Super God

Chapter 437: A place of trial, a whole new world!

The demons that survived in the trial area were created based on the demons as the original form. Although they were not as good as the real demons in physical form, they also inherited their cruel and murderous character.

Adult spirits, with pure physical strength, can reach 400 kg.

that is.

The strength of an ordinary demon is comparable to that of mortal martial arts.

God created the trial ground to train mortals. Therefore, the demon is also given the ability to practice. Like humans, they can practice martial arts and have Shouyuan.

"The strength of these demon spirits should all be at the level of martial arts." Yun Feiyang hid behind the mountain rocks, shrouded in spiritual thoughts, and inferred the strength of dozens of demon spirits coming from.

The group of immortal, new species that took so much effort to create is pretty good. Will there be stronger demons in it?

Yun Feiyang looked forward to it.

When he came to the place of trial, his first was to find the five elements of the five elements, and the second was to practice. If there is a stronger demon, it is obviously more challenging than the fierce beast.


Suddenly, a demon shouted. The other demons stopped and twitter said, as if talking.

Yun Feiyang was suddenly confused.

Mozu imitation, can still speak?

In his understanding, this new species created by God, although similar to the Devil, has a fatal flaw, that is, its IQ is similar to that of the evil beast.

Shouldn't be able to speak.


As can be seen from their twitter, it seems that a unique language system has been formed.

Do you want to be so slippery?

Lin Zhixi has been stuck on the stone wall, and the spiritual thoughts are useless, because these demon spirits and people look very similar, but they are very primitive, and the whole body is exposed. There is only one thing made of unknown materials, blocking the key position.



A demon yelled. The other demons roared a few times, and then separated four times, as if looking for something.


At this moment, Yun Fei raised his hand.

He restrained a demon, dragged his mouth to the dark, covered his mouth, and mad thoughts poured into the sea of ​​knowledge, stealing memories.


All the memories were absorbed by Yun Feiyang, and the demon died because he couldn't bear the strong soul attack.

"call out--"

After the death of the demon, the body gradually faded, forming a faint streamer, and merged into the world.

This is the reincarnation system of the small world.

After the demon dies, it will be taken back, and after birth, a new baby spirit will be born again.

"So it turns out."

Yun Feiyang, after acquiring the memory, suddenly understood that it turned out that after the Divine Realm collapsed, the small world was in a state of self-development.

After thousands of years of evolution, the demon opened his mind and has his own language and words.


Over the years, they have captured a lot of human beings who have been practicing, gained new knowledge from them, and created the same martial system as the world.

They are the spiritual disciple, spiritual master, spiritual sect, spiritual king, spiritual emperor, spiritual holy, and spiritual god.

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

A group of gadgets created by God are still so regular, even with martial arts levels.

"It is worthy of being created by the group of bastards. The ability to imitate is strong. In just ten thousand years, a brand new group has been formed." Yun Feiyang took it seriously.

At this moment, he has realized that this is no longer a place of trial, but a new plane.

With the physique of demons, the spiritual disciple and spiritual master must be stronger than the martial disciples and martial artists of the realm.


According to memory.

This small world, which is only a quarter of the world's continent, has no god's control. After ten years, ten million demons have been reproduced, and each demonic possesses spirit-level strength in adulthood.

This is too scary!

If they break out of the small world and enter the continent, it is definitely a catastrophe.


The only good thing is.

Although the demon created a human-like martial arts system, it is also limited by the influence of bad conditions. The strongest state is the spirit emperor level, and there are not many, only eight, known as the eight emperors.

"so far so good."

Yun Feiyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I come here to practice, if there is a demon comparable to the Wusheng class and the Wushen class, then there is really only one way to die.

"Boss, there is no human."

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance.

After ingesting memory, Yun Feiyang has mastered the language of the demon by relying on powerful spiritual thoughts.

"really weird."

One leader puzzled: "When the formation is opened, there must be humans sent down, why not?"


Some people laughed: "Boss, in these years, humans should know that our demon clan is getting stronger and stronger, so we dare not send people down. Just now, it may be deceiving us."

"Not bad."

The chief said with a grin: "These abominable humans are very cunning. They must be playing with us, walking, and returning to the tribe!"


Dozens of demons assembled.

"What about Arab?"

After some naming, the leader noticed that there was one less, so he said angrily: "Is this guy hiding from laziness again?"

"Boss, it's not too early. The chief's daughter is about to get married. Let's go back quickly." A man urged.


The leader ordered everyone to leave.

After they left, Yun Feiyang came out of the dark, holding his chin and laughing: "The demon even got married, which is really interesting."

"Do you understand what they are saying?"

Lin Zhixi came out.


Yun Fei Yang said: "I just took the spiritual thoughts, ingested the memory of the other party, and mastered their language."

Lin Zhixi heard the words and his expression changed.

Ingest memory with spiritual thoughts?

How strong is this guy's spiritual thought?

Despite being shocked, she suppressed it and asked, "What next?"


Yun Feiyang pulled her and said, "Let's go around here first and get familiar with the terrain."

The two left this strange stone area, trailing behind dozens of demons, and soon, from a distance, saw a large city appear in front of them.


That's not a city.

A base simply piled with stones.

This is a tribe where demons gather. In the small world, there are countless such tribes. Each tribe has a chief.

The strength of the chief is determined by the size of the site.

For example, this small tribe is about the same size as Dishan Town, and the strength of the chieftain is Lingzong.


Lin Zhixi frowned.

According to her understanding, the demons in the Trial Place are brutal and ferocious. How could they build a city? This is too incredible.

"This is the case..." Yun Feiyang hurriedly told her the information she had obtained.

After knowing it, Lin Zhixi said, "Unexpectedly, the demon spirits are so smart, and they have developed to such a point in just ten thousand years. If they rush out, it will definitely be a disaster for the World Continent."


Yun Feiyang seriously said: "So, in order to save people, we must conquer the demon."

Lin Zhixi stunned, said: "Conquer?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "The demon admires power. As long as the fist is hard, they will listen to you."


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