Super God

Chapter 2167: Break through 7th grade

Yunhe and Yunyuan came to hear the sound, and did not find Yun Feiyang, because the guy drove ahead and shifted his position.

After a month of cultivation, his realm has improved, but the effect of Zu Xue Dan has not weakened, and he will certainly not fight against the Five Vessels.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

After hiding in a safe area, Yun Feiyang secretly said while practicing, "Wait for the cultivation of Lao Tzu, you will definitely be happy with you!"

The effect of taking Zu Xue Dan can last for a year, so this guy began to focus more on cultivation. During this period, he was almost discovered by Yun He and Yun Wang, and was forced to change several places.


"That kid really hides!"

He didn't find him all the time, Yun He and Yun Wang were very angry, but they could only continue to search within the Changsheng Clock.

In this way, Yun Feiyang hides and hides, one year later, the effect of Zu Xuedan completely dissipated.


He gently opened his eyes and spit out a cloud of gas.

In the past year, under the effect of the ancestor Dan, although the state has not broken through, the energy in the fairy core has been greatly improved.

According to Yun Feiyang's own judgment, if he faces the seventh-grade emperor level, he should be able to easily ruin after casting the secret of the Great Soul Bloodline.

Between the emperor levels, the difference is a far cry.

He can rely on the secret method, so he can easily be ravaged. This leapfrog ability has to be said to be terrible!

It is not just strength that improves.

With the acceleration of the time of the ring of fortune, Yun Feiyang's understanding of the handprint of the Great Compassion has reached the level of reaching into the realm!

There are also regrets.

After a year of enlightenment, he did not understand the secret method of the Great Soul Bloodline.

If it is an ordinary heirloom, there must be a great chance to comprehend the first change or the second change of the mystery.

However, Yun Feiyang has now realized the fourth change, and if he wants to understand the fifth change, relying on Zu Xuedan, the chance is definitely very low.

"There are still fourteen, hoping to comprehend it." Yun Feiyang murmured, and then walked out of the cave enveloped by the formation.

Zu Xue Dan is very good, but there are limitations. After the effect disappears, you need to wait a year before continuing to take it.


Yun Feiyang shook his fist and said, "It's better to use this time to find Wumai's lineage and practice!"


"Boom! Boom!"

In the calm mountain forest, suddenly there was a loud noise. In the distance, Yunhe and Yunyuan flew over as soon as they heard the movement.


Yunhe, who had just arrived, saw Yun Fei standing on the boulder at a glance and excitedly said: "It's that guy!"

"Finally found!"

Yun's eyes flashed coldly.

In the past year, his brother gave up practicing and always looked for Yun Feiyang in the Changsheng Clock, and what he found was almost collapsed.

very pitiful.

If it is not Yun Feiyang, want to test the strength.

Even if they look for a decade or a century, they may not be able to find it.


Yun He rushed first, his eyes cold and said: "Boy, you made us look so hard."

"Brother He."

Yun bypassed: "Don't talk nonsense with him, get rid of it quickly."

They came to Changsheng Zhong for cultivation, and of course they didn't want to waste more time on Yun Feiyang.

Yun He no longer talked much, rushed over his body, and displayed the dense handprint of great compassion.

A year ago, Yun Feiyang was shocked by the blood martial arts performed by this person, but now he disagrees, even stepping forward, and also exhibited the handwriting of great compassion!


The dense palm prints condensed out, instantly condensed together, and turned into a huge sad palm print.

"Nine styles in one!"

Yun Yuan said with a shock: "This is the level of immersion!"

" is it possible..." Yun He's eyes widened, his eyes flashing in disbelief.

The two of them have been cultivating the complete handprint of great compassion, and have always been enlightened, but today's achievements have only just reached the ultimate level.

Yun Feiyang's display of the handwriting of the Great Sorrow has achieved nine-in-one, and has reached the level of reaching the environment, which has caused them a lot of blows!

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of rumbling came and the world shook.

Yun Feiyang's condensed handprint of great compassion directly suppressed all the condensed palm prints of Yunhe.

In terms of strength, he is not as good as the five-maiden lineage, but he has absolutely crushed the understanding of martial arts.


Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "It's such courage to dare to bring it out to be embarrassing."


Yun He's eyes are cracking, and once again condenses the handwriting of great compassion, and the power of this time is obviously stronger than it!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Yun Feiyang was fearless, and also exhibited the handprint of the Great Compassion's hard resistance. In an instant, countless palm prints collided wildly in mid-air.

After some confrontation, he stepped back a few steps, and with his skill, he quickly disappeared on the spot.

This time Yunhe and Yunyuan were brought in only to test the level of comprehension of the Great Sympathetic Handprint, so after reaching the goal, we naturally have to slip away.

no way.

Yun Dachen will not think that can understand the bloodline martial arts to reach the realm, and can compete with the eighth-grade emperor.

"Oh shit!"

Yunhe and Yunxun didn't expect that the kid would flee in a sudden handshake, so he could only watch the empty area secretly angry.


Next time.

Yun Feiyang always intentionally or unintentionally reveals his position, and then fights with the two five-maiden lineage to measure his combat effectiveness.

In this way, after a year of fighting and hiding, he once again hid in a safe area, took an ancestral blood pill, and began deeper cultivation.


One day, Yun Feiyang, who was in the formation, suddenly appeared the majestic attributes of the world. Obviously, it was the sign of promotion!


After feeling the breath, other descendants who were practicing in the Changsheng Bell said, "Someone is going to break through?"


Yun He said angrily: "It's that boy's breath!"

Yun twitched around the corner of his mouth and said: "We have been chased for more than two years and can still break through. How did this happen?"


The majestic waves are mad, and after a period of time, they begin to restrain themselves.

Yun Feiyang, who was in the formation, opened his eyes, and the two fine flashes flashed away, and the whole body instantly erupted a stronger aura.

It has been almost three years since I arrived at the Changsheng Clock.

Relying on two ancestral blood pill, he successfully moved from sixth-grade imperial grade to seventh-grade imperial grade!

Is this fast?

For Yunhe and Yunyuan, they were too fast to imagine.

But for Yun Feiyang, it's normal. After all, if you can't achieve a breakthrough of 100 times the intake speed, will you still have a face to practice in Changsheng Clock?

It should have been a pleasure to break through to the seventh-grade emperor level, but Yun Da cheap **** was very frustrated, because after taking two ancestor blood pill, the realm has broken through, but he has never touched the fifth change of the big soul blood vein secret method.

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