Super God

Chapter 2113: Reverse

The dragon pregnancy fruit is the holy fruit of the ancestral land of the dragon domain. Yun Feiyang bluntly asked for it, making the dragon clan's eyes wide one by one.

To be honest, they met a lot of foreign martial artists who came to ask for the holy fruit, but it was the first time for Zhangkou to ask for ten.

This is also shameless.

It's not Yun Feiyang who wants to face.


The leading warrior said with a cold face: "Fuck off quickly, don't defile the dragon spirit of my ancestral land here."

Xiaolongyu prohibits non-dragon warriors from entering

This orthodox ancestral land of the Dragon Region is naturally difficult to accommodate other races.

After all the hard work, why did Yun Feiyang leave?

He smiled and said, "I will leave for ten dragon pregnant fruits, and it will disappear immediately, and will never appear."


The dragon clan's lineage broke out with a strong breath and said with a stern look: "Don't toast, don't eat, drink fine!"

"As long as you give me ten dragon fruit, I will drink as much fine as possible."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

He came to the Dragon Land ancestral land, not to provoke trouble, he wanted to get the dragon pregnancy, even if it was beaten.

"Dragon pregnancy fruit is my sacred fruit of the dragon family, you alone don't have to dream in daylight."


Long Zhenyu said: "You leave first, I'll go in and ask."

He understands Yun Feiyang's character and fears that it will become a big shot.


Yun Feiyang compromised.

He is looking at Long Zhenyu's face. After all, he has the blood of the Dragon clan. If he expands things, he will only bring ugliness to his brothers.


Yun Fei Yang arched his hands and turned to leave.

The dragon clan took back the breath of the outbreak, turned his head to look at Long Zhenyu, and said lightly: "You too get out."

Long Zhenyu frowned: "I have the blood of the dragon, can't I enter the ancestral land of the dragon?"

The dragon clan said disdainfully: "Garbage with a purity of less than one percent in blood veins is naturally not eligible to enter."


As soon as the words fell, a big foot struck directly on his face and flew it out.

"Oh shit."

Yun Feiyang withdrew his foot and Lengsen said: "A stupid man is even less qualified to humiliate my brother."

Suddenly kicked, too fast.

Almost a few dragon clan descendants were not captured at all.


The kicked dragon clan descended into the ground and fell several feet deep.

At this time, they came back to God, when the cultivation was about to break out, glaring at Yunfei!

"Damn mankind!"

"Don't dare to start in my Longyu ancestry!"

Several dragon clan families dare not take action. After all, they kicked the dragon abyss, this guy must be very strong!

Long Zhenyu's mouth twitched.

Obviously I didn't expect the contradiction to be triggered in a flash.


Yun Fei said: "I can't help but kick him."

Long Zhenyu shrugged and smiled, "Some people have a hard time speaking, it is a good lesson."

He was very touched. After all, what Yunfei Yang kicked after the warrior said that he regarded himself as a real brother.



It was at this time that the two blonde old men flew in anger, covering the vast and powerful Longwei.

Several dragon clan descendants invited these two strong men with the dragon clan secret method. Not to mention, the strength is very strong. Judging from the breath, it is not weaker than the ancient emperor.


The old man who came one step ahead sneered: "It is an unforgivable death penalty to start an unauthorized operation in the Dragon Land and hurt my clan's lineage!"


With a big hand wave, the vast dragon was transformed into a roaring dragon beast, swept with horror and coercion.

Feeling the power of pure Longwei, Long Zhenyu's eyes were hot.

Over the years, he has been comprehending the bloodline and condensing the dragon spirit. After witnessing the truly powerful dragon power today, he naturally yearns infinitely.

"old man."

Yun Feiyang disdainfully said: "With your strength, what qualifications can convict me of Yun Feiyang!"

"call out!"

Taking one step, the right fist united its strength and bluntly roared towards the roaring dragon beast.

In the ancestral land of the Dragon Clan, his actions and strength were suppressed, but with a punch, the power was still very powerful. After all, he was a Fifth Grade Emperor!

However, just as Yun Feiyang was about to break, the roaring dragon and beast suddenly wiped out nothingness.

"You... are you flying?"

The blonde old man withdrew Long Wei, and a look of surprise appeared on the old man's face. The originally irritated couples of the dragon clan also changed their faces one by one.

Have they heard of my name, have I heard of this person?

Yun Feiyang was a little stunned, but still said with a voice: "Yes, I am Yun Feiyang!"

"The clouds of Zhenwu Shenyu flying?"

The blonde old man's hands shook slightly, as if excited, and as if excited.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang thought to himself, did his name and deeds have spread to the distant Longyu ancestral land?

"It turned out to be Yun Xiaoyou. I apologize for waiting to be offended."

The blonde old man immediately arched his hand.

There was gentleness in the words, and there was no previous strong hostility.

Another old man and several dragon clan descendants also smiled, as if they had forgotten something unpleasant.

The style of painting suddenly changed, leaving Yun Feiyang and Long Zhenyu a little confused.

The blond old man put on a gesture of "please" and said, "Yun Xiaoyou, my Lord of the Dragon Race has been waiting for you, please go to the Dragon City with the old."


Dragon city.

The main city of Longyu Zudi is completely inferior in arrogance to the imperial city, and all of them live in the dragon clan.

Long Zhenyu followed Yun to feel the vast dragon air flowing in the city, and secretly said: "If you can practice here, break through the emperor level, just around the corner!"


"A man came in?"

After catching Yun Fei's breath of humanity, the busy family of the dragon clan living in the city, an error appeared on his face.

Dragon City is the most sacred main city of the Dragon race, and no aliens are allowed to enter without permission.

"The two guards seem to have great respect for this man, is it a great top man?"

Seeing the two blonde old men chatting and laughing with human beings, and sometimes communicating, many of them were even more curious.

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "The two emperor-level old men turned out to be only the chief of guards, and the ancestral land of Longyu must be like a master."

as predicted.

Walking on the road, he quickly discovered that the emperor-level strong men appeared from time to time, and the king-level warriors were everywhere.

Even more sturdy is that even the second junior who is welcoming outside the shop and the teenager who is doing miscellaneous restaurants have the strength of a big fairy king.


Yun Feiyang secretly sighed: "If my arrogant Emperor City is so strong, even ten Soro Domains can be easily destroyed."

"Brother Yuan!"

At this moment, a young dragon clan stood at the intersection and said softly: "What's wrong with your face?"


Long Yuan was silent.

A sister-in-law at the intersection smiled and said: "It must have been beaten, otherwise it would be swollen and so high."

"Dare to fight Long Yuan, really to death."

"Will it be the garbage man?"

Many descendants talked in a low voice, and the blonde old man who led the way frowned, scolding: "In front of Yun Xiaoyou, don't wait to be extravagant!"

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