Super Healer

Chapter 1028

Hold back!

This is the only idea in chelsen's and BUSEN's minds. Originally, they came to the imperial city with full confidence and wanted to subdue chufeng on the momentum and use chelsen's strong personal strength to make chufeng yield. However, the final result was that Chu Feng personally deterred them and even allowed them to leave the Holy court for a limited time.

Chu Feng didn't do anything from the beginning to the end, but that kind of torrential pressure has already let Cherson lose confidence, there is a kind of absurd feeling, if he really does, maybe the person who died is himself.

BUSEN was depressed that he couldn't finish what his master had told him. He increased his chips in the family and Tianchi. He thought that he would urge chelsen to ask his elder brother to do things after he went back, which might also depress Chu Feng. As for the name of the sun king, Chu Feng had already seen through in essence and was just a fox and a tiger.

When they came, they were not high-profile, but they were well-known. However, when they left, they were very low-key, just like escaping mice. They drove directly to the airport.

In the car 10 kilometers away from the airport, BUSEN looked out of the window and threw a heavy blow on his seat, swearing: "where did Chu Feng, a bastard, come from? How dare he fight against you? He's just a warrior in Tianyuan's four levels, and you're the master of Tianyang's seven levels. How can he threaten you?"

This is something that BUSEN can't understand. Although he is not a warrior or a master, he also knows that the world is dominated by the weak. Who has a hard fist is the highest talker. This rule will not be decided by personal power. It depends entirely on his absolute strength.

And Chu Feng is not only OK now, but also threatens the strength realm higher than he chelsen to get out of the way, Buson how can't accept.

Cherson was also very depressed, but the feeling of death at that time was too strong. He said with a wry smile: "I'm not afraid of ten thousand. I'm afraid in case. After all, the imperial city is the territory of Chu Feng. Who knows what mean means this son of a bitch will use, but we don't need to worry.

When I invite my elder martial brother out, even if Chu Feng can control the absolute power, it will not be enough for us to face the pressure of my elder martial brother, but now we can do one thing to make Hercules move. "

Before he came to the Imperial City, Hercules had already stormed out because of the death of rockefellas. Many people wanted to crush the Imperial City, but they were suppressed by the Kennedy family, waiting for the news that BUSEN and his party would take back. But at present, the calculation is not feasible, and Cherson thinks Hercules can be moved.

BUSEN thought about it and thought it was necessary to add some external pressure to Chu Feng. He took out the phone and dialed it directly. After waiting for the connection, he looked respectful: "young master, Chu Feng is too tough, and he has launched a sea of people tactics to deal with us. He does not agree to any of your requirements."

"It also threatened us to leave the Holy Grail immediately. Now, I am going to the airport with Mr. chelsen to prepare for my return home."

The other end of the phone sighed: "if you don't die, you won't die. Come back first. I'll let Hercules move first to increase the external pressure on chufeng. In addition, the sun god will also move."

BUSEN's eyes showed joy. He thought that even if there was no big problem with the phone, he would be scolded by the master for his incompetence. He didn't want to be so nice now. He nodded respectfully and said, "yes!"

After the phone hung up, BUSEN's face was full of excitement. Hercules increased the external pressure of Chu Feng, which inevitably distracted his attention. Then he would be a little more calm if he did things again. In addition, if the sun god also exerted absolute power, BUSEN could almost have foreseen the final result.

All the so-called negotiations were made after the strength of the Jedi. BUSEN subconsciously felt that the master wanted to make Chu Feng feel that he could not compete with the Kennedy family, and then negotiate again, so that Chu Feng would have no confidence.

Turning around to tell chelsen the good news, the car suddenly soared into the air and hit the ground heavily. Brsen's head hit the roof of the car, dizzy and distended. Heru and chelsen were powerful masters. At the moment of the accident, they had opened the door and flashed out.

The car stopped on the ground was completely deformed, and Buson sat in it shaking his head, and his eyes were as miserable as Venus.

Suddenly, a figure with a cloak flashed out on the side of the road. In a moment, he was close to the car stopped by the huge force. A hand reached out from under the cloak and directly grasped the door where Buson was. He opened it brutally.

When he heard the loud noise, BUSEN shook his head and looked. Before he could see what was going on, he felt his strong hand around his neck. The whole person directly flew out, fell heavily on the ground, and fainted on the spot. At the moment of dizziness, BUSEN did not see who was attacking.

