Super God

Chapter 722: The living method of Murong Zhan

"Yeah, what is this look?"

Seeing the anger in Murong Zhan's eyes, the warrior warrior immediately kicked his foot.


Murong Zhan was kicked off and hit the stone wall, with a greasy expression on his face. He didn't know whether it was painful or angry.

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly.

The ten martial stars of the former Tianwu Academy did not expect to be reduced to such a shameful level.

The overseeing warrior said coldly: "A **** from the world has been cultivated for more than five years, and he has not broken through the martial gods. What face is mixed in the Lingxiao School."

Murong Zhan didn't say a word, but held the soil fiercely.

"Don't lie on the ground and pretend to die, hurry up and mine!" Supervision Warrior kicked his foot.

Murong Zhan can only watch, not dodge.

At this moment, a figure appeared, blocking himself in front of him, and understating the opponent's feet.


The supervisor was blocked and stepped back several steps, almost staggering to the ground.

It was only blocked, if Yun Feiyang exerted a little force, this inner disciple might be flying out.


The supervisor said angrily: "What do you mean!"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "People are just lazy, just a few lessons, why do you move your feet."


"What's wrong with me?"

Yun Fei looked coldly.

This look was terrible, and the inner disciple shivered, and finally left away in disgrace.


A lunatic who dare to fight even true disciples must not be abused as a dog if he provokes him.

in this world.

There will never be fewer people who bully and be hard.


The end of the mine.

Murong Zhan squatted in the corner, lowered his head, and said nothing. He knew that if Yun Feiyang didn't appear, he might be unavoidably tortured.

This kind of thing has been used to for five years, but just not used to it and was rescued by Yun Feiyang.

to be frank.

Murong Zhan's attitude towards Yun Feiyang, no matter before or now, is full of hostility. It was definitely difficult to accept that he was suddenly rescued.


Yun Feiyang said while mining, "Hello, you are also the star of the killing. How have you been rubbing in Little God Realm all these years?"

This is a bit irritating.


Murong Zhan did not have any anger, he said lightly: "Do you think that everyone else is just like you."

Yun Feiyang stopped and said, "I feel that a person can be tolerant, but if it passes, it is really no different from waste."

Murong Zhan was stunned.

Does this guy know that he is concealing himself?

For other people, Yun Feiyang may not be able to guess, but as the heir to the killing god, he came to the Little God Realm for five years and did not break through the God of War.


Yun Feiyang collected the spirit stone and threw it into the bamboo basket, saying, "The real strongman is not afraid of any danger."

Murong Zhan smiled and said: "I don't have the arrogant mentality of you, I can survive in the master of the little **** Realm, and become stronger step by step, which is my purpose."

This guy's realm has already broken through to the Wushen level, and has the qualification to become a disciple of the inner gate.

It is always because I have entered into the Little God Realm, only to know that there are too many strong people here, and I am small like the Ganges sand.

Want to become stronger.

First live.

To live a good life is to be low-key and tolerant, so that you really become a dust, let people ignore their existence.

This is the mentality of Murong Zhan.

It can be said.

He and Yun Feiyang are two stark contrasts, one is tolerant enough to be bullied and can swallow that breath, the other is a little wronged and runs away.

It can't be said that he has no bone.

In fact, Murong Zhan's approach is the same as many mortals who have entered Little God Realm.

They know that they have no advantage here, they must be cautious and must be cautious.

Yun Fei Yang said: "In these years, you live very tired."

Murong said: "I'm tired of living because I don't have the qualifications and strength like you."

Yun Fei Yang said: "You plan to continue to be so patient?"

Murong Zhan was silent.

What to do if you don't forbear? Although his own strength can be a disciple of the inner door, it is equally pitiful.

"Fuck with me."

Yun Fei said.

"Fuck with you?"

Murong Zhan rolled his eyes and said: "Yun Feiyang, I want to mix with you, and the consequences are the same as Luo Mu."

Yun Feiyang frowned: "What do you mean?"

Murong said: "It didn't take long for you to leave Jiuxiao Mountain. Yang Qingyu's brother, the core disciple, went out. He learned that his brother had been abused by you, and they went to Jinxiao Peak to abuse Luo Mu.

Yun Fei's eyes rose coldly.

Oh shit.

He took advantage of his punishment to bully his brother!

Murong Zhan said indifferently: "The core disciples are still waiting for you to return, saying they want to let you know what strength is."

"Strength is respected?"

Yun Feiyang clenched his fists and said eeriely: "Okay, wait for my punishment to end, let's see and see!"

Murong Zhanwen said, stunned: "Do you still want to fight with the core disciples?"

"Can't it?"


Murong Zhan collapsed and said: "I can hear that the core disciple is a triple-strength in the Shattered Realm period. The pure elemental force is at least 130 or more!"

Yun Feiyang said in amazement: "So powerful?"

Murong Zhan covered his head and said, "Isn't it great? Can I become a core disciple!"


Yun Feiyang relieved.

It seems that these four months, we must raise the state faster, otherwise, once we return to Jiuxiao Mountain, we will definitely be abused by our core disciples.

Yun Da, who is used to abuse others, will never accept being abused by others.


Yun Fei Yang said: "You haven't answered, do you want to follow me?"

Murong Zhan collapsed.

If this natural troublemaker, if he follows him, the consequence is to be against many Lingxiao disciples.

"Of course, if you like to pretend to be a grandson like this, you can choose to refuse, and I don't like accepting a coward as a younger brother."

Grandson, coward.

The four words, like a steel knife, inserted into Murong Zhan's heart, making his face abrupt.

"I am forbearing!"

"No difference from grandson."

"I just want to live well!"

"This is a coward."


"Don't say that you are a warrior from the World of Continent, because you don't deserve it." Yun Feiyang finished speaking, turned around and left to go to another tunnel.


Murong Zhan shouted to Feiyang stopped, but did not turn around and said coldly: "Anything, coward."

"Oh shit!"

Murong Zhan held his fist and said, "Yun Feiyang, I am Murong Zhan not a coward!"


Yun Fei said: "I know, coward."


Murong Zhan looked grim, and then roared, "Isn't it just to die with you, I Murong Zhan agreed!"


Yun Feiyang said lightly: "I want to see that the inner disciple who bullied you today crawled out of the mine."

Murong Zhan was dumbfounded.

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