Super God

Chapter 1840: Can you stop chasing it!

When he swallowed, Yun Feiyang not only succeeded in avoiding, but also included Gengjin in the ring of fortune, so no breath was revealed.

of course.

In a short time, he also suffered a lot of pain.

"Hand over?"

Yun Feiyang smiled.

Not to mention that Gengjin has a great effect on himself, and he will never hand it over if he has just experienced that kind of pain and suffering.


Yun Zi rushed over from behind and stood in front of his master, holding a confrontation with Wei Shuo.

"Can you get it done?"

Yun Feiyang preached.

This big guy is a rare golden fairy, and if it can be won, it will be a big deal to take it for himself.

粰貐 said: "Master, I have not returned to the peak state, I can not compete with it."


Yun Feiyang was speechless, but he quickly made a decision, that is, to slip.

However, confiscating gave him the opportunity to take the lead in opening his mouth and spurting a stream of gold streamers.


With a loud roar, Yun Kui raised his forelegs, smashing the incoming streamers.

However, the sharp gold attribute contains the strongest impact force, which directly flew dozens of feet.

"call out!"

In the retreat of 貰貐, it suddenly turned into nothingness.

After taking away his contract beast, Yun Feiyang said nothing, stepped on the sky, and flew away into the distance.

Speaking of his strength, he is not as good as the harvest, but the ability to escape is still fast.



In a few breaths, Yun Feiyang fled for more than ten miles, and kept a certain distance from the success.

At the same time, the soul power spreads wildly, spreads to the waterfall, and brings one hundred thousand savages into the ring of creation.

When Geng Jin got it, he would return to the Imperial City.

And these savages with strong physical defense and great strength must also be taken away.


Suddenly shouted, waving his wings and chasing over, the huge eyes showed a burning anger.

Gengjin is also extremely important to it, so he must not be allowed to slip away in front of his eyes.



After Yun Feiyang brought the savages into the ring of fortune, he used his body to the extreme, turned it into a streamer, and fled towards the endless sea.

Behind his buttocks, he turned into a golden streamer, chasing after him.

In this way, one man and one beast began a chase at sea.

"Can catch up, count me to lose."

Yun Feiyang fled while paying attention to the back, a proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


After a day, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because even if it had already flown for a hundred miles, the harvest was still chasing behind, still keeping a certain distance from himself.

Is this too stubborn?

Yun Feiyang was helpless, but did not dare to relax at all, and continued to fly at full strength, trying to get rid of the guy.

He is close to the speed of the harvest, and can only maintain a certain distance, it is a bit difficult to throw away.

"I don't believe it. You can maintain this speed all the time."

Yun Feiyang continued to fly and decided to work hard with the other party.

The tragedy is that after flying for another five days, Lian Shou is still chasing behind his buttocks, without any fatigue at all.

"Oh shit!"

Yun Feiyang scolded, and immediately took out the Elixir, and swallowed all ten in a single bite.

Flying for a long time consumes a lot of energy, so if you want to maintain the current speed, you must take medicine.

From this perspective, the physical strength and energy collected are stronger than Yun Feiyang.

This strong, not a little bit.

Because half a month later, Yun Feiyang took dozens of bottles of immortality, and the harvest was still chasing behind, and the speed did not decrease at all.

"Is this guy tired?"

to be frank.

The harvest is tired now.

But the obsession with Gengjin is too strong, so strong that it ignores tiredness and is full of overtaking the mankind.

This is no way.

After all, Gengjin is too important for it. If you eat it, you will have the opportunity to become an immortal beast.

However, with the endless years of hard work, when the time is ripe, a human suddenly appears and makes Geng Jin disappear for no reason, which makes it unacceptable.

without any exaggeration.

Even if you catch up with exhausted death, it won't stop, because it becomes stronger, it is really important.

For a warrior, there is a panacea that can break through the immortal emperor level and be robbed. That must definitely be done with old chase.

Yun Feiyang didn't know that the Gengjin he had robbed himself was so important to the harvest. Seeing it tirelessly chasing, he could only continue to eat the panacea to escape.


Another half month passed.

Yun Feiyang flew across the vast sea and entered the interior.

Behind the harvest is still chasing, huge eyes covered with blood.


"Can you stop chasing!"

Yun Feiyang, who fled in front, shouted hoarsely and weakly.

For more than a month of escape, although there is a panacea to replenish the wasted energy, the fatigue of the body cannot be offset.


He sent out a low roar, and said, "Damn mankind, hand over Gengjin..."

This rare golden fairy is also tired.

The speed of the two has obviously dropped to a great extent. I want to shake, I can't throw away, I want to catch up, I can't catch up, and maintain a delicate distance.

"I have said it ten thousand times. When you swallowed it, the golden ball flew away on its own." Yun Feiyang flickered.

Today he is considered a service. He has never seen such an iron beast, chasing himself from the island for a full month and chasing more than 100,000 miles!


Yishou firmly said: "Gengjin must be taken away by wants to lie to me!"


Yun Feiyang lost his temper and could only continue to fly.

Lian Shou is also strong to support the weak body, chasing behind.

"Lying trough!"

"what is that!"

In a city, many martial artists saw a white light and a golden light passing slowly over the sky, and they all glared.

Soon, they discovered that in the white light is a young warrior, and in the golden light is a huge fierce dragon head with wings...

"Not a fierce beast!"

A fairy king shouted, "It's a fairy beast!"


Horrors appeared in the eyes of the warriors in the city.

Immortal beasts far stronger than fierce beasts, in the eyes of the warriors in the domain, are equal to ordinary beasts and mythical beasts in the world.

"The fairy beast seems to be chasing that martial artist!"


Everyone looked at Yunfeiyang and shook their heads one after another.


A warrior frowned: "That person, a little familiar, seems to have seen it somewhere."

"Good, familiar."

The other warrior nearby felt the same way.

As for where they have seen it, they couldn’t remember it for a while, and they waited for a long time after one person and one animal flew away, then they were shocked and said: “Master Xiandi’s husband!”


"He is Yunfeiyang!"

For a time, the city once again made a huge sensation, and such scenes have been staged in major cities.

"Oh my God!"

"Yun Feiyang flew just now!"

"He was stared at by a fairy beast!"

"That fairy beast is not simple. From the point of view of body size, it seems to be the harvest in ancient books!")!!

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