Super God

Chapter 2392: Enlightenment Dharma

Yun Feiyang had just landed in front of Chang and Chang's double trees. The imprint of the boundless Dharma pressed down from the sky, giving him no chance to escape, and finally hit him.

Although there are no ancient beasts in the Pure Land, there is the most sacred Buddha formation, and those who come in without permission must be taken care of.

Yun Feiyang came in as carelessly as he said, as it should be-deserve it!

Fortunately, the imprint of the word "卍" is engraved. Although the momentum is terrifying, after all, it is also compassionate. The big **** Yun was slammed on the ground, but he looked rather embarrassed and did not suffer much injury.

of course.

Among them is the reason of the purple lotus industry fire.

If I don’t have the chance to be a Buddha, and I have an unyielding atmosphere, I am afraid that I will be wiped out on the spot.


Yun Feiyang collapsed on the ground.

I thought that there were no ancient beasts in the pure land, so I was safe. Who would have thought that I would be crushed by a palm print.


Fazi fell in front of him and he even said: "Amitabha!"

Yun Feiyang wondered: "Monk, why haven't you been attacked when you came in?"

Faz laughed: "Because I have a Buddha in my heart."


Yun Feiyang was speechless.

The little monk who once loved to see others' apron really became a monk.

Tian Ruoqi also landed on the Pure Land without being bombarded by palm prints, which made Yun Feiyang very depressed.

Do you face black? Will it be taken care of?

Not black, but mentality.

Faji can come in because it belongs to the Buddhist gate, and Tian Ruoqi can come in, with awe of the Buddha.

Although Yun Feiyang didn't resent the Buddha, he didn't have that kind of awe. He even fell in front of the double trees and had his own abacus, so he was slammed by the palm print.

"Are you OK?"

Tian Ruoqi said.

Yun Feiyang stood up from the ground and said, "It's okay, only a minor injury."

With that, looking at the lush and withered double trees in front of him, he exclaimed: "The buddhist energies of these two trees are stronger than the outside world!"


Faji murmured and sat down under the tree, saying: "My Buddha entered the extinction in front of the double trees. Today the monk can see it, it is extremely lucky."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Monk, I heard that the double trees contain the Dharma, can you understand it?"

Faji Dao: "The Dharma is boundless. If you want to understand, you need to talk about fate."

Yun Fei Yang Pan sat down and said, "Why don't you compare with me to see who can understand the Dharma contained in the double tree first?"

Tian Ruoqi is speechless.

The monk who suddenly appeared was obviously a monk who had a deep understanding of the Dharma, and who did he first understand before him? Isn’t it fun to ask for it?

Faji said: "The people of my Buddhism never compete for victory. If the donor Yun wants to be enlightened, he can be enlightened, and there is no need to compare."

"You Buddhists and martial arts are just too pedantic and have no meaning at all."

Yun Feiyang closed his eyes, Xiannian released, and Xiang Chang and the impermanent double trees approached.

As long as you master the Dharma in the double trees, you can take away the trees on the pure land, which is very tempting for him, so you must understand them.


Xiannian has just merged with the double trees, and the knowledge of Hai suddenly turned into a blank, and the soul entered a real and illusory situation.

Yun Fei, who has gone through many battles, can be sure that he has entered some kind of fantasy territory, so he is very calm.


The majestic Buddha spirit emerged.

Gradually, the flashing golden characters emerged in the spirit of Buddhism. They were like living creatures, and they kept beating.


Yun Fei frowned.

The double trees contain words that they cannot understand, how can they understand the Dharma?

The Faji who sat down also communicated with Xiannian and merged into the fantasy territory. When he saw the scriptures, he was also confused.

He, who is a Buddhist cultivator, must understand the scriptures, but these words appear to make him confused, and he does not even know how to understand them.


Faji was even ashamed and said: "The poor monk has been studying Buddhism for many years, but it is difficult to understand the meaning of the scriptures. It is still shallow."


Any warrior who communicates with the two trees will enter an independent illusion, and the scriptures presented are the dharma left by the Buddhist monks.

Isn't it too simple to hold the pure land of the double trees of constant and impermanent, not guarded by ancient fierce beasts, only the Dharma that does not hurt lives?


too easy.

No matter what level of people, as long as they fall here and communicate with the two trees with Xiannian, they will get the Dharma, so that they can enlighten them.


The opportunity to give you enlightenment does not mean that you can truly comprehend the Dharma. After all, you must pay attention to fate.

Since the realm of dry glory has been developed, in the endless years, there are countless powerful people who have come to the double trees unintentionally or intentionally, but there are very few who can truly understand the Dharma.

Buddhism is not about qualifications and cultivation, but everything lies in destiny.

Some low-level warriors may be able to learn from them, and some top strong men may do nothing for a lifetime.

Just like Yun Dache God and Faji, one qualification and cultivation are extremely high, and one has studied Buddhism for many years, but when looking at the Mantian scriptures, his eyes are wide.

"I still don't believe it!"

Yun Feiyang calmed her heart completely, and carefully peeped into the floating scripture.

Time passed, and half a month passed.

During this time, he always covered the scriptures with immortals, penetrated from various angles, and even recorded all the strange texts in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Anyway, no effect.

"No, no."

Yun Feiyang murmured: "There must be something wrong with the way of comprehension..."

He calmed down again, closed his eyes, recognized the scriptures appearing in the sea, and began to arrange them for reorganization.

Perhaps this method worked. When the scriptures were reorganized and sorted, they began to beat slightly, as if they had turned into elves with life.


Outside, Yun Fei was sitting in a sitting position, and there was an instant gathering of Buddhism.


Tian Ruoqi was surprised.

This woman previously explored Shuangshu with Xiannian. After entering the illusion, it was difficult to understand the scriptures, and she stepped out of it.

Faji, who is also being enlightened, was harassed by Buddhism and recovered from the illusion. When he saw Yun Feiyang being shrouded by the light of the Buddha, he exclaimed: "He realized it?"

Is it comprehensible?

But it is certain that when Yun Feiyang rearranged the scriptures, he did get some results.

And the texts that look like elves are constantly beating in his sea of ​​ and gradually decomposing, turning into golden light and fusing with meridians and blood in the body.

At that moment, the golden awn that shrouded Yun Feiyang's body grew thicker.

Faji agreed with each other: "Amitabha, Lord Yun seems to have realized the Dharma contained in the double tree of constant and impermanent."


Tian Ruoqi's mouth twitched slightly.

How can such a shameless person be able to comprehend the advanced Buddhism?

Just as she was thinking, a loud voice suddenly sounded in the Pure Land——

Because of impermanence, the Buddha said there is permanence.

For those who don't know the convenience, the Yuchun Pool picks up.

I don’t do the work today, but the Buddha nature comes forward.

I don’t get anything without teaching.

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