Super God

Chapter 755: The Godhead of Lin Zhixi

Lin Zhixi's feelings for Yun Feiyang were by no means the dream of the goddess of the Nine Heavens.


   From the first meeting of the broken temple to the later Tanglin Academy, it was a little accumulation.


  Yun Feiyang was really imprinted in Lin Zhixi's heart, or in the alliance of the three counties, he defended the Iron Bone City with his own strength.


to be frank.


   Yun Feiyang knew these women and had feelings for him, which were gradually cultivated.


   Liang Yin is.


  Ling Sha Luo too.


   There is no such thing. When I saw him, I loved it inexplicably, and the life of love came alive.


of course.


  The calendar is the exception.


   is also the most headache for Yun Feiyang.


   This guy does have two hands to pick up girls, and can conquer the frosty Lin Zhixi.


  Yun Feiyang got a reply and laughed.


   That's right.


  My woman should be out of heart.


   is not some reason.


   He withdrew his smile and said, "Perhaps you are the goddess of the Nine Heavens. Those dreams are some kind of supernatural powers that guide you in reincarnation."


   "Is it the Goddess of Nine Heavens, is it important?" Lin Zhixi said.




   Yun Feiyang stunned.




  Why do you struggle?


  Is Lin Zhixi the goddess of the Nine Heavens?


   Even if it is just a reincarnation, or a soul-bearer, just like Liu Rou, she is no longer her in the previous life.


  Yun Fei said: "I just want to confirm that you are a carrier of the soul."


   "Soul Carrier?"


   Lin Zhixi was at a loss.


  Yun Feiyang was about to destroy God Realm, and the remnants of the gods merged into mortals.


  Lin Zhixi said, "You are God Realm", what you should learn from your dream, so there is no need to hide it.


   "God soul awakened, can condense a personality?" Lin Zhixi fell silent.


   A little bit.


   She gently raised her slender jade hand, and on her white skin, a stripe line appeared, saying: "This is the divine personality?"


  Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.




  The lines appearing on Lin Zhixi's skin are the lines of the gods.




   Inspired by her Yuan Nian.


  Not only the two arms, but also the half body not covered by the tulle, it is clearly visible and intricate lines!


   can be determined.


   Lin Zhixi must be a carrier of spirits.


   "You..." Yun Feiyang opened his mouth and said, "How many lines are there?"


  Lin Zhixi thought for a while and said, "Forty-five articles."


   Yunfei Yang almost planted from the bed.




  I have practiced myself for these years, and only twenty-two awakening lines have been awakened. This woman has twice as many awakenings as herself!




  Lin Zhixi is a soul-carrying person, awakening forty-five divine personalities, which makes Yun Feiyang greatly shocked, but also extremely excited.


  Own woman, born in the Continent.


   stands for the twelve soul carriers that the cheap master said, all of them are found!


   The vast sea of ​​people, looking for the twelve soul carriers of Qi Wanshi continent, made him sigh.


of course.


  For now, it is more important to determine who is the spirit in Lin Zhixi's body. Will he be the Goddess of the Nine Heavens?


  Yun Feiyang asked: "When did you have these **** check lines?"


  Lin Zhixi said: "The three-county alliance attacked the Iron Bone City. I woke up after I was in a coma, and I had this kind of pattern."


   Yunfei froze.


  He remembered that Lin Zhixi was using a Taiji spirit symbol to resist the crystal shells and was comatose for two days.


   Could it be that during this period of time, this opportunity made her awaken the soul in her body?


  Yun Feiyang continued to ask: "Do you have divine power, is a very powerful attribute."




   Lin Zhixi waved his hand, and a golden light appeared on the tip of his finger. Although it was like a candlelight, it was full of violent violence.


   "Is this the case?"


   "Not bad."


   Yunfei Yang nodded.


   was shocked in my heart, because the magical power summoned by this woman seemed to be very small, but it contained great power!


   is definitely stronger than his own divine power.


   It seems.


   should be due to the awakening of forty-five **** check lines.


   "It turns out that this is divine power..." Lin Zhixi murmured: "I have been suppressed in my body, and I dare not release it."




  She seemed to understand what she said: "In Iron Bone City, when you punched and killed 10,000 soldiers, did you use this power?"


   "Not bad."


   Yunfeiyang smiled.


   "No wonder."


   Lin Zhixi suddenly realized.


   The divine power in her body has gradually condensed in recent years. I also know that the power is very powerful, so I have not used it.


   "After you wake up the lines, do you feel that you are special in any way?"






   Yunfei Yang was speechless.


  Whether Nine Heavens Goddess or other gods, since awakening, there must be a skill, Lin Zhixi did not provide reliable clues at all, which made him unable to judge.


"I am leaving."


   "Don't you sleep here?"


   "No." Lin Zhixi got up and dressed, and sorted out some silk, and left the room.


  Yun Feiyang is still thinking.


  Forget it.


  Now that she is determined to be the soul awakener, it is enough. As for what is the remnant of the god, wait and see later.




   The night is quiet.


   Beiyuan looks extremely deserted.


   Lin Zhixi left Yunfeiyang's residence and did not return to his room. Instead, he sat alone in the stone pavilion in front of Yanwuchang.


  Slightly, she shook her head and secretly said: "Yun Feiyang, if you know, I am Donghuangxi who has chased and killed you for hundreds of years in the past, will you hate me?"


   "If you know that when the gods suppressed you, I watched from a distance, and I clearly felt very painful, and wanted to help you, but I never shot, would you blame me?"


can not say.


   can't let him know.


  I am now Lin Zhixi, not Donghuangxi.






   The next day, Yun Feiyang in his sleep was disturbed by a loud noise. When he opened his eyes, he saw Dou Bili in front of him, and the door was broken.


   "Lying trough."


   Yunfeiyang collapsed and said, "Brother, you..."


   Dou Bi said earnestly: "Brother, emergency, go to the meeting room to gather!"


   said to leave and walked to Luo Mu's room.


   It may be that the situation is too urgent. He is too lazy to knock on the door and directly kick the door of everyone's room.




  Challenge Chamber of Madness.


  Yun Feiyang rushed over, Luo Mu and others also came in one after another, and everyone was confused.


   Kuang Tian entered the side door and pulled a long face, as if who owed him money.




   Yun Feiyang whispered: "What's the situation?"


   Dou Bidao said: "I don't know the specific, but from the constipation face of the suzerain, there must be something serious!"




  Crazy proudly patted the table, his eyes cold and said: "I am Elder Sect, detained by Nebula Pavilion!"


  Mad elder?


  Yun Feiyang suddenly remembered Zuo Siou, who had met at Longmen.


   "Lying trough!"


   "Damn a chicken!"


   Lan Shou and Xiang Yuan shouted loudly: "The Nebula Pavilion really ate the bear heart leopard, and dare to detain the left elder!"


   Dou Bize said: "I said, why did Elder Zuo haven't returned yet, it turned out to have been detained!"


  Crazy and coldly said: "Wait, let me go to the Nebula Pavilion!"

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