Super God

Chapter 1862: Persuade flowers

"General Zhen!"

In the military account, discussing how to deal with the generals who had spent their time, and seeing Yun Feiyang walked in and entered, every one was happy.

Zhu Gejin was also quite surprised and smiled: "I knew I was going to fight, so I came back?"


Yun Feiyang was a little embarrassed.

Returning to the Eastern Territory was entirely for the purpose of taking away half a million soldiers of the Ling clan, and the war started without realizing it.

The flower bound by the five flowers is also looking at Yun Feiyang, his eyes flashing helplessly.

He already knew that the Sixth Army that embroidered from the Wangcheng and could not support the wall was all because of this man.

"General Hua."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "We meet again."

The flowers are silent.

In the glorious Wangcheng that year, the general who led the Sixth Army was Mu Shengnan, and Yun Feiyang was the deputy general, which did not attract him.

Zhuge Jindao: "You are just here, we are discussing how to deal with this person."

Yun Feiyang waved lightly, removed the rope from Hua Mofei's body, and unfastened the air that blocked Dantian, saying, "Of course, he let go of people."

The generals changed their faces and hurriedly became alert.

The strength of this enemy general is not weak, and has reached the level of the Immortal Consummation.

Hua Fei did not expect Yun Feiyang to help him loose, and also unfastened the seal, so he was surprised.

of course.

He did not dare to take action to restore his freedom. After all, the generals present were not bad.

Moreover, Zhen Deshuai, who was standing next to him with a smiling face, might have reached the little fairy king.

"General Hua."

Yun Feiyang said: "Good birds choose wood and live."

Zhuge Jin secretly said: "It turns out that the husband wants to attract this person."

Hua Mofei also understood, he shook his head: "General Zhen, you are insulting me, insulting a generation of Huajia children loyal to the glorious king city."

For this answer, Yun Feiyang was not surprised.

A general, especially one of the top ten famous generals in the Eastern Territory, must have integrity.

"General Hua."

Yun Feiyang seriously said: "With your talents, it is difficult to show your wits in the little East King City."


The crowd twitched the corners of their mouths.

The splendid king city is a big rank, second only to the imperial city.

If this is small, how can a small royal city, an immortal city survive?

"General Zhen."

Hua could seriously say: "Please don't open your mouth."

Yun Fei Yang persevered and said: "As a general, don't you want to build a world of merit?"

The flowers are silent.

he thinks!

All talented generals hope to be able to fight on the battlefield and establish outstanding achievements.

"You retreat first."

Yun Fei said.

Several generals were ordered to leave.

Soon, he, Zhu Gejin, and Hua Mofei were the only ones left in the barracks.


Suddenly, the formation of isolation formation.

After Yun Feiyang blocked the barracks, he wiped Yi Rong with a wave of his hand and restored his appearance.

Seeing that suddenly changed face, Hua could not help but look dull.

A little, startled: "You are Yunfeiyang!"

As a general in the great royal city, he had naturally witnessed on the light curtain the young man who had experienced tremendous thunder.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

The shock on Hua Mofei's face was even stronger.

After all, this guy is the son of Immortal Emperor, and not long ago, Zhentian Emperor City was unsealed.

Even tougher.

Still the husband of Aurora Fairy Emperor!

Hua could not hold her heart a bit, mainly because of the person in front of her, which is too legendary in the domain.

"General Hua."

Yun Fei said: "You should know that Zhentian Emperor City has been unsealed."

Hua nodded.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "That emperor city is my father's, but now it is torn apart by the four kings."

It took nothing to hear about it.

He said: "Zhen... Yun Shaoxia, this is your family affair, it seems to have nothing to do with me?"

"If you surrender to me, it matters."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Because, you will lead the army and fight them in the North Central Territory."

The flowers were stunned.

He never dreamed that he would lead the army and fight the four kings in the North Central Territory.

Yun Fei Yang said: "The four kings have developed for a long time in the northern central territory. The soldiers are strong and strong, far stronger than the glory, and embroidered away from the second city. If you can lead the army to fight them, wouldn't it be fun?"

Hua's gaze became complicated.

To be honest, his heart moved.

After all, fighting against a more powerful legion is really fun, and it is very bloody.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Emperor Zhencheng is a waste of life. You need a general like you, surrender to me, and will lead a stronger army to fight in the battlefield. If you take the whole North Central, ask, this is not a meritorious service! "

Previously, it just made Hua a little bit touched. When he heard ‘Take down the entire North Central Territory’, he was completely moved!

"Do not."

Yun Feiyang said: "It is not the North Central, but the unification of the North and the South, and establish a complete central domain!"

Hua could have widened her eyes.

He wanted to unify the north-south central domain, which means that if the four queens are resolved, he will declare war on Hongwei Immortal Emperor!

The division of the north and south central domains has been a long time ago. During this period, some emperors tried to unify them, but they did not succeed.

How dare you think about this guy!

"General Hua."

Yun Feiyang sincerely said: "My Yun Feiyang's ambition is very big, and I urgently need talents who have the same ambitions to expand the territory with me and establish no merit!"

Hua could not look at him, his eyes narrowed: "Yun Shaoxia, Huamou is willing to return, but also invites your army to evacuate the brilliant royal city."

"no problem."

Yun Fei said: "Withdraw now."


Hua could be an ambitious ambition is to show his ability on a more advanced battlefield.

Therefore, he chose Guishun Yunfei.

As for the withdrawal of Xiuli from the Wangcheng, it is also doing its own best to help the brilliant Wangcheng resolve the crisis.

It didn't take long.

Several legions of the embroidered King City that were advancing across the line were evacuated, and even the occupied city was returned.

Many generals are puzzled.

At such a rhythm, it should be possible to stand at the foot of the king's city, why retreat for no reason?

of course.


The generals did not complain about Yun Feiyang and Zhuge Jin.

After all, if the two come, with their strength, let alone fight in, I am afraid that even their own city can't keep well.

"City Lord."

After returning to Xiulili Wangcheng, Mr. Yi said seriously: "General Zhen persuaded Hua Mofei, it seems to be doing a big business."

Master Mucheng said in amazement: "How do you say this?"

Mr. Yi said: "The four kings of the Emperor Zhentian took control of the North Central Territory. Since his son unblocked the Emperor City, he would naturally take back the city."

Master Mucheng said with a shock: "You mean that General Zhen is surrounded by such a famous general, is he going to declare war with the four kings of North Central Territory?"

"pretty close."

Mr Yi said.


Mu Chengzhu took a breath.

The four kings in the North Central Territory, the city and power that everyone controls are almost comparable to the Imperial City, and they are fighting with them. This idea is crazy!


At this moment, a soldier came in and said, "General Zhen asks for advice."


Master Mu said quickly.


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