Super Healer

Chapter 1014

Yes, Chu Feng is here.

And beyond all people's expectations, Chu Feng was very low-key, it can be said that he was very arrogant. The reason for his low-key was that he did not appear in a big way. Instead, he was like a tourist who came out of the palace at will and was blocked out of the gate by the Royal guards.

The reason for the announcement is very simple. Chu Feng reported to his family and told him to go in and cut off his head.

The reason for his arrogance is that Chu Feng came and came alone, holding a pig killing knife that he didn't know where to get. It was one meter two long and fifteen centimeters wide. The weight was more than thirty kilograms. However, it seemed that Chu Feng did not have any weight when he held it in his hand.

The arrival of the news, also in the time of the guard's notification, was the arrival of dignitaries know, are shocked.

The name of Chu Feng has been known to the top power circles in Shuidong these days. We didn't hear from him a few days ago. We all felt that Chu Feng had left. When we heard of him outside the palace, we could not accept it.

Those present will not forget that a missile blew up the uninhabited island, nor will they forget the 100000 demons who disappeared in the Moro block. Ordinary people don't know, but it is no secret to them.

Is it such a legendary person who has been blacklisted by Shuidong? court death?

Even if the royal family has sounded a level of alert, the royal guards also moved quickly, they still feel not so real.

Even if Chu Feng came with thousands of people, they felt that they could understand that Chu Feng could not accept his appearance alone with a pig killing knife. This was beyond the scope of arrogance. It can be said that this kind of arrogance has not been accepted by human beings.

But the fact is, Chu Feng is indeed coming.

With the royal guards, Sark quickly came to the front, his face full of dignity and doubt. Now Chu Fenggang attacked Prince Boguo's residence. According to the reason, he should find a place to hide or secretly leave the country. But why did he come to the palace alone?

Do you really want to cut off Johnson's head? Sark was crazy when he thought about it.

Outside the gate, Chu Feng was carrying the butcher's knife he had seen on the way. He stood at the door, looking at the sack who came with nearly 100 members of the Royal Guard. His smile was indescribable.

Similarly, the situation outside the gate was also watched by the queen of Shuidong and others in the inner palace restaurant. On the connected video, Chu Feng was alone carrying a pig killing knife. Rao had heard about it just now, but when he saw it, he could not help but twitch.

This is the royal palace. This is the residence of the royal family. This is the spiritual symbol of Shuidong. When they raise their guns and guns, they don't feel anything. Only Chu Feng is carrying a pig killing knife, which they can't understand.

But the fact, the impact of them, even if do not want to believe that all this is true, it is impossible!

Mariana narrowed her eyes and looked at the crazy figure on the screen that occupied almost one wall. She had heard the name of Chu Feng many times. In order to get rid of Chu Feng's bad reputation, she used Wenzhou's mouthpiece more than once. As for seeing Chu Feng's appearance, it was the first time.

"He is very young, beyond the imagination of my mind. Originally I thought that he should be a rough man, two meters tall and fluffy, but now I see it, completely subverting my mind."

"If I don't know that he is a notorious little wind, I suspect he is the brother next door."

People who have seen Chu Feng have nothing to say, but those who have not seen Chu Feng have the same meaning as Mariana at the moment. Chu Feng's youth and elegant temperament have completely subverted their understanding of Chu Feng. At least when they see people, they will not think that this is a villain whose hands are stained with countless blood.

The blue haired young man took a meaningful look at the screen and disdained to move his eyes and open his mouth: "Mariana, you haven't answered our question. Would you like to work with MS. savaqi to let Chu Feng bear the bad reputation that can't be washed off and make him useless?"

Mariana has not yet answered, Savannah spoke faintly, moved away from the screen with helpless eyes, and said clearly: "Chu Feng once saved me once in the holy pilgrimage, so this time I won't do anything unfavorable to him, so no matter what Miss Marianne wants to do, I will not participate in it."

The blue haired youth sneered and spread out his hands: "let's just say nothing. Today I'm just here for the Queen's birthday party."

Mariana cast a glance at the blue haired youth, then looked at the screen, light mouth: "Your Majesty, I would like to know, with a pig knife outside the palace Chu Feng, how are you going to do?"

"It must be killing!"

