Super God

Chapter 1885: This dish is okay

Yun Feiyang easily killed an immortal consummation. Xuanyuan Wentian, who was standing next to him, witnessed the whole process. His mind was deeply shocked.

that moment.

He finally understood why the previous fierce beast suddenly exploded inexplicably, turned out to be Yun Fei's hand.

Not right.

Obviously no breath is revealed, why did the fierce beast and the iron master explode and die?

Is the younger brother already strong enough to kill invisible?

Yun Fei, who became the emperor, can kill these rookies.

If he is very unhappy now and releases his soul power a little, he can wipe out all the martial artists in the Colosseum.

of course.

Yun Da cheap **** is not so cruel.

He just killed the Chief Iron Officer and said, "Senior, let's go."

Now that he has practiced in the Hall of Pride, he must take Xuanyuan Wentian away, and not be spurned here.


It was at this time that the sound of vicissitudes came from above, and immediately saw an old man hanging in the air, coldly said: "Is it possible?"

"Ao City Lord!"

Exclaimed the warrior.


Xuanyuan asked Tian frowned, then pressed his voice and said: "Student, this person is the owner of Tiesen City, and he opened the Colosseum."


Yun Feiyang was surprised.

The scale of this city is not too large, it should belong to the fairy level.

The strength of the city master suspended in the air actually reached the level of a small fairy king, which is a bit incredible.

Yun Feiyang didn't know that the former owner of Tiesen City had been killed long ago, and this little fairy king was replaced.

In the chaotic western region, in addition to the large-scale royal city and imperial city, other cities have the possibility of changing the master at any time, and the strength of the master is often far stronger than the city level.


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Don't let it go, are you going to stay and feast on me?"


Everyone's mouth twitched.


The Ao City Lord laughed loudly, and then said eeriely: "Boy, this city hosts a banquet, do you dare to eat?"

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "What's not to dare?"

"Okay, okay."

The Ao City Lord waved his hand, and the power of the powerful Immortal King exploded. He suddenly waved his palms and said, "Then try the first dish of the city master!"


Powerful forces swept through like a flood, and the ideas carried by them crazily destroyed the surrounding space.

"too strong!"

"Is this the little fairy king!"

Witnessing the city master's shot, the warriors watched the eyes fiercely.

And when they looked at Yun Feiyang, they saw that they were standing still, and the corners of their mouths all smiled disdainfully.

That guy must have been completely suppressed by the power of the fairy king of Ao City Lord!


The power of the fairy king roared with great momentum.

Xuanyuan standing behind Yun Feiyang asked the sky, his face changed greatly, and his forehead was oozing with sweat.

His strength is only in the middle of the fairy, even if the breath of the little fairy king is affected, it is still unbearable.


Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "This dish is not delicious."

Strange to say, when he finished speaking, Xuanyuan, who was harassed by the power of the fairy king, asked heaven, and he was suddenly relieved.

At the same time, the impending imperial qi wave suddenly stopped after the sound came to an end, as if the wave was frozen on the sea.


Ao Chengzhu's complexion changed.

At this moment, he can feel a terrifying soul power, suppressing the power of the fairy king that he broke out, making it difficult to advance.


This guy's breath is nothing more than a fairy king level. How can he restrain his own fairy king power by soul power alone!

The Ao City Lord waved angrily, blessing the condensed air wave again, but still unable to make it move, even raising a strong sense of powerlessness.

"Come down."

Yun Fei raised his hand, and the powerful momentum exploded, turning into a **** hand, and photographed towards the Aocheng master in the air.


The momentum broke out, shocking the world.

At that moment, all the warriors who watched the battle realized that the momentum erupted by this young man was not weaker than that of Ao Chengzhu, even stronger!

"He... he is a little fairy king!"

"how is this possible!"

Everyone was surprised.

After the Great God of Cloud came to Tiesen City, the realm never broke out, so it felt like a fairy.

Now when he gathers his big hands to attack the Ao City Lord, it really reveals the realm.

Xuanyuan Wentian stood behind Yun Feiyang, feeling the terrifying breath, and his mind was deeply shocked again.

This young student of the pride temple, who has ascended to the real martial arts domain for a maximum of ten years, has grown to a small fairy king level, which is really terrifying!


It was at this time that a violent loud noise came.

The big hand of Aocheng Lord was condensed, and he slapped from the air with a slap. He fell like a cannonball on the Colosseum. The bones of the whole body shattered, and the meridians were seriously damaged.


Yun Feiyang stepped on the back of the city owner and smiled, "I am okay with this dish?"


Everyone took a breath.

The little fairy king-level city master was so killed in seconds, how strong is that young man!

Lying on the ground, the Aocheng Lord who endured the severe pain was also desperate, and apparently did not expect that this young man would be so terrible!

"Little friend..."

He said weakly: "It's old and has no eyes..."

I admit Yun Fei said: "Less nonsense, want to live, and quickly show sincerity."

Come out with sincerity?

The Ao City Lord is also an old river and lake, immediately enlightened: "There are ten thousand immortal stones in the ring of the old decay space, please also accept..."


Yun Feiyang took the space ring away and counted it. Then he withdrew his feet and said: "Since it is so cooperative, this matter is fine."


It didn't take long.

Yun Feiyang took Xuanyuan Wentian to leave Tiesen City.

Although the Ao City Lord was seriously injured, he took out tens of thousands of immortal stones in time and saved his life.

of course.

The unfortunate ones are those who watch the battle.

Before Yun Feiyang left, let them take out all the valuable things on their body.

The masters of the city were abused, and the warriors naturally dared not resist, so they could only hand over things like fairy stones and crystal nuclei.


On the way, Xuanyuan asked Tian to be grateful: "If you didn't appear, I would have fallen."

Yun Fei Yang said: "It didn't take long for the seniors to ascend the True Martial God Territory, and then they broke through to the Immortals, and their talents are far beyond those in the domain."

Xuanyuan asked Tianku with a bitter smile: "Compared with the younger brother, it is too far behind."

"Not far away."

Yun Feiyang stopped and said: "If the seniors can have enough fairy stones and enough time, they will be able to break through to the fairy king level faster."

This is the truth.

After all, Xuanyuan asked Tian Nai, the top of the star list, and is far superior to Guan Zizai in terms of qualifications.


Xuanyuan asked Tian to sigh, "Where can I get enough fairy stones and enough time to go?"

"I have got."

Yun Fei said.

"you have?"

Xuanyuan question looked startled.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Senior, relax your mind, I will take you to a place where there are acquaintances you know."

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