Super Healer

Chapter 1039

No one thought of it.

The king of four days came to force the palace with absolute assurance, and wanted Huyan to replace Chu Feng as the principal of the ruling office. However, in the end, Chu Feng gave full play to the power that should not belong to him, which directly broke the four heavenly king's dream, and made them suffer humiliation, with 16 slaps per person.

This is bound to be in the long history of the holy Dynasty, a thick painting.

At this time, when tiger rock was on the verge of dying under Chu Feng's fist, Ziyi pulled in front of him to gain vitality, but also let the proud girl's life in danger, as can be seen from Qinglong's anxious voice.

The blood came from Ziyi's mouth, and Qinglong didn't dare to touch it, for fear it would be more serious. Looking at the apprentice who couldn't say anything, Qinglong raised his head, and his eyes were burning with fury: "Chu Feng, you're really cruel. Ziyi should offend you and ask you to lay such a heavy hand."

The green dragon wakes up to see Ziyi being blown away by Chu Feng. He doesn't see what happened before. At the moment, he subconsciously feels that all this is caused by Chu Feng.

As for where Chu Feng came from, his strength could defeat Ziyi in Tianyang qichongjing. Qinglong had not thought so much about it. A slap could fly him, and he could make him faint. To deal with Ziyi in Tianyang period, it was a matter of hand.

Xuanwu, who had been standing on one side, walked in front of him: "Qinglong, this has nothing to do with the little master. Just now it's,,"

"don't say it."

Xuanwu did not finish his words, Qinglong directly interrupted him and continued to speak. His huge body stood up, his eyes burst into anger and looked at Chu Feng: "from today on, I Qinglong is no longer a Longmen man, and you Chu Feng can't share the same fate. Today's 16 palms will be returned."

Qinglong didn't listen to the explanation. He was completely angry. Chu Feng was too lazy to pay attention to and explain so much. He spoke faintly: "whatever you want."

Seeing Chu Feng, he didn't mean to explain it. Xuanwu wanted to talk, but after thinking about it, he just sighed softly. Some things had already started and could not be recovered. Qinglong, who was humiliated by Chu Feng today, even if he knew what the truth was.

I believe that he will also turn over with Chu Feng, who has been famous for a long time, was slapped directly by later generations of Chu Feng. The anger is conceivable.

The green dragon snorted coldly, and the red hair was calm. The whole person was like a lion in a rage. Looking down at the blood coming from his mouth, Ziyi, who seemed to have been saved, struggled in his eyes and gradually became firm: "go away at ease. One day, master will get justice for you."

At this time, six snakes came out of the eight King Kong and looked at Chu Feng respectfully and said, "little Lord, cut off the roots!"

"Let him go!"

Chu Feng understood the meaning of six snakes. As long as Qinglong left today, he would be the enemy of himself. However, he had another plan: "how could it be my master's original team? I can give him a way to survive without worrying about anything today, but this is the first time and the last time."

The dark eyes of killing and cutting are fixed on the body of Qinglong, and the pressure of Chu Feng is heavy: "but if you leave the dream Camel Mountain and meet again, you will be killed!"

Qinglong smiles coldly. He doesn't care what Chu Feng says at the moment. At last, he takes a look at Ziyi, who is on the ground. He turns around and leaves. Today's shame has been recorded in his heart. Although there is a deviation, Ziyi's life and death has given him enough reasons to leave the verdict.

As for the apprentice, he will not believe the truth, that is, he will not believe in the truth.

When the green dragon leaves, the mountain wind blows, and the blood in the air can't be blown away. Eight King Kong respectfully stands aside, following Chu Feng with ice and jade. Xuanwu and his son Jason also stand respectfully.

Up to now, Chu Feng has completely taken over the ruling office. Although Qinglong Baihu is destined to be the enemy of the ruling and the rosefinch may be in alliance with the two, the result is good after all, and the discordant voice of the ruling has disappeared.

In other people's eyes, Chu Feng has lost a lot today, but only when Chu Feng knows clearly in his heart that once the emperor is a courtier, only by leaving those who are loyal to him can he create a better team.

The veiled woman glanced at Chu Feng lightly, turned around without saying a word, and disappeared on the top of the mountain in a short time. It seemed that she had left. But only Chu Feng knew that the veiled woman only hid herself and never left. As for why this woman had to follow her side, Chu Feng didn't quite understand.

But she has no malice, Chu Feng also did not too to speculate on her intentions.

Xuanwu took back his eyes and looked at Ziyi, who was waiting for his death. He hesitated and said: "although Qinglong and white tiger are in collusion to subvert the ruling, they want to attack the highest level of Longmen treasure, but Ziyi has been a good child from childhood to adulthood. Xuanwu bravely yearns for the little master and reaches for a helping hand."