Prince BOGO took over Mariana's words and said with hatred: "otherwise, how to comfort so many people who died in the prince's mansion, how to let the outside world know that we are tough and can't be provoked. If we don't kill Chu Feng today, more people will challenge the majesty of our royal family."Johnson nodded and agreed: "yes, Chu Feng, no matter what his status now, can not erase his once humble, and our people here are not qualified to be enemies. If such people challenge us, they must die."

"To make an example to those who get up from the bottom understand that being humble is destined to be a lifetime thing. No matter how high you climb, there is no background, it is also a grassroots."

Shawaqi left Prince BOGO and Johnson with a slight disdain, and said with a slight sneer: "many people once said that chufeng was not qualified, but in the end, they all died. The chief of Weisi, the emperor of plum blossom club, the emperor of universe, and even Nick, the ambassador of Tianchi, were all kicked away."

It was not shawaqi who wanted to speak for Chu Feng, but she was not used to the arrogance of these people. She added with a sneer: "compared with the above several people, I don't know whether master Johnson and Prince Bogor think they have more?"

Johnson and Prince Bogor were so questioned by savaqi, in the heart secretly scolded a cheap. People, but also can not find any words to refute shawaqi's words, she said right, even if Chu Feng had been born how humble, but damage in his hands of the people, which is lower than their identity?

In this way, I just want to show my superiority, but I am embarrassed and speechless when I am punctured by Savannah at the moment. I can only hate in my heart.

At this time, Chu Feng hung down his butcher's knife at the gate. No one felt uneasy about it. He slowly raised his knife and pointed to the sack at the door: "Captain Sark, I came here one by one. It's purely personal resentment. Don't you want to compete with me with guns now?"

"If this is the case, Ben Shao is not a soft eater. He will take away the palace every minute!"

Arrogant, arrogant, heaven!

Chu Feng's words were not suppressed in a very low voice. Each sentence was very loud, not only for sakak, but also for those dignitaries in the outer palace. Everyone's heart was cursing Chu Feng's arrogance.

This is the Royal Palace, the spiritual symbol of the people of Shuidong. Anyone who is slightly disrespectful can be shot at random. What's more, Chu Feng comes with a pig killing knife and can be killed directly.

Sark also scolded Chu Feng thousands of times in his heart, but before he came out, the queen of Shuidong told him that Chu Feng was not a man who wanted to die. Before he could find out his strength to come here alone, even if he killed people at the gate of the palace, he could not act rashly.

With the suppression of Queen Shuidong, sakak suppressed the idea of rushing up and shooting off Chu Feng. "Fengshao, today is her Majesty's 29th birthday. If the whole country celebrates with fengshao, we are very welcome. We can even invite you to the inner palace to raise a glass with her majesty."

"But if less wind comes to make trouble, then we can't be blamed. The majesty of the royal family must be maintained."

Chufeng pondered a smile, we can see that sack's scruples, but for those dignitaries, Sark's words are no less than a thunderbolt. Her Majesty even invited Chu Feng to join the table to raise a glass. What do you want to play?

But Chu Feng didn't seem to feel it in general. The butcher's knife in his hand fell like cutting tofu. He directly and ruthlessly inserted it into the hard floor. He said in a loud voice, "I come alone. I don't need a knife or a gun. It's your ability to kill me. If you can't, just watch me chop my head."

"I don't know if the great queen of Shuidong would dare to gamble with Chu Feng on the young master of Hercules in the third room of piangong, rockefellas, and his little aunt in the Royal Wine Cellar?"

In the dining room, the queen of Shuidong, who had been sitting upright, heard Chu Feng's words and stood up slowly. Her beautiful eyes twinkled with cold light and looked at Johnson and Prince BOGO. At the moment, she finally knew where the foundation of Chu Feng's impact on the palace was.

But knowing that there are some things that can't be explained, he went up and picked up a communicator and said, "the wind is less. I'll knock down the whole royal guard with bare hands. I'll send Johnson out of the country immediately. Of course, if Feng Shao died on this road, I'm sorry. You died in vain, how about that?"

After hearing what queen Shuidong said in front of her, Johnson was still a little discontented. He said with a sneer, "I agree. There are 500 royal guards. Chu Feng is just looking for death."

At the moment, Chu Feng, outside the gate, heard the voice coming from nowhere. After a little familiarity, he loosened his hand on the pig killing knife: "the queen of Shuidong can play so well, I'll put a bet on it. If Chu Feng alone fights with thousands of royal family, he will survive."

"Prince Bogor's head, I'll take it!"

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