Super God

Chapter 2042: This one-shot is really powerful!

() Xuanyuan Wentian breaks through the level of immortal emperor, from the perspective of martial arts cultivation, it is really fast.

At the same time, it also shows that with the inexhaustible resources, he is definitely the genius of the genius.

"Brother Feiyang!"

Luo Mudao: "Why don't you break through."

In his view, Yun Feiyang's qualifications must be higher than Xuanyuan Wentian, and it should be said that breaking the fairy emperor should be faster than him.

Lin Zhixi was also puzzled and asked: "Are you still at the peak fairy level for the cultivation of these thousand years?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

Lin Zhixi said: "With your qualifications, you should be able to reach a higher level within a thousand years. Why hasn't you moved?"

Yun Feiyang said bitterly: "Because I have the light of the fairy emperor."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Zhixi looked at him.

Yun Feiyang explained: "According to the rules set by the Heavenly Dao, the warrior with the light of the fairy emperor participates in the battle for the throne. The lowest state is the peak fairy king, and the highest limit is also the peak fairy king."

Lin Zhixi said: "Your realm is restricted?"

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang nodded.

For thousands of years, he has been practicing and has such an excellent martial arts environment. It is certainly easy to break through to be comparable to the Immortal Emperor level, but the realm has always been stagnant due to the limited Emperor Emperor's light.

Yun Feiyang didn't know it at first, but Heavenly Dao told him later that he almost couldn't help but yell at him.


For the martial arts warriors of the real martial arts world, having the light of immortal emperor equals the possibility of becoming immortal emperor.

However, carrying this aura is a great tragedy for Yun Feiyang, because the realm is stuck at the peak fairy king level.


Because of the restricted rules, he was stuck in the realm and he was not alone.

Yun Feiyang whispered: "The undefeated Lao Tzu guy has the light of an immortal emperor, and his qualifications and luck are not weaker than me. The realm must also be stuck at the peak fairy king level."

The reason why the immortal emperor has such wonderful rules is also to give the warrior a fair opportunity in the competition for immortal emperor.

If there is a defiant existence, it must be meaningless to break through the immortal emperor level before the battle of immortal emperors begins.

of course.

Although Yun Feiyang's realm is restricted, but after thousands of years of cultivation, his strength is definitely much stronger than before, but it is just as exaggerated as there is no realm breakthrough.

In order to prove how strong he was, he specially called out Hao Shuai, and there was a discussion in the ring of fortune.

Luo Mu and Yunli and others immediately carried a small bench around the battle area, nibbling melon seeds.

"Brother Feiyang is still the peak fairy."

Yunli spit out melon seeds and said: "In my opinion, it's best to resist that ugly, eight monsters and five punches."

In his view, Wu Quan is already a very high prediction. After all, Xuanyuan Wentian only resisted two punches in the realm comparable to the Xiandi level.

"You can't treat a demon like Feiyang brother with ordinary people. I feel like I must get at least ten punches."

Luo Mu said seriously.


Out of the infinite worship of the Master, Shen Qing cut the railroad: "With the strength of the Master, it is no problem to carry three or fifty punches."


Everyone's mouth twitched.

If you can really fight thirty or fifty punches, Brother Feiyang is definitely not a king level, and can be called God level.

Outside the war zone, everyone is rushing to speculate.

Yun Feiyang looked at Hao Shuai and smiled: "Use your fist of sky rage."


Hao Shuai's eyes widened.

Lin Zhixi was also frowning, Liu thought, "I'm going to die again?"

Inspired by the blood of Hao Shuai, a fist of sky rage burst out. She saw with her own eyes that the horror of power is absolutely beyond the control of any king.

"Ah for what."

Yun Fei said: "Hurry up to stimulate the blood."


Hao Shuai collapsed.

He was worried that if this guy would die, he would hiccup.

Yun Feiyang holds the source of Hao Shuai's soul. If the accident falls, the latter will definitely suffer.

"Fist of Skywrath? What is it?"

"Looking at that ugly expression, it seems like it should be a big trick."

Luo Mu and Yunli have not witnessed the fists of sky rage.


Yun Feiyang urged.


Hao Shuai immediately aroused the blood, and a breath of breath appeared around his body, and the eyes instantly turned red.


The violent air waves roared in the ring of creation

Luo Mu, Yunli and others suffered from disturbance, and the blood in the body began to boil.

Just because the air wave strikes, it can stir up its own internal body. If the ugly monsters show their moves, don't they want to fall on the spot?

Everyone's face became more solemn.

However, as the breath wreaked havoc, they felt more stressed.



It was at this time that a stream of light barriers appeared in front of everyone, so that the terrorist erosion was offset.

Everyone was relieved, but there was a shock in their eyes, shocked that Hao Shuai had such a horrible trick.


The violent air waves are still erupting, and they are gradually condensing together, like a dark cloud covering the sky.

"Fist of Skywrath!"

Suddenly, Hao Shuai yelled, and the arms that appeared in the green tendon joined together, and they suddenly fell down.

Above half-air, the air wave that seemed to be cloud and mist instantly formed a giant fist, pressing down against Yun Feiyang.

There is no wind.

There is no sound.

Luo Mu and Yunli, who were inside the defensive barrier, seemed to feel that the whole world fell into a state of rest when the giant fist fell.

"How... how possible!"

Lin Yifeng looked horrified: "The surrounding spaces have been suppressed and stopped flowing!"

He possesses spatial attributes and can capture everything in the external space.


Everyone took a breath.

With a punch, even the space stopped, how terrible this is!

"Brother Feiyang!"

Luo Mu said crazy: "You play too great!"

Yunli collapsed and said: "If there is an accident, it will definitely die on the spot!"


At this moment, the fists of heaven's fury blew down, the original still space was restored, and the dust and violent vibrations exploded in an instant, as if experiencing the end of the world!



The fierce gusty wind roared mercilessly, and the huge boxing area was devastated.

Fortunately, Luo Mu, Yunli and others were in the Dao realm, and they were not affected, but they stared at them and looked forward, worried about Yun Fei's safety!


Everything is clearly visible.

They first saw that in the area where the dust was falling, there was a streamer flashing, revealing a strong sense of morality.

This is-Tao Realm!

Everyone continued to work hard to see and found that within the Tao Realm, Yun Fei stood proudly.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


At this moment, the sound of cracking came.

The Dao world around Luo Mu and Yunli shattered on the spot and turned into nothingness.

Yun Fei's Dao Realm shattered, and then "Pootong" fell to the ground, and said weakly: "Damn, this... this blow is really powerful!"

After talking, it passed out.


Lin Zhixi flew by, picked him up, and shook his head and said, "You must be brave."


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