Super God

Chapter 2385: You can't do it

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Dare to bully my contract beast, today I will teach you this beast."

As the master, I must be in the first place for the Golden Spirit Sacred Ape.

"Contract Beast?"

Sanmu Niumo said in amazement: "Little monkey, have you signed a contract with this man?"

"Not bad."

Golden Spirit Sacred Ape said proudly.

The three pairs of eyes of the three-eyed bull demon suddenly appeared contemptuous, saying: "As the guardian of Tao Shenmu, it is a shame for the ancient fierce beast to sign a contract with humans!"

Although it has not said that human beings are the most garbage, it is very resistant to human races because of ethnic groups.


Jin Ling Sheng Ape said coldly: "Let's talk nonsense, today the master will ask me to be fair, you just wait for being abused!"


Sanmu Niumo sneered, and his nose spewed out a scorching heat wave, saying: "A weak human being, is it qualified?"

"the host!"

Jin Ling Sheng Ape said: "He underestimates..."

The voice came to an abrupt stop, because Yun Feiyang took out the scroll again, and condensed finger light to outline it.

"This guy……"

Tian Ruoqi said silently: "Are you going to take Sanmu Niumo again?"


This kind of ancient fierce beast has the value of conquering it even if it is now almost handicapped.

Moreover, Yun Feiyang entered the dry and glorious realm, one was to find the tree of the road, and the other was to come to the beast.


Sanmu Niu Shen said, "What are you painting?"


After the portrait was painted, the Atlas of the Mythical Beast flew up and flickered in the air.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's miserable not to be abused, it's better to integrate the soul into the portrait just painted."


Sanmu Niumo snorted coldly, and the third eye on his forehead shone, saying, "With your cultivation, you can abuse me!"

"Be careful!"

Tian Ruoqi said: "His third eye is releasing breath, don't look at it, so as not to lose your mind and be controlled by it."

Yun Feiyang smiled, but did not look away, and continued to look at the third eye with a strange light.

Sanmu Niumo said lightly: "Boy, I want to make you a puppet that will never be awakened!"

"You can't do it."

Yun Feiyang answered in four words, neatly.

The three-eyed bull demon was furious, and the flashing light of the third eye became stronger and stronger, and the turbulent power swept through.

When this kind of breath comes into contact with things that have thought, it will instantly erode and eventually gain dominance. The disadvantage is that if you do not look directly at the third eye, it will have no effect.

Now Yun Feiyang is looking at the third eye of Sanmu Niumo, suffering from the strange breath of whistling, but the corner of his mouth is filled with a smile.

It is undeniable that the atmosphere that interferes with thinking is very powerful, but would he care if he has a strong soul and possesses two anti-heaven mental methods.


The air that is hard to see with the naked eye madly enveloped Yun Fei. Although the momentum was huge, it was hard to help him.

The three-eyed bull demon widened his eyes.

Guarding the pure land for a long time, when encountering human beings, it can always be controlled with trial and error and become a puppet at your disposal.

Why is it invalid today?

Or is this human cultivation unpredictable?


As long as you are directly facing each other, even if you can contend with the top emperor, you should not be so relaxed!

Jin Ling Sheng Ape was dumbfounded.

I was not under the control of the big bison’s disturbing breath at that time, and then under the control of it, I made things that were obvious to the beast. The master was not affected, which is really amazing!

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "The breath you see in your eyes won't have any negative effect on me, so let's integrate the soul into it."

To be honest, he really didn't want to come in for a hard time. If it hurts him, he will have to spend a lot of time to heal. If he can persuade him with his mouth, it is undoubtedly the best ending.


Sanmu Niumo drank coldly, and the disruptive breath of the third eye grew stronger.

Tian Ruoqi didn't dare to stare directly at her, fearing that she would accidentally start.

Yun Feiyang's performance is still very plain. After all, the soul is strong, and the two mental methods operate, which can easily resolve the interference breath that blends into the sea of ​​knowledge.

If the strength of Sanmu Niumo can be compared with Daoxuan Xianxian, it is possible to control him, but with the cultivation of the emperor now, the success rate can only be zero!

"I'm still in a hurry."

Yun Feiyang suddenly appeared in front of it, and punched over, saying: "Since you don't cooperate, you can only come hard."


This punch was very fast and accurate, directly blasting on the back of Sanmu Niumo, and the powerful force instantly spread in the body, bringing intense pain.


The screams came.


The strength of Sanmu Niumo and Yunfeiyang is a little bit different, and the picture of the abuse is not mentioned. In short, the guy still obediently integrated his soul into the catalog of the God Beast and became a contract beast.

Jinling Holy Ape laughed and said: "Aren't you very angry? Not like me?"


Sanmu Niu Silence.

Yun Fei said: "Let's hurry up."

Next, he took Tian Ruo and Lao Tzu undefeated and continued to walk in the realm of dry glory. Within two hours, he passed two pieces of pure land in met two ancient fierce beasts and surrendered them.

"This guy seems to have a hobby of collecting fierce beasts..."

The following Tian Ruoqi secretly said, and at the same time was very puzzled. In the end, his picture was the treasure, how could he sign a contract with the beast so easily?

In a short time, he surrendered four ancient beasts, which is a good harvest.

But what made Yun Feiyang depressed was that none of the ancient trees on the Sifang Pure Land had any fruit and was picked by others.

"the host."

Jinling Holy Ape Road said: "Your current location is the outer periphery. There are warriors who come to explore all the year round. Naturally, there will be no fruit. In the inner periphery of the deeper area, there are very few humans involved. There must be fruit in it!"

Before being surrendered, it still has a little bit of reluctance, and then witnessed the owner successively take down the three-eyed bull demon and two other ancient fierce beasts stronger than himself, and immediately worshiped the five-body cast into the land.

The beast is like this.

If you are weaker than yourself, you are bullish.

When you encounter something stronger than yourself, you immediately obey.

Although realistic, it is much simpler than human beings, at least it will not be yangyangyin, and will not think carefully.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Then go to the inner circle."

"the host."

Jin Ling Sheng Ape solemnly said: "There are stronger ancient fierce beasts guarding inside, you need to think clearly."

The following three-eyed bull demon and the other two fierce beasts, their eyes flashed with fear, apparently fearing the powerful fierce beasts within.

"Don't ink."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Hurry and lead the way."


Jinling Sacred Ape pointed to a certain position and said: "Go straight along here, you can enter the inner circle."


Yun Feiyang nodded.


It was at this time that Lao Tzu, shrouded in evil spirits, blew out his blood undefeated, and his face was pale.

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