Super God

Chapter 1953: Are these people happy to be buried with you?

   Thousands of soldiers against 70,000 troops are definitely a serious disparity battle, but in order to protect Luo Mu's corpse, the lieutenant general and the remaining soldiers have erupted their terrifying potential.

   They are completely not afraid of the dense barbaric army, relying on the tenacious art of war to fight with it tenaciously.

   This battle can be described as tragic.

  A well-known spirit soldier was still bravely killing the enemy when he was seriously wounded. When his life was about to run out, he even rushed into the enemy group and ended with the soul exploding.



   On the battlefield, the explosion sound is constant.

  In just a few moments, thousands of soldiers fell in the barbaric realm, and hundreds of spirit soldiers who guarded Luo Mu died in battle.


   A spirit soldier with several knives in his hands roared into the crowd of enemies, and at the end of his life, he drew a dazzling glory.


   The soul exploded, and the enemy's 100 soldiers were killed and Huang Quan was killed. Blood and minced meat flew all over the sky.

   This scene was staged one after another, and the crazy behavior of the spirit soldiers also made the enemies killed afterwards frightened.

   The legion originally stationed in Dingye City is not only a general, but also his soldiers, so scary!

   "Kill me in!"

  The generals of the barbaric domain shouted: "Destroy them all!"

  First, Luo Mu alone killed tens of thousands of soldiers, and now thousands of spirit soldiers remain, and an amazing fighting power broke out, making him a little irrational.



  The soldiers in the barbaric field were ordered to, despite the fear, roared and rushed past.

   Looking down from a high altitude, it was obvious to see thousands of Spirit soldiers, surrounded by water, the enemy's offensive seemed like waves coming from all sides!

   Even so.

   They did not retreat, still fighting to the end!


   After half an hour.

  The soldiers who were guarding Luo Mu's side either fell into exhaustion, or violently exploded their souls. The number of people continued to decrease, leaving only a hundred people.

   In the field of barbarians, the losses were even more severe, and more than 5,000 people have been killed in battle.

  In the situation where the number of people is dominant, so many soldiers can be lost. It can be seen how terrifying the fighting power of the spirit soldiers!

  Said that if it were not for continuous reinforcement in the barbaric domain and crazy consumption, the army led by Luo Mu would never be beaten so miserably.

   Although the soldiers of the Ling ethnic group are powerful, they are still outnumbered by many. Now there are dozens of people left, and it is absolutely impossible to form an effective offensive.

The ending of    is already doomed.

   But they still stayed dead, still chose to explode their souls, and pulled the enemy soldiers to die together before they died.



   brilliant light shines on the battlefield.

  A famous spirit soldier was wiped out one after another, until the last guard in front of Luo Mu, only one lieutenant general.


   He roared angrily, injecting energy into his spear, sweeping away dozens of soldiers who had attacked.



   It was at this time that more than a dozen soldiers rushed from both sides, and the spears they held were stabbed fiercely.

   "Poop! Poop!"

  In a moment, more than ten spears were inserted around the lieutenant general.

"kill him!"

   barbaric general general roared.



  The dozens of soldiers in front of them rushed in unison, and the spear pierced relentlessly in their hands.

   "Poop! Poop!"

Vice Admiral    once again got more than ten guns in his body, but his last power erupted, sweeping away all the soldiers around him.

   He stood in front of Luo Mu, with a spear all over his body, blood smeared with cracked armor, and his face was terrible.

   "General Luo... The subordinates still failed to defend Dingye City, let you down..."

   Vice Admiral's tragic underworld.

  The soldiers from the barbaric field who flew out of the body stabilized their body and did not rush up again. In their view, this guy will die without doubt and there is no need to rush up.

as predicted.

   has a lieutenant with countless spears in his body, and although he stands proudly, people eventually fall.

   At this point, all the legions led by Luo Mu died in Dingye City, and no one was spared.

  Just one army of 10,000 people has wiped out the five army corps that came in the barbaric domain, and contained the pace of the 100,000 army attack. Although this battle is defeated, it is still glorious!


   Seeing that the lieutenant general had lost his breath, the barbaric domain general finally breathed a sigh of relief, but did not feel the slightest sense of victory.

   He led a 100,000 army, came from the South, and faced Dingye City with only a few thousand people to defend. It was a shame to fail to win it for ten days.

  The barbaric field general became more and more angry, and immediately ordered: "Cut this vice general and the general behind me into meat sauce!"


  Dozens of soldiers came with long swords.

   But there was a terrifying battle, after all, the guy standing behind the lieutenant general, the strength of the previous outbreak was terrible!


   "What is a dead man afraid of!"

   everyone thought secretly.

   Only then had enough courage to raise the long knife in his hand, and suddenly slashed towards the lieutenant general in front of him.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   The sound of the explosion came, and the soldiers of the barbaric domain who fell down with a knife shattered nothingness on the spot, and even flesh and blood did not splash.

"what happened!"

General   's complexion changed greatly.

  The soldiers guarding around were also frightened and retreated, looking at Luo Mu in horror.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   It was at this time that an explosion sound came from the crowd, and a soldier exploded and died like his previous companion!


   Someone was surprised, "Look behind!"

   "Brush! Brush!"

   The shocked general and the terrified soldier turned their heads one by one, and saw a person walking step by step in the distance.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  As the man took a step, the crowd exploded one after another, and thousands of soldiers vanished nothingness on the spot.


   Until when he walked to Luo Mu only a hundred feet away, nearly 70,000 soldiers in the barren territory were wiped out, leaving only a lone general.


   "Are you satisfied with these people's funeral?"

   The man gently raised his head, revealing a heroic face, his eyes flashing monstrously.


   Yunfei flying from Nanyu!

   Those fallen soldiers, all died under the spirit power of his fairy emperor level.

   Every step came, there were thousands of people killed, until nearly 70,000 soldiers died in the end, this kind of killing is really terrible!

  The generals of the barbaric domain are too scared to move at this are almost scared to pee.

  Yun Feiyang looked at him, and the cold murderousness seemed to turn into a sword spirit, directly cutting it into nothingness.

   So far.

  The third batch of barbaric army came to support, and the whole army was annihilated.



  The sky above Dingye City, Lin Zhixi flew at speed, and landed on the tower, silently looking out of the city, to Yunfei standing in front of Luo Mu.


   The wind was blowing, slightly cool.

  Yun Feiyang just stood in front of his brother's body, never saying a word, but his anger was burning wildly.


   He slapped Luo Mu on the shoulder and whispered: "I will kill the warriors of the barbaric domain and let them repay blood and blood."


   The streamer flashed, Luo Mu, who was guarding the battlefield, and the petrified ape and beast were included in the ring of chemistry.

   And around Dingye City, but also filled with the anger that Yun Feiyang eliminated, its strength seems to melt the world.



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