Super Healer

Chapter 10

Xing Yu just nodded slightly, as if grateful. Then he went to the machine to have a look. Then he stepped back one meter. His eyes were sharp at the moment. His whole body was tense. The blue veins on his arm were bursting. It was as if the strength was too much to explode.

Some female staff members of the company who watched the excitement saw the blue veins and thick arms on Xing Yu's exposed arm. Little stars twinkled in her eyes and subconsciously clamped her legs. Women have always liked strong and powerful men, and Xing Yu's appearance at the moment undoubtedly meets such conditions.

"What a powerful man."

Even Lin Yulin was secretly praised. Women like muscle men a lot, but Lin just appreciated it. She felt that she preferred men who had no fat or too much muscle, which was the kind of neutralization.

Although Lin Yulin's voice is very low, Chu Feng's ears run around the mountains all year round to catch small animals. She has been exercising very sensitively for a long time. Then she looks like she is good at nodding. What's the look in my aunt's eyes? This can only be said to be a bit overbearing!


In Chu Feng's wild thoughts, Xing Yu burst out a blow and hit the ball heavily. He felt that the ball vibrated violently, and the monitor on the machine was jumping numbers. Finally, he slowly stopped.


"Not bad!" People are still in the aftertaste, but Luohu clapped. The rest of the people clapped and clapped. Some people who knew what the test represented also clapped their hands. Their eyes toward Xing Yu were full of admiration. It seems that they are not people who can only exercise their muscles.

Xing Yu just nodded, but Chu Feng could still see the glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes, and immediately had an evaluation of him. He liked to pretend, and he was a man with strength, but his hypocrisy was too much.

After the staff had recorded the strength of Xing Yu's fist, Xia Yan, who had attracted the attention of Chu Feng, also came up. Instead, everyone forgot the chufeng who wanted to be the first one to be tested. However, people didn't think much of the clear and beautiful chufeng. They thought that running could be exercised, but strength could not be compensated by exercise.

Xia Yan takes a look at Xing Yu, and a kind of blood that has been buried for a long time begins to boil in his heart. Some memories appear in his mind. When did he ever compete with those people for strength and running?

Xia Yan stood up for a moment, flat and light. He was not as domineering as Xing Yu. Because he was wearing a little long sleeves, he could not see the muscle geometry. But when Xia Yan calmly handed out a fist, we could still feel that the power contained in it was very huge, because they seemed to hear the wind.

Fist driven wind!

With a bang, the ball made of special material vibrates continuously. It shakes continuously, and you can hear the humming echo. The numbers on the machine are also constantly jumping. After the ball doesn't move so much, it stops, and everyone's pupils twitch violently.

Six hundred thirty!

Just now, Xia Yan's seemingly flat punch actually hit 630 points. Some people shook their heads and felt cold. If it hit people, it would not be like a fixed machine, but at least one punch would blow a big man of more than eighty pounds away?

This time, Luohu was stunned and swallowed his saliva hard. If he had not monitored the machine before he left work last night, he would have doubted whether the machine was wrong. He looked at Xing Yu and Xia Yan like monsters. How can people today be so strong?

Heart dark sweat, even when I was in full swing, at most is to fight more than 400 ah!

When Xia Yan calmly walked to one side, another ordinary looking young man also came forward. He yelled and punched out. However, he didn't know whether he was nervous or not. Suddenly, his wrist snapped and was dislocated by the rebound force of the ball.

Many people who saw the number 20 above all laughed, and Luohu shook his head slightly and asked the young man to connect his wrist.

After that, a few people went to the test. Some of them hit the wrong side with one punch, and the results were not ideal. According to the test results of those people, two of them were more than 400, and most of the others were close to 400. No one ever made more than 500 achievements.

"Xiao Feng, you go!" Seeing a man go down, Luohu also remembered Chu Feng standing beside him, pointing to the machine: "try it, as long as your strength reaches the level of your age, you will pass the test."

"Thank you, Minister Luo!"

Chu Feng didn't know the strength level of a man of his age. He nodded and walked over and looked at the machine standing in front of him. Chu Feng didn't know where the test standard was. However, after listening to someone urging him, he could only take a breath, and then he made a fist or a punch at will in an instant.

However, after the punch went down, the machine suddenly screamed and made a sharp sound. Chu Feng stepped back and opened his mouth. I can't afford to pay for it!"What's the matter, the mechanics?"

We didn't think much about it, but when the machine broke down, Luohu called twice. A slightly fat man, dressed in blue clothes, took a toolbox, looked left and right, and punched on the ball and said to Luohu, "minister Luo, the machine is OK!"

"No problem. What did you say just now?" Luohu is stunned. What's the meaning of the song just now?

"This machine is the latest imported from abroad, and it can bear a lot of power. It is said that if it goes beyond, it will sound. If there is no problem, I will go first!" The mechanic simply explained the principle of the machine and then left with his toolbox.

But what he said made everyone look at Chu Feng strangely. If the power is too strong, the machine will scream. But just now this man's fist doesn't seem to have much power. Can it be bigger than the man who started?

Chu Feng was also a little embarrassed to be looked at like this, but also realized that he might have used too much strength just now. He coughed and looked at Luohu: "minister Luo, there was a problem with the machine just now. May I try again?"

Luohu also has this intention, because he does not believe that the power of Chu wind can make the machine make a sound of chirping: "then try again."

This time, all the people were focused on Chu Feng. Lin Yulin also held her hands together nervously. She felt that everyone was looking at herself. Chu Feng was slightly ashamed. Looking at the machine that she still didn't understand, she suddenly flashed her left hand up and blew out.

With Peng Tong's voice, the frequency of the ball's vibration was very high. Everyone's mouth was slightly widened. Xing Yu's brow was slightly wrinkled, but then he stretched out. Xia Yan looked at Chu Feng and then looked at other places. He was also surprised at the blow he had just made. He didn't pay attention to it for the first time, but he saw it clearly the second time.

It seems that a casual punch contains great power. Moreover, judging from the accuracy and speed of the punch, it is definitely well tempered. Just like that one, a normal adult will definitely be broken several ribs, and even lose his life.

Chu Feng was also very embarrassed at this time. He thought that if he used his left hand, his strength would be smaller, and the machine would not sing. However, when his fist touched the ball, he realized that he had made a mistake and his strength was still great.

The ball trembled for more than ten seconds, and the number on the display stopped. A number was there, but it made many people quiet and did not know how to open their mouth. Luohu also came back to his mind for a long time. His eyes were complex and looked at Chu Feng. When he was in the countryside, he didn't hit stones every day, did he?

"Xiao Feng, are you a monster?"

Lin Yulin murmured at the moment and immediately let everyone's eyes turn to Chu Feng, who is a little cramped and scratched on his head. Is this guy human or not? If it's not the machine that has problems, then it's the monster.

Because at the moment, the number on the monitor is 900!

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