Super Healer

Chapter 1

Jianghai railway station!

Today's River and sea is still sunny in the morning, but at noon it began to rain cats and dogs. Up to now, it has been more than three o'clock, but it has not stopped. Many people who come to the river and sea are stranded in the railway station. For a time, people are overcrowded, and from time to time you can hear someone shouting and being trampled.

"It's been two hours, but why hasn't my aunt come?"

Chu Feng is really helpless at the moment. His adoptive mother passed away last month, and he didn't know what to do at home. He came to Jianghai a month in advance, ready to find something to do first, so as not to pay the board expenses after the start of school.

So two days ago, Chu Feng got on the train from his hometown and went to Jianghai. After more than 40 hours' driving, it seems that chufeng is still very energetic. However, the little aunt agreed to pick him up has never appeared. He took the photo of his aunt when she was 15 years old. This is the only thing that Chu Feng can recognize.

The picture shows a very emaciated girl, the sister of Chu Feng's adoptive mother, Lin Yulin. At that time, the family living conditions were not good. Lin Yulin, 15, dropped out of school early and left her hometown to work in the river and sea. Twelve years passed in a flash.

For that thin and undernourished aunt, Chu Feng's memory is staying at the age of six, so I don't know what she looks like now.

"Thief, catch the thief!"

Chu Feng was thinking about what Lin Yulin would be like now. On his left hand, a woman's sweet cry came. He followed the sound and saw a man with a hat and a low head holding a bag constantly breaking through the crowd and running towards Chu Feng's side.

Originally, he wanted to do it, but before he arrived, the village head who sent him to the car said that people in the big city were very strange. Maybe if you saved him, he would still rely on you. Chu Feng hesitated for a moment and stopped the thief himself. Would they say that they were accomplices?

Just as Chu Feng thought about these things, the thief was approaching quickly. Seeing Chu Feng in front of him, he yelled and pushed away the Chu Feng who was thinking about something. The latter was thinking about the problem of hand. He was pushed by the thief and was carrying a bag of nearly 100 Jin. His step was unstable immediately.

Chufeng's body was taken back by the weight of 100 Jin. He was able to stand well, but because there were so many people here, he tripped up a few times, and then saw the snow white ahead. Chu Feng had only one idea, that is, how fragrant!

"Ah! Lecher

Time was still for three seconds, a woman's voice rang, Chu Feng also came back to his senses, quickly stood up and looked at the woman who fell on the ground: "sorry, I didn't mean to, I was pushed by the thief!" Then he would help the woman who fell on the ground.

"Go away, you go away!" Lin Yulin was really unlucky. She had to come to the railway station two hours ago because of the rain. She didn't get the train until she just came to the station to pick up the adopted son of dianlan's sister. But she didn't want to get off the train because of the rain. She was in a hurry and was robbed of her bag by a man.

With a cry, Lin Yulin directly catches up, hoping that someone can extend their hands to help, but there is no such hero yet. A person bumps into her body, stands up, and frowns slightly at the rain and dirt all over her body.

What's more, I think that when the man bumped into him just now, he bumped into his baby, and then fell to the ground, and his face was even more shameful and angry. Damn thing, my aunt Ben only touched him when he was bathing and sleeping. How could you, a jerk, directly bury his head on it?

At the moment, Chu Feng was also worried. He also knew that he had done a very embarrassing thing. He did not dare to look at Lin Yulin who was angry and patted his dirty things. However, he still left the place he had just hit. How fragrant and white he was!

But immediately thought that now is in the railway station, Chu Feng still returned to normal: "I'm sorry, I just didn't mean to."

"You, forget it, get out of my way!" Originally Lin Yulin would have a fit, but when she saw Chu Feng's simple appearance and the big bag on her back, she thought that she had come to this city, her anger seemed to dissipate. She pushed Chu Feng away and ran after her. But now the thief did not know where to go.

