Super God

Chapter 1810: Get married in 3 days!

Yun Feiyang didn't have the mood to care about the Aurora Immortal Emperor. He said something about 20,000 years ago, and what he valued more was definitely reward.

If you can give a few million immortal stones, or fairy king-level treasure martial arts, it would be best.

The Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said, "When the Emperor has finished speaking, you will know what the reward is."

"is it?"

Yun Fei Yang said: "Then you say."

"call out!"

The Aurora Immortal Emperor returned to the throne and said, "Twenty thousand years ago, this emperor once held a contest to invite relatives."

"heard about it."

Yun Fei said.

When he rescued his mother at the Soul Soul Platform, Emperor Po Gu had teased him, and he heard clearly.

"You are one of the nine emperors, and you are as beautiful as a fairy."

Yun Feiyang puzzled: "I'm afraid that the man who is obsessed with you will be able to get to the gate of the emperor city, so why hold a martial arts match?"

The Aurora Fairy Emperor proudly said: "I am the only female emperor of Zhenwu God Realm, who has very high requirements on the other half. How can ordinary men enter the eyes of the Fa."

"It makes sense."

Yun Feiyang nodded and said, "The emperor of heaven like you, the only man in the world who can deserve it, is only Yunfei I."

The words are extremely serious, not at all humiliating.


The Aurora Fairy Emperor was amused by him, and he smiled in every possible way.

After a moment, she reclaimed her smile and said to herself: "In order to find a suitable man, the Emperor condensed the immortal emperor's pressure on the 100-story stairs of the Imperial Palace and arranged the Jiuzhong Palace for the test."

Yun Feiyang realized: "It turned out that the previous test was arranged by you when you were recruiting relatives. Unfortunately, it was not difficult, so I easily came over."

The Aurora Fairy Emperor gave him a glance and said: "After the nine-fold test arrangement, there are no fewer than 100,000 young and handsome people who come to challenge, but only you pass."

"It's an honor to say that."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Immortal Emperor Aurora leaned his hands together, gently resting his chin, and said with a smile: "Before you, no one can break through, and the Emperor announced to the outside world that the martial arts recruitment will continue until someone passes the test."

Yun Feiyang said with a start: "You mean, my pass will end the 20,000-year-long martial arts recruitment?"

"Not bad."

Aurora Fairy Emperor Road.

Yun Feiyang wanted to speak, but suddenly his face changed, and then stared at the Aurora Fairy Emperor.

Smart, he already thought of something.

The Aurora Immortal Emperor was also smiling and watching Yun Feiyang. They were ten feet apart and looked at each other, making the atmosphere in the hall suddenly strange.

Just a little.

Yun Feiyang said: "Through the test of martial arts, I am eligible to be your man?"

The Aurora Immortal shook his head.

Yun Da cheap God heard the words, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but then heard the woman say: "Not qualified, but has become my man."


Yunfei Yang was dumbfounded.

The Aurora Immortal Emperor continued: "The Emperor once said that if someone could pass the nine-fold test, it would be my man."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched violently.

I came to the Aurora Imperial City to find my mother. I had previously threatened to break into the empire, but I just talked about it casually.

As a result, he passed the nine-fold test and became a man of the Aurora Fairy Emperor, which was too sudden and too difficult for him to accept.

Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said: "You should know by now, the reward of passing the nine-fold test, right?"

Do you understand?

Yun Feiyang certainly knows!

The reward of passing the nine-fold test is not martial arts, treasure, fairy stone, but the Aurora fairy emperor!

"I say……"

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Yun Feiyang collapsed and said: "Aren't you kidding me?"

The Aurora Immortal Emperor appeared in front of him and gently leaned over and said, "Do you think this Emperor is joking with you?"

Because of the very close distance, Yun Feiyang clearly smelled the fragrance that fluttered, he hurriedly took a step back: "I just came to the Imperial City to find my mother, but I didn't think about being your man."

In front of the woman, the always shameless Yun Da cheap god, even in the presence of the Aurora Immortal Emperor, is very rare.

"Whether you want it or not."

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "What the emperor said, it is difficult to collect water."

"Since you passed the nine-fold test, you are my man. Three days later, you and I got married in the Aurora City."

"Get married in three days?"

Yun Feiyang almost fell.

Suddenly became the man of the Aurora Immortal Emperor, and got married so quickly, the fast pace made him difficult to accept.

Yun Fei Yang said: "There is no relationship between you and me, suddenly getting married is too hasty."

"It's okay."

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "After marriage, you can slowly cultivate your feelings."


Yun Feiyang dumbfounded.

"All right."

The Aurora Fairy Emperor waved his hand and said: "The marriage is so settled. The Emperor is a little tired. You must retreat first."

Yun Feiyang also wanted to speak, and a powerful force broke out, directly sweeping him out of the hall, staggering outside the imperial palace.

"Yun Fei Yang came out!"

Exclaimed the warrior in the city.

At that moment, Yun Dachen was definitely the focus of attention. After all, this guy passed the test and entered the hall.

However, many people are thinking that the contest for recruiting relatives was held 20,000 years ago, and today, Lord Xiandi may regret it.

"Listen well."

The voice of the Aurora Immortal Emperor came from the emperor's palace: "Yun Feiyang has passed the ninth test, and the emperor will also fulfill his promise and marry him three days later."

Many warriors who were still speculating heard the immortal emperor's words, and immediately opened their eyes one by one, and also knew that even in the past 20,000 years, the promise is still valid!


Even if a family wants to do a happy event in the city, it can arouse considerable attention.

The wedding ceremony held three days after the Aurora Emperor City, the protagonist is the Aurora Immortal Emperor, can definitely be described as Shi Pojing.

For a while, everyone was talking and envying Yun Feiyang.

One of the Nine Great Immortal Emperors of Zhenwu Divine Realm, is also known as the first beauty.

All in all, when the Aurora Immortal Emperor announced a big marriage three days later, the Aurora Emperor City was completely exploded.

However, regarding this matter, it spread widely in other domains at a very fast speed, which caused a huge sensation.

"Yun Feiyang has passed the ninth test of Aurora Emperor City, and will marry Aurora Immortal Emperor three days later?"

"Aren't you kidding me?"

Many warriors were stunned when they heard the news.

And the men who always admired the Aurora Immortal Emperor sighed one by one and thumped their chests.


Besides Yunfeiyang, when he was swept out of the imperial palace, he returned to the inn very speechlessly, and became the focus of public attention along the way.

"Young Master Yun."

Just entering the room, Wang Zhaoping smiled and said: "Congratulations, congratulations!"

Yun Feiyang was even more depressed.

Wang Zhaoping continued: "Guanbo Zhong and another shopkeeper learned that you are about to marry the Aurora Immortal Emperor and have left the emperor city with disgrace."


Yun Feiyang responded.

Wang Zhaoping said: "After the marriage between Master Yun and Aurora Immortal Emperor, the three general managers would not dare to target you."

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