Super God

Chapter 732: Too elder

Yun Feiyang slowly raised his hand slowly. Everyone could see that this guy was already very weak.




   completely lost the ability to fight.


   Many people don't care.


  Even Zhang Qinghai, who was very close, chose to ignore it. After all, his own blow just enough to hurt his internal organs and cause him serious damage.




   No one would think.


   originally slow movements, weak manners, but suddenly burst into a powerful force, I was caught by surprise.




   Yunfeiyang took a picture with a palm.




   The muffled noise came.


   Zhang Qinghai was immediately beaten down, a deep palm print appeared on the mud, his whole body was cracked, his muscles were split, and blood was flowing, which was terrible.




   The audience was silent.


   Even Bai Shouyi and Kuang Tian, ​​witnessing this scene, looked dull.




   "Brother Zhang, he..."


   The disciples of each peak were dumbfounded.


   No one would have thought that Yun Feiyang was so unprepared to show off her hands that she was so overwhelmed that she would shoot the core disciples above him!




   also deliberately suppressed, so as not to be seen by others, may be terrestrial martial arts.


have to say.


   turned hands powerful.


  Yun Fei was seriously wounded, and after deliberate suppression, Zhang Qinghai could be given a second with a palm. This must be completely released, and it is worth it!


   "Lying trough?"


   Luo Mu and Yunli stared at each other one by one.


  When they determined that Zhang Qinghai was slapped to the ground with a palm, although he was still breathing, the wound was obviously heavier than Yunfeiyang, and he was suddenly excited!


   Lin Zhixi and Liang Yin also looked stunned.




   The battered look was pale, the crumbling cloud flew, and suddenly Zhang Qinghai was knocked to the ground with a palm. This reversal was really unexpected!


   is more shocking.


  Yun Feiyang was still slammed after being punched hard, and did not fall down.


   A mortal who came to Little God Realm for a year has reinvented one of the nine core disciples of Lingxiao School!


   thought of here.


   Each peak disciple's brain is blank.




   Really dare not think about it.


   Zhang Qinghai fell to the ground, **** convulsions, is the best proof, they have to admit that all this is true!




  Under everyone's attention, Yun Feiyang raised his feet hard and stepped on the nearly comatose Zhang Qinghai's face.


   core disciple?


   Laozi stepped on his feet!


   "Get up and teach me to be a man." Yun Feiyang's voice was weak.


  Zhang Qinghai has not passed out yet.


  When he realized that he was stepped on the face by Yun Feiyang and heard what the other party said, it was suddenly unbearable, and a spit of blood spurted out.


   As a core disciple, he was seriously setbacked and stepped on his face, which was definitely the cruelest humiliation.


   This guy thought it was careless.


   is actually unknown.


  Yun Feiyang In order to avoid exposing the true toughness of the earth-shaking hand, he was deliberately abused by him, and then came a difficult reversal at the end.


  If he had no worries, he would have fallen to the ground after the war.




   Yunfei raised his foot and stepped on it again: "You're up, teach me to be a man!"


   Because of the injury, he didn't have much strength for this foot, but Zhang Qinghai finally died in anger under this humiliation.




  Yun Feiyang turned his head to look at the disciples who had been gloating and gloating, and said in a cold voice: "I see it, this is the core disciple."


   Everyone bowed their heads and dared not stare at them.


this moment.


   No one would laugh at Yunfei again, because, he did what he didn't dare to think about on weekdays. This alone is scary enough.




  Zhao Yingwu swallowed.


   His hands tremble slightly, fortunately in his heart, thanks to Zhang Qinghai's first move, this has to be replaced by himself, and the end will only be worse!


   Can't mess with it.


   This guy must not mess with it!


   Yunfeiyang's reversal made the disciples of each peak dreaded him, and finally admitted that the strength of the warriors from the realm was terrifying!




   At this moment, a white light flew over Chixiaofeng, an old man full of white hair and full of energy.


  Chen Lingyin.


  The only remaining elders of the Lingxiao School are the only remaining elders!


  After this person appeared, it happened that Yun Feiyang slapped Zhang Qinghai down with his palm and stepped on his face. His expression became cold.


  The core disciples of the Lingxiao School are generally taught the martial arts by this Taishang elder.


  Now, seeing Zhang Qinghai defeated and still suffer such humiliation, it is naturally difficult to be happy.




  Chen Lingyin drank coldly, the old palm gently moved, the powerful pure Yuanli suddenly struck Yunfei!




The amount of violent violence is like a row of mountains and rivers!


"not good!"


   The extremely weak cloud flew, and his heart suddenly rose to death, his expression changed suddenly.


   Even if he didn't get hurt, he showed his cards, and he could hardly contend with a perfect blow to the Divine Realm, so he could only stay in place.


  Bai Shouyi was also shocked and stopped, saying: "Too elders, don't!"




   The perfect blow of the Divine Realm, it is not that his Void Realm can block it, only to watch the powerful force swept across it!


  Yun Feiyang's current situation is definitely between life and death. The opponent's strength makes him unable to contend.




   It was at this moment that a beautiful shadow suddenly appeared, blocking Yun Fei's body in front of him, and under the black hair flying, an icy face appeared as if he was dead.


   Lin Zhixi.


  Before the elder Taishang shot, she realized that Yun Feiyang was in danger and didn't have any time to think about rushing over.


   Faced with a powerful force, Lin Zhixi did not have any fear. A smile appeared on the icy face that did not change all the year round, and he seemed to have a sense of death.


"Do not……"


  Yun Fei's eyes were splitting.


   Such a powerful force, Lin Zhixi blocked in front of himself, the final result, surely must die!




   At this moment, a deafening voice came out, and Yun Feiyang's heart came with intense pain, as if the most important things in life had disappeared since then.




   He roared angrily, his silver hair flying, and a stripe line gradually appeared on his upper body muscles.


   This is the **** pattern, inspiring, after Lin Zhixi was in distress, Yun Feiyang completely lost his calmness and ran away!




   When he was ready to inspire all the divine power, to bombard the elder who flew too much, but he looked dull. Because Lin Zhixi stood beside him, nothing happened.


   It turns out.


   Two hundred miles away, the arrogant suddenly appeared in front of Lin Zhixi, completely dissolving the violent pure elemental force.




   Yun Fei Yang God's pattern suddenly hides, and the almost crazy consciousness instantly wakes up.




  Arrogant Tianli stood in front and smiled: "Look at you so excited, presumably, she should be your woman."


  Yun Fei said: "Thank you."


   Without this mad sect, Lin Zhixi will definitely fall for this.




   Kuangtiantian laughed and said: "I saved you and your woman, would you like to join my mad sect?"


   Yunfeiyang held his fist and looked at the fallen white-haired old man with hatred, and said coldly: "From today, I will fly away from the Lingxiao School!"


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