Super Healer

Chapter 102

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a large class of 200 sets and 50 seats opened at Jianghai University. There are only empty seats on the huge campus to accommodate 50 sets. The rest are parked on the street outside. They will send the freshmen of Jianghai university to a place for one month's closed training.

"It is worthy of being a civilized university in China. There are so many beautiful women!"

The three of Chu Feng returned to school 20 minutes ago and drank some wine. Kang Chao, who was much more daring, looked at the girls who were dressed up as if they were going to go on holiday. They said, "unfortunately, this is an era with more wolves and less meat."

"That's not much." Four eyes is a pair of expert like shaking his head, the old God in said: "once I was thirteen or four years old, went to Huangcheng college and Huangcheng film and Television Academy, where the beauty is really much, can be said to exist in all parts of the world, only you can't think of, no you can't see."

"Get in the car, two of you!"

When Chu Feng saw that the two people seemed to talk endlessly, he pulled them into one of the cars, and the rest of the places were also queuing up to get on. People in each department were very open, so it would not happen that people from different departments appeared in the same car.

On the school side, only one vice principal is responsible for this matter. The rest is arranged by the military training instructors. Chu Feng looks at the five military jeeps in the distance. It seems that those are the instructors?

"Beauty, what's your name? May I sit here?"

Chu Feng was still looking at the jeeps in the distance. However, her four eyes suddenly came to a gorgeous girl. The latter's makeup was not very strong, but her appearance was also delicate. When she saw four eyes walking in front of her, the original smile on her face suddenly cooled down: "get out!"

Four eyes color a stiff, boring curling mouth, but thick enough to ignore so much, again went to a beautiful woman in front of: "that, can I sit here?"

However, the other party did not pay any attention to it. He directly took a bag and put it on the seat. The meaning is very obvious. Even if there is one, he will not sit for you. He has four eyes and pours his mouth, which means he is very hurt.

"Chu Feng?"

Chu Feng and Kang Chao both shook their heads secretly. The shameless fellow with four eyes seemed to have never seen a woman before. At this time, a girl's voice came from the side. It was the girl who was the first asked by four eyes. She stood up and looked at Chu Feng's face. Finally, he hugged Chu Feng: "it's really you, my idol!"

In Chu Feng's stiff body, four eyes and Kang Chao's expression of jealousy and envy, the girl continued: "I didn't expect that you and I are a department, I'm really too lucky!"

The campus network only released the basic information of Chu Feng, but the information in the school has not been uploaded. At this time, the girl hung on Chu Feng's body like a flower maniac, with a delicate voice: "I want to ask, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Well, can you come down first?"

"Well, I'm sorry." Huang Jingyin let go of Chu Feng. When she was in high school, she often liked to go out and play. She worshipped those who could fight. Today, at the school gate, she happened to see the scene of Chu Feng's ox fork, and immediately got drunk: "usually, I am also a very gentle person."

Chu Feng subconsciously excited, secretly said how these women so desperate ah, he is a poor boy, dressed like rags, no need?

But in the face of the girl's enthusiasm, Chu Feng politely nodded: "that hello!"

"My name is Huang Jingyin. I am 19 years old. I know you are 18 years old, but I don't mind if you are younger than me. You give me a sense of security." Chu Feng timidly returned a sentence, but let Huang Jingyin feel very lovely appearance, blinked and said: "that I will be your girlfriend, do you say good or bad?"

"It's not fair!"

Standing next to the four eyes looking up to the sky, shaking his head, he went to the back and sat down: "justice is not fair!"

Chu Feng was even more embarrassed when she saw four eyes. Before, when she was in dianlan, she knew that some girls worshipped violence and liked those men who could fight. She didn't have such a thing in the countryside, but she didn't expect that this big city was different!

Seeing Chu Feng standing there without answering his own question, Huang Jingyin tilted his head: "how, I am not good-looking?"

"No!" Chu Feng quickly shakes his head. Huang Jingyin is not as beautiful as Xia Wei and Yao Qianxue, but she is also a little beauty. But Chu Feng is not interested at all: "I just don't want to think about these things for the time being. I'd better sit down and watch it all!"

Huang Jingyin pouted: "it's so sad that my sister was turned down for the first time."

However, it can be seen that Huang Jingyin is an optimist. She quickly dispels the embarrassment and pulls Chu Feng to sit beside her: "I happen to be sitting alone. You can sit with me. Maybe you will like me when you arrive at the destination. It is not certain that you will like me."

Chu Feng wanted to say forget it, but when he saw the eyes of the people around him, as well as his four eyes and Kang Chao's gloating expression, he still sat down. What's wrong with the girls now? The good ones don't like them, but they chase those bad ones. It's really hard to understand!The car quickly left Jianghai University and drove towards the intersection leaving the city. From the time she got on the bus to now, Huang Jingyin kept talking in chufeng's ear. Last night, Chu Feng, who had not had a rest, wanted to have a rest, but had no chance. She could only answer Huang Jingyin casually. For the first time, she felt that girls could be so upset.

Along the way, Chu Feng was not cool or hot. Huang Jingyin also felt bored. After a ha ha, she leaned on her seat to rest. Slowly, she fell asleep. Then the car turned a big curve when she left the city. Huang Jingyin fell on Chu Feng's thigh.

Chu Feng's body vibrates unnaturally. Huang Jingyin's fall is too accurate. Chu Feng doesn't move or doesn't move. It can only sit there rigidly. The boys around him look at him with envy.

The person who can fight is the ox fork, so there are women to throw themselves in the arms? Looking at that posture, many people are already thinking about what is not suitable for children.

Huang Jingyin's whole head lies on Chu Feng's thigh. In other people's eyes, that is another kind of content. With Huang Jingyin breathing evenly, Chu Feng feels hot. Although she has told herself to suppress it, how to suppress it in such a situation?

"What's in your pocket? It's terrible!"

An hour later, Huang Jingyin murmured, and the consciousness of his hands shook off. Chu Feng took a breath of cool air and looked around. Fortunately, everyone was resting and did not find it. Looking at Huang Jingyin, who was confused and opened his eyes, Chu Feng said in a low voice with a bitter smile: "that, can you let go first?"

Huang Jingyin doodle mouth, a little cute meaning, the left hand subconsciously grasped two times: "what come from?" But then the reaction came that he was lying on the body of Chu Feng, so what was in his hand?

As if she was bitten by a snake, Huang Jingyin directly sat up straight, her face was full of blushes. Although she was more open and straightforward, it didn't mean she would not be shy. She turned her head and looked out to take a deep breath before turning her head. Seeing Chu Feng's expression was even more embarrassing than herself, Huang Jingyin covered her mouth and chuckled.

Chu Feng rolled a white eye, you still mean to smile, let you lean on the thigh to sleep is good, the hand is still disorderly.

"Chu Feng, do you have any bad thoughts on me Huang Jingyin suddenly approached Chu Feng and whispered in his ear. She was embarrassed when she thought of the place where her face was close. However, she had to experience more than Chu Feng.

Seeing Chu Feng's head shaking like a rattle drum, Huang Jingyin nuogued: "what's wrong with your pants?" After a pause, Huang Jingyin suddenly bit Chu Feng's ear: "but you are really bad, but I like it!"

Chu Feng was excited. He looked around quickly. He felt relieved. He looked down and looked at his face. His two legs were caught together. He was ashamed!

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