Super God

Chapter 1900: 4 peak fairy kings strike

   In the distant city, Su Piaoyi, one of the four kings, stood in front of the city's main mansion and frowned slightly.

   "Any time."

   He murmured: "Go all the way."

   In the quiet night city.

  Hu laughed standing on the tower, raised his head to the sky, and murmured: "Young Master, your expedition has just begun."

   The two heavenly kings seemed to realize that Ren Shiguang was in crisis, but they did not feel sad at all. Instead, they felt a little relieved.

There are many hidden warriors in the northern central area.

   They also looked at the sky when Yun Fei Yang Jian cut down his time.

  These people have one thing in common. There is a delicate jade tag hanging around their waists. When dancing with the wind, you can clearly see the word "phase" or the word "jiang" engraved on it.

   "The Lord."

   "The last will finally wait until this day."


  The time and space king city, there is a long-term defensive formation, which completely collapses as the giant sword falls.

   Fortunately, the Yuwei formed by the sword intention did not disturb the city, otherwise the warriors in it will surely die innumerably.

   The area bombed by the giant sword has gradually subsided, but there is a huge sword mark left. As for Ren Shi, it has long disappeared.

  The warriors in the city can guess that Ren Chengzhu was killed by bombing, and he didn't even have a corpse.


   At this moment, Yun Fei raised his sword to the King City of Time and said coldly, "Take this city for me!"


  Hua Mofei and others immediately ordered that 100,000 soldiers of the Clan Spirit attacked the city that had lost their defense.

   Without the City Lord's Time King City, it is equal to the lack of sharp minions, so under the fierce attack of the spirit soldiers, it was completely broken in only one hour.

   At this point, the imperial city was thousands of miles away, and all the cities controlled by Su Piaoran were recovered by Yunfeiyang.

   This is a good thing.

   But after occupying the king city, Yun Feiyang was not happy at all.

   He is always thinking about the moment when the giant sword was cut off, why did Ren Shiguang remove all his defenses?

   Or, is he begging for death?

  Yun Feiyang was difficult to understand, but he didn't think about it. After a little rectification, he led the army to the city controlled by Hu Buxiao and entered.

   As for the captured city, he was sealed with a powerful formation and waited for another treatment later.


"Oh my God!"

   "Yun Feiyang has taken down Time King City!"

   "This is terrible!"

   After the loss of Time King City, the news quickly spread out and suddenly set off an uproar in the domain.

To know.

  The city controlled by Ren Shiguang is one of the best in the big rank.

  However, what made them even more shocked was that the owner of Time King City, the peak fairy king, was even killed by Yun Feiyang on the spot!


   "Yun Feiyang is now strong enough, can he kill the pinnacle king of the peak level?"

   "It is too early to compete for the throne, he has such terrible strength, I can't think of it."

   "I heard that Yun Feiyang's current strength has just entered the big fairy king. If he can't reach the peak level after a hundred years, even if he is strong, he is not eligible to participate in the contest of the fairy emperor."

   "This guy didn't have much time in the ascending domain, so he broke through from a quasi-sen to a big fairy, and achieved the peak in a hundred years. Shouldn't it be difficult?

  As the battle report continues to pass in the domain, everyone is talking about Yun Feiyang, and they are also speculating about how strong he will be in the future emperor competition.

  In a restaurant, wearing a hat, wearing an undressed black man, he was listening to the diners quietly, with a smile on his lips.

   "In such a short period of time, it has grown to the point where it can kill the pinnacle king, and is worthy of being an apprentice of Taiwu."


   Return to North Central again.

   Yun Feiyang led a large army, successfully merged with Yanshuang, and launched an attack on the city controlled by Hu Shixiao.

without any exaggeration.

  Strictly trained spirit soldiers are like a scythe for cutting grass.

No matter what level, as long as it is targeted, the city under the control of stubborn smile will definitely not be broken for more than three days.

   So that whenever a certain city, a large army of spirit clan soldiers approached the city, the defending generals and soldiers were full of despair.

The more    is, the harder it is to contend.

   Therefore, there is no suspense in the loss of the city.

   Half a month later.

  Two hundred thousand spirit soldiers swept through the 26 cities within the imperial city of Wanli at the speed of Cui Gula.

  During this period, there were countless battles.

   However, Yunfeiyang's legion has never been defeated, and soldier casualties are extremely low.

   The warriors of Zhenwu God Territory were all shocked, and the soldiers commanded by Yun Feiyang were too fierce and sturdy.

   The son of Zhentianxian Emperor fought against the four kings. The incident was very serious. The ancient families such as Nangong and Gongye also received news.

  When the two owners learned that Yun Fei's 200,000 army swept across the 26 cities in the north central area, he was very happy.

   The predecessors of Taiwu's predecessors have such a strong army. If you think about the bad things, if the Qinglian Sealing Station breaks down and the barbaric domain army comes in, you can definitely contend with it and become an absolute main force.


  After twenty-six cities were taken down, Yun Feiyang ordered the army to stay in military locations and began to plan how to go next.


   had not yet figured out a good plan, so he got the information, and the 200,000 army of Hu Xiaoyi and Su Piaoyi had already rushed to Da Yun Wangcheng.

   "Brother Yun."

   Yanshuang said: "They want to fight back."

  Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Twenty-six cities have been robbed and certainly can't sit still."

   "Yunfei Yang!"

   At this moment, a loud voice came from outside the city, saying: "Get out!"

  Yunfei Yangxiannian was released, and found that there were four martial arts standing above the city, the breath of which was the peak-level big fairy king.


   "The two heavenly kings are really generous. They sent so many peak fairy kings directly."

   During the speech, Yunfei Yang flew out of the mansion, fell on the tower, and faced the four pinnacle powerhouses with his back on his back.


   An elderly man said in a deep voice: "You are Yunfeiyang?"

   "Not Yun Feiyang nodded.


  An old man with a goatee said lightly: "The courage is not small, and he dares to fight the city of the city and the city."

   "Okay, okay."

   Yunfeiyang smiled.

  The elder goatee said lightly: "Boy, quickly take the soldiers back to Zhentian Emperor City, otherwise, the end is death."

   This kind of threat with no technical content, Yun Feiyang has experienced more, so he laughed and said: "Only the four of you can't kill me."

   "What a crazy boy!"

  The elder goatee said angrily: "Three, since this child is stubborn, I don't need to be polite, let's do it together."

"it is good!"

  The three agreed.

   They knew that their time was almost the same as their own strength, and they were beheaded by this son, so they were not sure they could win one-on-one, so they had to take more and play less.


  Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's easier to work together."



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