Super God

Chapter 2299: Who benefits most?

After Blood Eighteen handed over the note to Deacon Five, the other party said nothing, but arranged for them to temporarily stay in two rooms.


   "Deputy rudder master."


   Yunfeiyang smiled and said: "You are safe now."


"how do I say this?"


  Blood Eighteen is blank.


  Yun Feiyang explained: "If you guess right, the background of the blood twenty-two must be the five deacons."




  Blood Eighteen was shocked: "The five deacons are the guy's backstage. I told him about the mutiny, didn't I look for death!"


   Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "The deputy rudder has evidence to prove that Blood 22 is a traitor. Deacon Five will certainly not embarrass you, because if this matter is known to the host, it will certainly implicate him."


  Blood Eighteen's head is a bit inflexible, making it difficult to understand what he meant.


   Yun Feiyang said in detail: "If the five deacons are going to kill you, they will start just now, how can they put the deputy rudder master down."


   "Look at me."


   said: "The five deacons must hope that this has not happened, and will try to defend you in front of the host, so they are all happy."


   This guy is really smart.


   Deacon Five is indeed the backstage of Blood Twenty-two, and he can become a sub-helm, which he recommended.


  Blood Eighteen suddenly came with evidence, pointing directly at the person he recommended to connect with the Tianyi tribe. This must be known by the above, and he must be suffering.


How to do?


  The five deacons will not kill people.


  Because everyone came to the branch, killing would only make oneself inexplicable.


   The easiest way is to destroy the note, the right should not happen, and in front of the host, try to intercede for the blood eighteen, and thoroughly suppress the matter.


   someone may say.


  Is my mind too complicated?


   In fact, it is still the simplest, no matter where, the most unpredictable is the human heart.


   Shopping malls are like this.


   The officialdom is the same!


  Blood Eighteen listened to Yun Feiyang's explanation, and was a bit annoyed. After all, Blood Twenty-two was really betrayed. As a result, he was suppressed by the five deacons.


   thought it would be worthwhile to be aggrieved by not being questioned by the host.


   A few days later.


  The return of the dean of the branch, under the good words of the five deacons, the blood eighteen notes once, and was not punished.


   This is a matter of great joy.


   But in fact, the most benefit is Yun Feiyang.


  Blood Twenty-two is not a true mutiny, but is framed by stolen goods. If you pursue it, you may find traces of it.


   Well now, a right has never happened, a willing to accept grievances, this matter will be hidden forever, he will be more secure in the branch.


  Who has the deepest routine in the world, Weiyun is also a god!




   The branch hall is different from the branch rudder. The members of the blood hall inside are all above the emperor. They usually seldom appear in the outer hall except the stone statues.


  Yun Feiyang had intended to get some information, but he had no choice but to get on the phone and could only get through and get mixed up. Occasionally, he had a chat with blood eighteen and passed the time of boredom.




   Eighteen bloods: "I have talked with Deacon Five, and it won't take long before you can go to the blood pool to fuse blood."


  Because of blood twenty-two things, he and Deacons went closer. After all, it counted as a grasshopper on a rope.


   "Let the assistant rudder bother." Yun Feiyang thanked.


  Blood Eighteen shook his head and said: "I am no longer the deputy rudder master, just like you are just ordinary blood palace members."


Although Deacon Wu tried his best to say good things to him, after all, a branch rudder was destroyed in his hands, so once remembered, he was also removed from the position of deputy rudder master.


   The rudder is gone, and the men are gone.


  Eighteen blood don't care about this position, but fortunate that he can survive.


  Yun Feiyang seriously said: "The deputy rudder master is always the deputy rudder master in his heart, always worthy of respect, always worthy of love, and always worth living!"


   Several consecutive forever, moved the blood eighteen.


   The world where martial arts is respected, I have seen more and more frauds, and I have seen more and more downfalls, and the people who have met so soon can be so loyal to themselves. This is already enough!


  If Blood Eighteen knows, the guy who shows loyalty in front of him has been playing, and I don’t know what kind of expression will appear.




   A few days later.


  Yun Feiyang was called up by the five deacons early and followed him to the outer hall.


   "That kid is here."


   "How can a member who has just come to the branch hall be eligible to enter the blood pool?"


  Outside the hall, it was rare to gather a lot of blood hall members, and when they saw Yun Feiyang, they immediately argued with each other.




   Five deacons said coldly.


   Everyone closed their mouths, and the whole outer hall became quiet instantly.


   "Oldest five."


   It was at this time that an old man over half a hundred years old appeared and smiled: "You have tried your best to get a place from the host, just to let this son merge blood?"


   This is a deacon in four divisions.


   Five deacons said lightly: "Having a problem?"


   Four deacons smiled and said: "This person is not at the peak of emperor level, and the qualifications are also very ordinary. The old man is worried that after the fusion of blood, it will make you lose face."


   "Do not bother you."


   Five deacons said lightly.


  To tell the truth, he didn't want to take Yun Feiyang to fuse the blood, but during the period of Blood Eighteen, he had been begging himself, and he could only agree to it.


   "It seems that these two deacons have a holiday."


   Yun Feiyang stood behind, capturing the expression between the two, and she felt affirmed in her heart.


   He likes this kind of hatred most, because he can use the countermeasures skillfully, let the two fight inside, and make the whole branch uncomfortable.


  Large cloud **** is like a fly, squatting quietly beside an egg, as soon as he finds a gap, he will find a way to bite it up.






   The stone statue suddenly shuddered and gradually moved away, showing a hidden door in the blocked area.


   "Come with me."


   Five deacons said.


   Yunfeiyang hurriedly followed and secretly said: "It should be the inner temple."


  The blood hall is divided into two halls, the outer hall is the area where members rest, worship, and daily meetings. The inner hall is the most mysterious. The blood pool used to fuse blood vessels is placed here, which is an important place.


   "Gutter, Gutter!"


  When Yun Feiyang walked in with the five deacons, he saw a huge pool in the field of vision, and the water inside was bloody, boiling violently, as if boiling.


   "Jump in."


   Five deacons said.




  Yun Feiyang didn't even take off his clothes, but he jumped directly into the seemingly boiling blood pool with a bang.


   is a bit cold and a bit cold.


   fell into the blood pool, he felt this feeling in his heart ~ ~ closed his eyes. "


   Five deacons said: "Then, run the blood curse and let the blood flow into your body."


   Isn't it!


   What is special is the blood curse!


   Yunfeiyang collapsed, but it was at this time that the blood in the pool began to flow into the body frantically along the pores.


what's the situation?


  I didn't learn the blood curse and didn't work. Why did the blood water integrate into my body?


  When Yun Fei was puzzled, the blood that had melted into the body poured into the blood vessels like a torrent of water, and suddenly ran into the blood.




   screams rang in the inner hall.



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