Cherson and Heru, who at first dodged out to stabilize themselves, saw the man in the Cape and looked at Buson who had fallen to the ground and fainted. Cherson asked coldly, "who are you?" Asked the exit to add a sentence: "Chu Feng people?"

"Kill your men!"

The Cape man replied coldly. The Cape fluttered up, and his body was close to Cherson and the surrounding air became stuffy. A strong breath of heaven anger triple state enveloped around him, which also changed the look of Cherson and Heru.Two people no longer want to think about Qiqi's hand and the Cape man collision together, but the effect is not very good, in the face of absolute strength gap, Cherson and Heru all fly out to fall on the ground.

Struggling to get up, there was no time to speak or even relax their breath, but there was a more ferocious breath behind them. They subconsciously turned back and did not see who they were. A dark shadow hit them. Pure strength made them become broken kites again.

This time, Cherson and Heru fell to the ground and could not stand up for the first time. Blood flowed out of his mouth and could not lift his strength at all.

Two men with similar cloaks came forward and couldn't see what they looked like. Cherson was coughing violently there. He didn't know who these men were. All he could feel was that they were masters.

A triple state of anger and a quintuple state of anger are absolute strong men who can kill him and huru countless times.

Seeing the two men walking slowly in front of them, they showed their unspoken murders. At first, he thought that they were Chu Feng's people. He knew that if Chu Feng could send out such a powerful person, he would have killed Tianchi directly and took lantiya away.

He coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood, and Cherson's pale face opened his mouth: "my name is Cherson, the second apprentice of the sun king, the king of tangzhou. I don't know where to offend you?"

"You didn't offend us, just because you are the Sun King's disciple, so you are going to die."

The man with the Cape on his left stepped forward and squatted down. His hand slowly stretched out. A face could be seen faintly. There was also a chance of killing the man without cover up: "otherwise, how to let the Sun King come out of the mountain to bring absolute crisis to Chu Feng? How to break the pattern of tangzhou and let Wenzhou family settle in tangzhou?"

Cherson's eyes coagulated, and suddenly figured out all the things. These are the enemies of Chu Feng, but they did not directly kill chufeng, but came to kill them.

The purpose is definitely to sow dissension and let the sun king, who protects his short brother, come out of the mountain and kill him to the holy court. As a result, there will be no absolute strongmen in tangzhou. Then, there will be a vacuum force. Some crocodile families and forces who have long coveted tangzhou will take advantage of the Sun King's absence to settle in tangzhou.

Fish in troubled waters!

Cherson knew who these people might be, but he couldn't get the news out. The big hand of the cloaked man had been pinched on his neck, and the huge force spewed out, crushing his throat directly.

Cherson, who came to the Holy Land in high spirits and wanted to put pressure on others, died on the road in a foreign land and was still on his way back.

Heru's face changed greatly. When he saw his master killed like this, he felt cold in his heart. However, there was no way to deal with all this, because the other hand had already reached out to him, and death was hard to resist.

Half an hour later, in the east ring villa area, Chu Feng, who has not yet rested, ushered in a dignified look of blueberry.

Ben was still thinking about the upcoming holy pilgrimage meeting, as well as Murong Bing's affair. Seeing that Lan Meier came with a bad face, Chu Feng put aside the rest for a while and said with a smile, "why is your look so ugly at night? Is it someone who bullied my sister Meier? Tell me, I will help you to kill him."

"They're dead."

Seeing that Chu Feng was still joking, LAN Mei er's face scratched with helplessness, and then she told the news that she had just received: "when they left in your limited time, they died on the way to the airport. He and his apprentice all died. Only BUSEN survived, but BUSEN also fainted, woke up and left quickly. At present, he may have been on the flight."

The news, let Chu Feng slowly stand up, just now the smile on his face has slowly dissipated, Cherson and they can die, but absolutely not at this time, because they died in the Imperial City, or on the way back.

No matter what reason and excuse, it is useless.

LAN Mei er's mobile phone also rings at this moment, and her face changes greatly after answering: "little wind, Jade Scorpion group came to the news. Two minutes ago, Tianchi side announced that you shamelessly killed Cherson and they were the enemy of Tianchi. This news was passed back by BUSEN."

Chu Feng at the moment, how can not know was Yin, a punch in the sofa: "who in the end?"

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