"I'll get you back!"

Chu Feng knew that although his own practice was unintentional, it was disrespectful to a woman. He wanted to take the opportunity to make up for it. He ran out directly with the bag of nearly 100 Jin. The speed was faster than that of people who didn't take things. The ground was a little slippery, but Chu Feng didn't feel general.

"Is that boy carrying cotton on his back, running so fast?" Chufeng's speed was very fast, and he was able to get tens of meters away in an instant. Some people tut said: "even if you go to the Olympic Games, you can win the championship. The wet ground can be so fast."

Lin Yulin didn't pay attention to what the people around him were saying. She just frowned. She was angry just now. Maybe Chu Feng was intentional. Otherwise, how could you explain the collision so accurately? But now see Chu Feng run out, is a burst of curiosity, I misunderstood him?

Chu Feng, who runs through the wind and rain at the moment, naturally doesn't know what others are thinking, nor does he think that his speed has aroused others' curiosity. He can already see the figure of a thief in the distance. A small van stops there and seems to be going up.Chu Feng looked around and saw a dustbin. Then he saw the wind and heavy rain. People's sight was blurred. He ran over and kicked it out. The bin, which had been fixed, hit the van which was about to leave after the thief went up. It was directly stuck under the bottom of the van. The van could not run for more than ten meters after driving out.

Chu Feng took advantage of this time to quickly approach, stretched out his hand to vigorously open the door, the thief inside had already known that someone was chasing him, saw the door was opened, the dagger that had been prepared directly stabbed in the past, extremely fierce!

"Be careful!"

Lin Yulin, who came from afar, saw this scene, covering her mouth and subconsciously called out. But Chu Feng couldn't hear the heavy wind and heavy rain. But when the dagger was about to cool himself, Chu Feng hit the thief's nose first and hit him on the nose. Then the man suddenly fainted with his bloody sword.

There is also a person in charge of driving in the car. Chu Feng solved the thief, and he banged an elbow on the driver's seat. The seat was smashed by this huge force in an instant. The driver couldn't resist the force, hit the steering wheel and fainted.

Quickly solved two people, Chu Feng took the bag in the thief's hand and turned away. Seeing Lin Yulin standing in the wind and rain, Chu Feng swallowed hard. Lin Yulin's skirt was gauze, not so good at ordinary times, but now it's soaked!

"What are you looking at? Give it to me!"

Lin Yulin finally recovered from Chu Feng's quick solution to the thief, but immediately saw Chu Feng's look in his eyes. He looked down at his face, and immediately felt his face burning. Because of the looming clothes, fortunately, there were few people in the strong wind and heavy rain. Otherwise, he would die of disgrace. He took the bag and turned to leave.

But after going out a few steps, I feel wrong. I look back at her back. Lin Yulin has a heart of death. But Chu Feng's eyes are not blinking. She is angry and almost spitting blood. This guy doesn't need to look so direct, right?

Chu Feng finally reluctantly recalled his eyes. What's the matter with the women in the city? What materials are the clothes made of? It's just like not wearing them in the rain, but the clothes that are close to the body look so small that they can't stop anything!

"Follow me."

Seeing Chu Feng take back her eyes, Lin Yulin felt a little less nervous in her heart. She turned to leave, but saw the thief in the car: "these thieves are habitual criminals. If the police come, they will leave clues, and then these thieves will settle accounts with us."

"Oh," Chu Feng nodded. He also heard that when dealing with anyone, he should not deal with police hooligans. He only deliberately lagged behind. Looking at Lin Yulin's back running towards the front, he felt thirsty even though it was raining. Although he didn't want to see it, he couldn't help looking.

At the moment, Lin Yulin, who runs in front of her, naturally knows that Chu Feng must be looking at herself in the back, and her teeth are itching. Just now, Chu Feng selectively forgot about grabbing her bag. She just remembered being hit by Chu Feng and seeing her own things!

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