Bozhong will go to see the Aurora Immortal Emperor, which will be very unfavorable to you."

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