Super God

Chapter 2046: Ru wait for yourself

() The battlefield of Tianying City has just experienced some fierce fighting. One million soldiers from the Solo World, all died in battle, and no one was spared.

Looking around, corpses and limbs were scattered all over the battlefield, and the blood stained the whole earth red.


The spirit soldiers stood on the battlefield where corpses ran across the field, breathing quickly, but the corners of their mouths were smiling.

This battle, killing very cool.

This battle, killing is very enjoyable!

"did you see!"

Standing on the tower, Luo Mu roared loudly: "This is our strength!"

In the distance, the warriors of the Solo Kingdom kept silent.

They saw and understood that the original Wuwu Realm, which relied on the formation to defend hard, would have such a sturdy strength!



At this moment, a stream of light came from the distant sky at very high speed.

It was a group of warriors in white robes, and the breath radiating from the whole body was not only the peak level of the king.

"White Robe League!"

The Solo Warriors exclaimed, their eyes flashed in worship.

Yun Fei Yang wondered: "How come the secluded secular monarchy came out?"

From the mouth of the Hao Brothers, he learned that Zoromen, a well-known Zoroman, is one of them.

Baipaomeng is a hermitage of the hidden world. The status of the hidden world family is similar to that of Zhenwu God Territory. Because the doormen wear white robe, they are called Baipaomeng.



A few moments later, dozens of white-robed warriors flew by, stagnating over Tianying City, looking down on everything below with a high attitude.


Luo Mu said uncomfortably: "It's so real."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "This is one of the top ten sects of Solo World."

"So it turns out."

Luo Mu and Yunli and others realized.

In the white robe, an old man with a fairy bone said: "Who is the leader below?"

The tragic Soroe was defeated in a hundred cities, and so many soldiers were killed. It is completely unknown who is the leader.


Yun Feiyang said briskly.


The elders in the white robe were surprised.

In his view, Xuanyuan Wentian or Huangfujian standing on the tower may be the leader, but he never expected that he would be a young man with only king-level realm.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Amazed?"

Elder Bai Paomeng regained his surprised look and said lightly: "Ru wait for yourself."

"old man."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "We live well, why should we kill ourselves?"

Known as the old guy, a little anger flashed in the eyes of the elder Baipao League, saying, "Old is for your good."


Yun Feiyang said with interest: "How is it good?"

The elder of the White Robe League said indifferently: "In this way, we can avoid suffering from the flesh and skin."

"Pooh haha."

Yunli could not help laughing, and said: "Roman Monkey, this old guy can pretend to be more powerful than you."


Luo Mu said with a lip in his mouth: "How can I compare with me at this level?"


A doorman from the White Robe League yelled.


Luo Mu and the Lunar Calendar all looked at each other with eerie eyes: "Who are you talking about?"

The Baipaomenmen shuddered, but the elders were present, but they said without fear: "Of course you are talking about you thieves!"

In his view, the real martial arts warrior came to the Solo World and attacked the city and looted it, which was no different from the thief.

"Roman monkey."

Yunli said: "I understand."

"What do you understand?"

Luo Mu asked.

Yunli said indifferently: "Invade Zhenwu God Territory first, licking his face and saying that we are thieves, this is not pretending to be a force, this is a group of unreasonable stupid people."

"It makes sense."

Luo Mu agreed: "It is indeed a group of stupid people."

"court death!"

Even though the elders of the Baipao League were no more conservative, they were furious when they heard the words of Luo Mu and Yunli. They immediately waved their hands and pressed down with a strong palm.


Luo Mu pretended to be horrified: "Is this annoyed? I'm so scared!"

"I'm so scared!"

The panic pretended by Yunli was more exaggerated.

However, this behavior angered the elders of the White Robe League, so the palm prints that were suddenly crushed again improved a lot.

The elders in the White Robe League are the emperor-level powerhouses. The palm of their anger is extremely powerful. The space around them was suddenly shocked.

"Lying trough!"

"It's a bit fierce!"

Luo Mu and Yunli swallowed secretly.

In the face of this terror force, they must be very guilty.


It was at this moment that a pattern of Tai Chi appeared suddenly in the air.


In an instant, the palm print disappeared under the rotation of the pattern.

Elder Bai Paomeng frowned slightly, turned to look at the beautiful Lin Zhixi in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "It turns out that your baby girl is a powerful emperor."


"That woman is an emperor-level powerhouse!?"

In the distance, the Solomon Warrior's eyes widened.

From the beginning, they discovered Lin Zhixi. After all, this appearance and noble temperament, even standing in the dense crowd, were as dazzling as the stars.

"I didn't expect such a beautiful woman in the world!"

After seeing Lin Zhixi, the soldiers of the Solo World had the same reaction.

However, they only paid attention to their appearance, but they neglected their strength. Only when the elders of the Baipao League said a word, would they have a strong shock.

Any plane is mainly male.

It is unbelievable that a woman has imperial power.

Looking at everyone's faces, Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Zhixi, they seem to be surprised."

Lin Zhixi gently raised his hand and said, "Husband, do you want to destroy them."


The Solo Warrior's mouth twitched.

Such a beautiful woman turned out to be the guy's wife.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Which kind of thing can make you go, let Xuanyuan seniors."

Lin Zhixi dissipated the condensed energy.


Xuanyuan Wentian flew out of the tower and attacked the elders of Baipao League.

It didn't take long for him to break through the Immortal Emperor class, and he was eager to fight against the strong men of the same class, so as to stabilize his realm.


Xuanyuan Wentian punched a fist in the void, only to see two fist marks erupt.

"Is it imperial again?"

Elder Baipaomeng's face changed slightly, but his big sleeves waved, condensing the vast waves, and directly greeted the fist of the attack.

"Boom! Boom!"

The fist print collided with the air waves, and the momentum was huge.


Xuanyuan Wentian turned into a flew out of the air waves, and immediately approached the elders of the White Robe League and launched a crazy bombardment.


A servant from Baipao League shouted: "Eliminate these thieves and avenge the dead Solo Warrior!"

"Brush! Brush!"

Everyone exploded into the realm of pinnacles and rushed towards Tianying City.


Luo Mu summoned a big knife and sneered: "Kill all the guys who are pretending to be!"


The realm of the Lunar calendar and other people on the city tower was fully opened, and they flew out of the city tower one after another, killing them towards the attacking white robe alliance martial arts.


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