Super God

Chapter 2672: 99 straight games

The black spider came from above, and one hand was clasped again and again, unable to move at all, and finally pulled down by Yunfeiyang, and fell **** the ground.

Wait until the dust has dispersed.

Everyone saw him collapse on the ground, and all the corners of his mouth twitched.

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "I don't have many ways to attack, but there are many ways to torture people. Today I will let you know."

During the speech, one foot stepped down, carrying strong force, directly on the black spider's face.


Everyone's eyes widened.

The black spider is an eight major Taoist Xuanxian!

What a disgraceful task in East Coast where the task with head and face was stepped directly on the face!

Shameful, just started.

Yun Feiyang's sole rubbed on his face and said: "Aren't you going to scrap me? Stand up."

"Damn!" The black spider's eyes were split.

However, the wrist was pinched and the meridian of energy was stuck, and it was difficult to lift up to resist.


Yun Feiyang suddenly threw his hand, throwing him up fiercely, and then staggered, bombarded into the air, and suddenly the dense fist marks appeared.

"Boom! Boom!"

The black spider didn't have time to escape, and was hit by a storm-like fist in mid-air, his body suddenly being hollowed out.

Everyone was terrified, and could not bear to look directly.


In the end, the black spider fell again, and his body seemed to fall apart, lying motionless on the ground.

Yun Feiyang came and stood in front of him, like a **** above him: "Is the trash like you also eligible to scrap me?"


The black spider spurted blood.

Obviously, not only suffered internal injuries, but also self-esteem.

Yun Feiyang didn't treat him lightly, but put one foot on his shoulder, but the bones suddenly shattered when he heard the sound of ‘ka rub’.


The screams came.

When everyone saw it, they took a breath.

Go down this foot and smash the power of an eight major Dao Xuanxian, how strong is it!

If the black spider is just arrogant, mad, and the end is at most the same as Han Ye, but it is awkward that Yunfei will be abolished, so it can only be a tragedy.

"Go down."


Yun Feiyang kicked him off the stage and looked at the warrior present, disdainful: "Everyone present, Yunmou said something unpleasant, you are not qualified to fight me, and it is just a waste of time to come on stage."

on purpose!

Intentionally angering them!

"Oh shit!"

An eighth major Dao Xuanxian could not stand it, and immediately jumped onto the stage and said, "Boy, you are too arrogant, today I must clean up you!"

Well said.

But when he started playing, he was abused by Yun Feiyang and then kicked off the ring.

"I come!"

"If you don't believe, you won't die!"

The strong men came to power again and again and were beaten down again and again.

The number of people on the light curtain has also continuously increased from the previous 43, and it has soared to 60 in half a day.

This cargo deliberately provokes the anger of many warriors, and the start is a bit heavy. The warriors who were shot out all fell to the ground in pain and it was difficult to stand up.

Many warriors are not alone, either companion or accompanied by the same door. When they see their being abused like this, it is definitely unbearable.



More warriors came up one after another.

Yun Feiyang also refused to come, and they fought against them one after another, and struck them out very easily.

of course.

During this period, a nine-year-old Dao Xuanxian came up.

I was worried that the reader would say that a ring can hold water for so long.

The dusk is coming.

Yun Feiyang stood on the stage with his back on his hands, and the number of people defeated on the light curtain was fixed at 99!

The speed of defeating 57 challengers in one day is quite explosive.

Xu Sanxian was a little dazed, from Yun Feiyang's shock to defeat Han Feng Gong first, to the black spider's violent surprise, the expression on his face gradually became numb.

No, the ninety-ninth challenger who was just defeated was blown out, and there were no waves on his face, as if everything was normal.

Not only Xu Sanxian, but also the warriors watching.

To be precise, they are used to it.

After eliminating more than 50 challengers one after another, Yun Feiyang was also tired, glanced at the light curtain and said: "There is only one less left, and you are eligible to enter the Sanqing Daozong."

Between his speeches, he glanced down the stage.


Everyone took a step back in a hurry, apparently all looked upset.

"Is there no one?"

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "Then I can only truce first."

No one answered.


Yun Da cheap **** jumped from the ring.

When he left, the light curtain was also fixed in two days, defeating the number of ninety-nine.


Sanqing City completely exploded!

All the warriors are talking about Yunfeiyang and spreading the feat of defeating 99 challengers in two days!

"My God, if you want to defeat another person tomorrow, you can not only enter the Taoist Sect of the Sanqing Dynasty, obtain the immortal artifacts, but also break the record of millions of years!"

"Senior Guan used it for seven days, and if he completed it in three days, this record is sure that there are no ancients before and no one to come!"

"Damn, no one came out, defeated him, and ended the winning streak in 99 games!"

"Han Yezi and Black Spider, and even the two Nine Major Dao Xuan Xian have been defeated. In my opinion, unless the pinnacle-level strongman shoots, it will be difficult to defeat him!"

Yun Feiyang's performance not only caused a sensation in the city, but also made them finally accept the fact that the other party is really very strong!

At this moment, everyone believes that, unless Xuan Xian, the pinnacle-level avenue, takes action, he can only watch him set a new record that no one can match tomorrow!

The record was broken.

It should be an honor to be a witness.

However, the warriors hope that Yun Feiyang failed for no other reason, too crazy and too arrogant!



Tai Wu sat on the floor and laughed: "I said, that kid can easily overcome the challenged opponent and break the record of Guan Tongtian. Do you believe them now?"

Pangu sat down like a hill and shook his head: "That little baby girl has never seen it, should have just come in from outside."

The Sanqing Dao like Fengxian Dao looked at Taiwu suspiciously and said, "Why are you so concerned about this junior?"

"My disciple, can you not pay attention."

Tai Wu shook his shoulders.

"Are you disciples?"

Pangu stunned and laughed immediately, saying, "No wonder, no wonder."

The Sanqing Dao people shook their heads and said, "You can be your martial arts apprentice, you must be an extraordinary generation. Isn't it a bully to go to the ring?"

"no no."

Tai Wudao: "My master, after accepting him, has not directed martial arts. He can grow up to the present level, relying on his own efforts."

Sanqing Taoist smiled and said: "You are free and you like to travel around the It's really not a good thing to be your apprentice."


He paused and said: "It's always your disciple, since I came to the Sanqing Dao Sect, and is so arrogant, we must enlighten and enlighten."

"Luo Li."

"Go and discuss with him tomorrow."


Qingling's voice rang in Sanqingdong.

Taiwu shook his head and said in secret: "Tu'er, the old fellow of Sanqing Dao, sent the most promising disciples, don't be ashamed of your teacher."

If Yun Feiyang knew, he would definitely cry.

My esteemed master, with the eyes of Tu'er, we must clear the customs and complete the 100-game winning streak. You have to expose our identity. Isn't this intentionally pitting me!

(End of this chapter)

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