Super God

Chapter 762: Super First Class, Shen Family

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Suddenly there was a banging noise in the forest, the trees, rocks and rocks all shattered and the ground was cracked.

Is this divine power?


Yun Feiyang never broke out.

At the moment, he fell to the ground, his mouth twitching, and a loli sat on her body.

Shen Xiaoyu!

She appeared at this juncture and laid down Yun Da cheap **** to the ground, whispered: "Boy, let me find it better."


Yunfei Yang almost vomited blood.

When he is ready to go, he will explode his divine power and bombard this Void Realm. At the critical moment, he is disturbed by this baby girl.

Even more annoying.

Anyway, he is also God of War, even being so pressed by her, uncle can bear, aunt can't bear!

Shen Xiaoyu clapped her hands and looked at Ling Xiaochen, who was standing in a daze, with a cold face, and said, "Get out of here."

Ling Xiaochen's face was ugly, but he still said: "Miss Shen, leave."

He said, leaving without looking back, it seemed that he was afraid to slow down and cause trouble.

Yun Feiyang stunned.

This girl seems to be quite energetic, and she doesn't dare to offend even the Great Void Realm.


Shen Xiaoyu stood up and squatted in front of Yun Feiyang.

She tilted her head and said unpleasantly, "How can you leave the Lingxiao School without permission from the girl, hateful guy."


Yun Feiyang wanted to speak.

Shen Xiaoyu held his chin and said, "Unexpectedly, you also have magical power in your body. Judging from the number, it seems that there are still many. I didn't find it before."

Yun Feiyang was surprised.

The power inside the body, even if it was just punched, did not leak, why can this girl probe?


What happened to Kuaotian and Dou Bi, Yun Feiyang is unknown, because he was taken away by Shen Xiaoyu and thrown into a dark cave.


Shen Xiaoyu sat down and said, "Did you want to explode divine power just now?"

Yun Feiyang was silent.

Shen Xiaoyu pouted and said, "You are just a little rookie in the body shaping period, forcibly erupting the divine power much higher than the realm, and the consequence is to crush the bones."

Yun Feiyang stunned.

Where is this girl sacred, and she knows so much?

He asked, "Why do you understand divine power so much?"

Shen Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Because I am the descendant of the Shen family."

"Shen family?"

Yun Feiyang had never heard of it.

Shen Xiaoyu said with a smile: "Tu Baozi, haven't you heard of it, is the super first-class Shen family?"

Super super first class?

Yun Feiyang rolled his eyes.

He has heard of Super First Class, or is it the first time he heard Super Super First Class?

This is really not casual.

In the Little God Realm, the Shen family does indeed exist transcendentally. It is said that even the super first-class family is afraid of three points.

No one knows where the Shen family is.

No one knows how many heirs are in the Shen family. The only thing they know is the owner of the Shen family.

Six thousand years ago.

The head of the Shen family suddenly appeared in the Little God Realm, carrying the prestige of Kowloon, and standing on the sky, the majestic and magnificent momentum shocked everyone.

It is said.

Little God Lord, shocked by the momentum, did not dare to show up.

The head of the Shen family was in Little God Realm, and did not stop for long. He left the children here, and turned into the light of Kowloon.

So far.

There is one more Shen family in Little God Realm, and it has become a force and warrior of all parties, the most dare not to provoke the existence.

all in all.

The Shen family is very good at Little God Realm, and when it arrives, what troubles it caused, the little God Lord opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

Shen Xiaoyu's strength, but just stepped into the void, the great consummation like Ling Xiaochen was dreaded, and it can be seen.


Shen Xiaoyu said: "Since you have divine power, are you once the **** of God Realm?"


Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

Shen Xiaoyu smiled and said: "I guess right?"

Yun Feiyang calmed down and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"its me?"

Shen Xiaoyu said: "My name is Shen Xiaoyu."

Yun Feiyang collapsed and said, "I am not asking for your name. I am asking who you are and how can you know so much!"


Shen Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Why tell you?"


Yun Feiyang was completely speechless.

Shen Xiaoyu continued: "You should thank me."

"thank you?"

"Yeah, if I hadn't appeared, how could you hurt the Void Great Constellation with your divine power."

Yun Feiyang was silent.

"and also."

Shen Xiaoyu said: "The power of divine power is too strong. In your current state, it forcibly erupts, from the weak to the weak, to the broken bones from the heavy."

"If it wasn't for me to come quickly and interrupt your outbreak, you are already dead now."

"Should I thank me well?" Shen Xiaoyu blinked and smiled cutely.

Yun Feiyang said angrily: "I thank you."


Shen Xiaoyu said: "No sincerity at all."

Yun Feiyang was too lazy to take care of her, and immediately stood up and said, "I still have something to do, let's go first."

He didn't have time to pull the skin with this baby girl, so he had to join the fellows quickly.

"Can't go."

Shen Xiaoyu blocked the mountain gate and said, "Follow me back to the Lingxiao School, that is the sect gate I designated, you can't say to leave, just leave."


Yun Feiyang collapsed and said: "The elders of the Lingxiao School have expelled me."

"It's okay."

Shen Xiaoyu said: "I'll take you, give him dozens of guts, and dare not expel you."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Sorry, a good horse does not eat turnback grass, I will not return to the Lingxiao pooh."

Shen Xiaoyu smiled and said: "With your current strength, but just a mule, how can you deserve it?"


"What's wrong with me?"

Shen Xiaoyu's big eyes suddenly became fascinated.

Yun Feiyang was a little afraid of her busy saying: "It's cute."

"so cute?"

Shen Xiaoyu's little face was red with a'brush'. She turned to her face and said, "I hate people, people... they are very cute."

Yun Feiyang stunned.

Ay Ya I gi.

This fierce little loli, even shy, is simply a miracle!

"Miss Shen."

Yun Feiyang said seriously: "You are not only lovely, but also look like a country, even the fairies can't reach you."

Shen Xiaoyu's face was even redder.

She lowered her head, her two index fingers touched together, and shyly said, "Don't... everyone else says that."

Although it's loli, she is still a woman after all, and she is still very happy to be so praised.

Yun Fei Yang Yixi.

It turns out that this little devil is the master who eats soft but not hard, and he has to show his good performance, maybe she can get rid of her.

"Miss Shen, I've seen many girls in my life. It's the first time that you are as simple and lovely as you are."

"is it?"

Shen Xiaoyu was very happy.

Yun Feiyang seriously said: "I Yun Feiyang has never told lies, the beauty of Shen girl, Shen Yuluoyan, closed moon shame, but the same as the sun and the moon."

Speaking of which, he took a slight step outside the cave while Shen Xiaoyu bowed his head shyly.

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