Once the overlord was extremely beautiful, and his medical skills were unpredictable. As his apprentice, Xuanwu believed that chufeng must have learned the essence of bawangtian.

Eight King Kong didn't speak, but the look on his face was similar, that is to save Yanyi.Chu Feng's eyes crossed their faces one by one, and finally looked at Ziyi on the ground. His eyes showed no pity and moved. It seemed that even if Ziyi died, it was just a trivial thing for him.

She walked slowly to squat down. Looking at Ziyi who was about to die, she said quietly: "her master wants to kill me. Who can guarantee that after I save this woman, she will not fight against me and save a possible enemy. This is not the rule of conduct of Chu Feng."

Ziyi on the ground has been speechless, but she can still hear what all the people around her have said. It seems that Chu Feng can save herself. Ziyi's eyes show longing and expectation. If she can live, no one wants to die like this, let alone Ziyi.

Chu Feng could see the expectation clearly in his eyes, but he didn't see it: "however, heaven has the virtue of good life. Saving one life is better than building a seven level butcher. Beauty, you can save you. But after saving you, you will become my slave all your life. All things should listen to me. I will do whatever I ask you to do."

"Of course, I can guarantee that you will never let you kill your master Qinglong. If you can, blink your eyes!"


If she could speak now, Ziyi must have uttered her rude words directly. As a proud and charming person, Ziyi would rather die than be a slave to Chu Feng, but her eyes blinked in an unnatural way.

Chu Feng glanced over the sly smile and jokingly said: "it's better to live than to live. It seems that you want to live and see the wonderful world!"

When Xuanwu and others heard this, their mouths twitched violently. Ten thousand grass mud horses were galloping there. Everyone could see Ziyi's unwillingness. Blinking his eyes was a pure natural reaction. Chu Feng even said Ziyi had agreed, but he couldn't help feeling more sympathy for Ziyi.

Meeting such a shameless and despicable person as Chu Feng is doomed to be very hurt.

However, Chu Feng, regardless of his own opportunism, flashed out nine black and yellow needles in his hand. In an instant, seven needles fell from several important acupoints on Ziyi's body. After a moment, he put them away. He was staring at his eyes and looking at his son Yi's complete lethargy.

Chu Feng picked her up and handed it to Bing Qing. He looked at Xuanwu and bajingang with great dignity: "from now on, I am the official director of the adjudication office, young master of Longmen. If you have any opinions or even want to oppose, you'd better say it now. If you don't say anything today, if you make something for me in the future, don't blame me for being rude."

"Green dragon and white tiger, I can give them a temporary life, but if such a thing happens the second time, I will be absolutely merciless."

Finger distance, word by word said: "so, people who want to leave now can leave, I Chu Feng absolutely do not say more words, but choose to stay words to give me to remember, loyalty!"

This is to make eight King Kong and Xuanwu show loyalty. Everyone knows that Xuanwu took the lead in bowing with Jason: "life is the person of the adjudication office, and death is the ghost of the adjudication office!"

At the same time, eight King Kong is also under the leadership of Yilong, respectfully and loudly: "life is the judge's person, death is the ghost of the verdict office!"

Although the four heavenly kings removed three, and the number of warriors in the period of natural anger decreased, Chu Feng did not move, and his face was firm and resolute: "from now on, go back to prepare for me, and wait until this young master takes time to clean up the door!"

With a wave of his finger: "in addition, we issued a ruling order against the invisible forces in the world. From today on, Chu Feng officially took over the ruling office. From today on, if people who are beyond the Tianyang period in the holy Dynasty enter the country, they must report to them, otherwise, there will be no amnesty for killing them!"

"At the same time, send a message to the three sects and four families, the day of the holy pilgrimage meeting, 30 days later!"

Xuanwu and others were shocked. They knew that Chu Feng formally took over the ruling was the beginning of blood. However, when they really said it from Chu tuyere, they were still shocked. They thought that they would fight against each other in life and death with green dragon, white tiger and even rosefinch.

Just Chu Fenggang said loyalty, firmly pressed them, can not bear but also firm reply: "yes!"

Chu Feng couldn't hear the complexity of Xuanwu and other people's words, but he didn't care. When Qinglong and Baihu showed their intention to replace them on the spot, chufeng had already executed them. Although they had already let them go, they just wanted to lay out a layout and strive for some time.

Waiting for Xuanwu to leave with eight vajras, Chu Feng left with Bingqingyujie and Ziyi.

When the mountain top of Mengtuo was calm again, the veiled woman appeared again, looking at the direction of Chu Feng's departure, and sighed: "dark eyes, murderous people!"

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