Super God

Chapter 812: Chivalrous man!

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! Read the full text of Super God's Sin! Seek fiction net, have what you want!

In order to survive, Gong Lizhang obediently handed over the space ring.

Yun Feiyang was not difficult for him, said: "You can go."

"Young Master Yun, leave!"

Gong Lizhang dragged his injured body and flew away. When he was out of the Chai family and was safe, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

If this mad sect disciple makes trouble for himself, he is afraid that he will come out alive.

After Gong Lizhang left.

Yun Feiyang fixed his gaze on the top of the Chai family, his eyes flashing murderous.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked.

A senior executive hurriedly said: "Yun Shaoxia, then Chai Gou and his father, who offended you, have been slaughtered by you, please let me go!"

Everyone is begging eyes.


Yun Feiyang withdrew the killing opportunity.

The death of the Chai family head and his son was completed, and the task of punishing evil and eliminating **** was also completed.

"Hopefully, I will learn lessons later and concentrate on practicing martial arts, and do not bully the people against the power."

After finishing this sentence, Yun Feiyang felt that he should have released a great Holy Light!

"Yes Yes!"

The Chai family's senior officials said one after another.

"Wife, let's go." Yun Feiyang took Yan Shanxue's little hand away.

This guy is still acting and still taking advantage!

After watching him leave, the senior members of the Chai family fell softly on the ground, breathing quickly, and their backs were wet with sweat.

Everyone has no doubt.

If that guy had really killed his heart just now, the Chai family would have disappeared in this world since then.

The bodies of Chai Fenjin and Chai Gou just lay beside them, but no one was sad.


A senior member of the Chai family stood up and said angrily: "It is an unforgivable sin to instigate Chai Gou to regulate the women of the good family all day long!"

"kill him!"

Several other senior officials were angry.

Chai Gou and his servants didn't do much to lose their conscience. In the past, it was only because of the head of the house that he opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

Now that Chai Fenjin is dead, there are no worries, this dog slave must die!

"Second Lord..."


The servant named Liu'er was pierced through the chest by Li Jiandong and followed the young master.

Before he died, he was thinking: "It's counted, it's not... it's not counted as a murder today!"


"That little couple has been in for a long time." Many people and warriors sometimes set their eyes on the gate of Chaifu, and sometimes whispered.


Suddenly, the door of the Chai family broke down, and Yun Feiyang and Yan Shanxue came out talking and laughing.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it.

The couple who was ‘invited’ by Chai’s son was able to walk out without incident, which is really incredible.


Yan Shanxue smiled and said: "Let's go to Dayan Temple."

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang took her to Ximen. When the two figures disappeared on the street, the people in the city recovered.

"what's the situation?"

"I didn't look at the glory?"

Everyone really can't understand, why can this little couple come out safely?


That afternoon.

The death of the head of the Chai family and Chai Gou spread in Dayan City, and the people in the city realized that the silly young man was a disciple of Kuangzong!

"Chivalrous man!"


Many people are grateful.


Dayan City outside.

Yun Feiyang and Yan Shanxue walked among the forests.


He held his chin and said, "Why is there a hundred thousand spirit stones for a chai family who is not in the middle?"


"One hundred thousand?"

Glutton's eyes widened.

Oh shit.

Ben Wang fell asleep yesterday, and did not follow the Chai family, this guy earned 100,000, too greedy!

Yanshan Xue surprised: "So much?"

As a quasi-first-class force, the Yan Family only has a storage capacity of more than 200,000.

She said: "Will it be the Chai family who discovered the Lingshi ore veins in order to accumulate so much in a short time?"


Yun Feiyang agreed.

Yanshan Snow Road: "It seems that we have to return to the Chai family. Perhaps, the spirit stone of the vein has not been mined yet."

"Don't be so troublesome." Yun Feiyang squatted down, his hands on the ground, and the attributes of the back soil poured into him.

Yanshan Snow Road: "What are you doing?"

"Look for the veins."

During the speech, Yun Feiyang's back earth attribute has spread for more than ten miles, and any minerals in the soil have been accurately captured.

"Can this be found?"

Yanshan Snow looked startled.

Gluttony is shining with both eyes. Obviously, he has no resistance to the spirit stone.

After a quarter of an hour.

Yun Feiyang backed deep into the ground, enveloped more than fifty miles to the surroundings, and successfully found a closed Lingshi mine!


He smiled and said, "It's actually hidden, but unfortunately, it has no effect in front of Laozi."


Yun Feiyang stood up and took the two to the hill fifty miles away.


The Chai family has been living in Dayan City, and just 20 years ago, they accidentally discovered a mineral vein. They were afraid of spreading it, and would lead to the scourge of genocide.

It took more than ten years to dig up, and dig out 100,000 spirit stones.


Why not absorb it?

The owner of the Chai family had other plans, that is, relying on one hundred thousand spirit stones to purchase advanced martial arts and weapons.

Small families like this, martial arts and weapons are often more valuable than spirit stones, at least, they can be passed on to future generations.


Before the Lingshi Flower was robbed by Yun Feiyang, even the deliberately closed ore veins were also discovered.


Yun Feiyang blasted the hole open.

Yan Shanxue came in. She looked at the unfinished mine and stunned: "How did you find out?"


Yun Feiyang certainly won't say that he has the property of back earth, and he can see everything in the soil of dozens of miles.


He walked to the edge of the stone wall and stuck it with one hand, and the attributes of the back soil merged into it.


The stones came off one after another.

Spirit stones rolled out of the mud.


Gluttonously rushed over and swallowed the spirit stone, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the spirit stone was swept into the mainland, and none of them remained.

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "I dug these, if you want to eat, dig yourself."

"You..." The gluttonous man was annoyed, but he picked up the pick in the hole and started to dig.

Will he dig?

will not.

So after digging for a while, a spirit stone was not dug out, but a lot of red copper mines were dug out, and in the end it could only be eaten with depression.

Look at Yunfeiyang again.

People didn't pick the pick head at all, nor did they dig it, so they affixed it to the stone wall at will, and the spirit stone fell off.


The gluttonous eyes are desperate to open their mouths and swallow the entire vein.


Because at this time, Yun Feiyang had dug up all the remaining 50,000 spirit stones, and found the mother of a spirit stone in the deepest part of the underground!

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapters of Super God Fairy, welcome to collect! Seek fiction net, have what you want!

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