Super God

Chapter 1873: Hanging 9 elders

After abusing the second- and third-generation heirs of the Gongye family, a generation of elders finally appeared, and a great fairy-level force broke out, turned into a monstrous wave, and pushed forward to Yunfei.


The wind was roaring and the waves were violent.

However, there may be some formations for the Gongye. The space withstands such terrifying forces, but it is only slightly distorted and does not collapse on a large scale.

"old man."

Yun Feiyang coldly said: "Is it useful to use the power of the big fairy king to deter me?"


Between speaking, stepping forward.

The vast breath swarmed out, which also turned into turbulent weather waves.


The second and third generations of the heirs have taken a breath.

Yun Feiyang's outburst of air, regardless of strength or morality, is extremely powerful, making them daunted.

"how is this possible?!"

Elder Nine's complexion changed.

At the same time, I can obviously feel that the power of my fairy king has been suppressed by the opponent's breath.


Suddenly, the two substantive waves of force collided violently in mid-air, and the space was more distorted, but still not broken!

"Oh, uh!"

The elder Nine exploded and his eyes were horrified.

When his Qi wave and Yun Fei's Qi wave come into contact, he knows how terrible the strength contained in the other party!


Elder Nine stabilized his body, his heart shook and said: "This son is only a little fairy king, why is there such a powerful Taoism!"

This kind of breath confrontation that does not directly fight is actually stronger than anyone's morality.

no doubt.

Yun Feiyang pressed the nine elders in terms of morality!

"old man."

He stood there and smiled proudly: "You can't help me, let a stronger person come."

"Damn fellow!"

The family members of the Gongye family were very angry.

Elder Nine looked coldly and said: "Boy, this elder will let you know that it will end in the arrogant end of my family."


Between the speeches, knots were printed on both hands, and a streamer flashed around.

"Boo! Boo!"

In an instant, several streamers enveloped, forming a very closed independent space.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Is it because I am afraid that I will start my hand and cause too much damage, so I deliberately blocked the space?"

Nine elders did not speak, and the majestic power of the immortal king was completely released, and the surroundings were stirred in an instant.

This is definitely an unbridled outbreak. If there is no streamer blockade around, if the outside world is disturbed, the space will be shattered.


Elder Nine said coldly: "Stop it."


As soon as the voice fell, Yun Feiyang showed a strong palm print over the sky, like a wave of waves.

Elder Nine is a big breakthrough fairy king. At his level, some martial arts are performed without any prelude.



The palm print blasted on the ground with a violent force. Due to the streamer, it did not cause much space shock.


Yun Feiyang didn't know when it appeared on the other side, and said with a smile: "The speed is quite fast, but unfortunately I didn't hit it."

Elder Nine was shocked.

He shot so fast just now, he shouldn't be so relaxed even if he hides.

"Not at all."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and shook his shoulders: "Lao Tzu will play with you today."

Just after the play, he quickly appeared in front of Elder Nine, his right hand was suddenly swayed, and a burst of thunder punched out!


Although Elder Nine was able to raise his hand to resist in the shortest time, but the fist with strong thunder system was too strong, and the people also retreated.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang appeared on his backing road, his right fist was raised, and a thunder fist came out again.

After all, Nine Elder is a big fairy king in a stable period. He hurriedly showed his body to the extreme, and he barely avoided the opponent's second attack.


This hiding, he completely fell into a passive.

Because Yun Feiyang relied on her extremely fast body, she kept attacking meticulously without giving any breathing opportunities.



Within the streamer's enchantment, Lei's fist prints continue to appear with a strong voice.

The second and third generations of the public smelter outside are twitching the corners of their mouths.

Because the picture they saw was that the elders of the nine elders were beaten and retreated, and they were in absolute disadvantage.

" is it possible..."

Gong Yehui fell to the ground, his eyes dull.

Obviously I didn't expect that this young man was so strong that he could fight me with Elder Nine!


Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the streamer space, Yun Feiyang continued to show Ben Lei Quan, a series of thunder fist stamps spread out like a heavenly net.

The elder Nine among them, because of the small space area, was forced into an abnormal situation in a short time.


Yun Feiyang punched him.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two, three, four, five...


After the seventh punch, the elder Nine finally couldn't carry it, and a spur of blood spurted out of his retreat, his face pale.

Although the level of Ben Leiquan is only a small fairy king level, Yun Feiyang has realized it to the extreme. This kind of boxing to meat bombardment, the big fairy king can't stand it.


Elder Nine exploded, his eyes split.

Being a big fairy king, melee with a little fairy king in a limited space, he was beaten with no power to fight back, he was spitting blood, which is really a shame!

How to do?

Nine Elders acted decisively and exhibited complex fingerprints.

"Boo! Boo!"

In an in the place where his fingerprint was printed, nine starlights appeared, showing a strong breath.

"Nine stars shine!"

"Elder Nine has used a killer tool!"

"That guy will definitely die!"

"Not only to die, but it will definitely become a meat sauce!"

Everyone was excited.

However, the next moment was dumbfounded.

Because the elder of the Nine elders made fingerprints frequently, and when condensing big moves, Yun Feiyang suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Boom! Boom!"

The dense thunder fist came again.

This time, the speed is faster and the strength is stronger, so that the streamer enchantment shows a trembling tremor, as if it will collapse at any time.

"Boom! Boom!"

There was a loud noise in the space.

Elder Nine, who is condensing the big move, was bombarded by the thunderous fist, and his body exploded again and again.


Finally, hit the streamer junction.

As for the previously condensed nine-star light, it also blew out.


Elder Nine opened his mouth wide and blood spewed out.


Yun Feiyang appeared in front of him, his right fist suddenly slammed past, and said coldly: "In front of me, you have no chance to even use the hole card."


Punched with a punch and rolled up the wind.

Elder Nine, who was hit hard, was completely incapable of avoiding, and could only watch the boxing thunder carrying thunder.

"It's over!"

"Elder Nine is in danger!"

The family members of the Gongye family were shocked.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the white light flashed in the space.

An old man with a terrifying atmosphere appeared in front of Elder Nine out of thin air, gently raised his hand to catch Ben Lei's fist. )!!

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