Super Healer

Chapter 106

The silent past of the night!

At 5:30 in the morning, everyone was still in sleep, but the voice of gathering sounded in the training camp. After the camp was silent for a short time, the lights of all dormitories were on, and the next moment there were voices of complaint.

For a group of students, unless it is a very special situation, under normal circumstances, no one will get up before 7 a.m., everyone is still very sleepy, and their mouth keeps saying such words as inhuman and unreasonable!

After a few minutes, some people even lie down and sleep again.

Chu Feng opened his eyes at the sound of the assembly. Usually he got up at six o'clock, so it was nothing to get up half an hour early. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he saw that Kang Chao and four eyes, who were sleeping next to him, were still asleep after the sound of the assembly fell.

Chuckling, she patted them: "assemble, get up!"

"No reason!"

He sat up, shook his head, and put on his glasses: "the first day, I won't let people sleep well. How can I live?"

"It's good to get used to it. It's also good to get up early and breathe fresh air." Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder and went to one side to fold the quilt. Kang Chao and his four eyes were in a daze. Not to mention folding the quilt, it would be nice to get up.

"Let's go, everyone is out!"

After waiting for several minutes, four eyes and Kang Chao came out. Both of them were mentally deficient. Chu Feng looked at the wall for more than ten minutes. He patted them on the shoulder and went out. They were wearing training clothes, and the rest were confiscated.

On the huge training ground, ten thousand freshmen came out of their living places and came to the training ground. They were standing here, and there were a lot of them. Chu Feng went over to have a look. The sound of assembly has been ringing for more than ten minutes. Now there are only five or six thousand people here.

The rest of the people seem to be walking slowly now!


Nearly half an hour later, ten thousand freshmen came out, with all the training instructors standing there waiting for half an hour. Su Mobei, holding a trumpet, said in a loud voice: "from 5:30 to blow the assembly horn, all the talents arrive at six o'clock, which is very good!"

Looking at the ten thousand freshmen standing together in disorder, Su Mobei continued in a loud voice: "all stand up according to their respective camps, and start training at seven o'clock!"

Then more than a dozen instructors came out. Chu Feng saw his instructor on his side and whispered that he had a narrow enemy. It was Zhou Xiaoxuan. However, judging from the woman's appearance, her feet felt better after a night's rest.

"All stand up!" Zhou Xiaoxuan also saw the Chu wind, but it was cold to see, and then said loudly, one after another of the instructions issued, a full four minutes, chufeng their side of the talent is really standing in order!

"Really good!"

Zhou Xiaoxuan looked at the time, and a smile appeared on her face. Originally, such a smile was very attractive to a beautiful woman, but now Zhou Xiaoxuan's smile fell into everyone's eyes, just like the devil's smile: "four minutes, then you can stand 40 minutes more!"

Zhou Xiaoxuan's words immediately let many people send out a voice of resentment. Zhou Xiaoxuan looked at the time: "eight o'clock!"

One more sentence added 20 minutes to the crowd. Everyone got up early, but Zhou Xiaoxuan was still there to add time. Soon, someone complained: "drillmaster Zhou, if you don't want to play with people like this, even if you want to train, you can wait until we finish breakfast?"

"Half past eight!" Zhou Xiaoxuan didn't answer the man's question, but said coldly. Then she swept all the people in her eyes: "from now on, anyone who says one more word will add half an hour. It doesn't matter. I have more time. If you like, continue!"

In a word, the people who want to open their mouth subconsciously shut their mouths. The rest of the people glared at the person who started talking. It seems that they are blaming him for his disorderly speech. It was only eight o'clock, but now it's half past eight!

But to see the rest of the team is even more miserable than them, to stand until 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock, my heart is a little more comfortable, they just have to stand until 8:30!

Zhou Xiaoxuan walked to Chu Feng with a sneer. She looked at Chu Feng standing at attention. The people around her did not look at her. She approached Chu Feng and said, "cancel our agreement. I only want you to stand until 7:30. How about that?"

Chu Feng looked at Zhou Xiaoxuan, who was close at hand. She really wanted to pinch her face to see if she could squeeze out water. But after thinking about it, she firmly replied, "no need!"

"You stand till nine o'clock!"

Just finished, Zhou Xiaoxuan looked at the time and spoke directly. Chu Feng was stunned. Zhou Xiaoxuan's eyes flashed a shrewdness and walked forward in front of him: "in the training camp, the instructor's order is the biggest. I even said no speaking, that's not allowed to speak. Now who speaks, does not involve all, only punish individual!"

Chu Feng finally knows that Zhou Xiaoxuan has played a trick on her. This woman is deliberately looking for a chance to fix herself. She clenches her teeth tightly and waits for me. She thought about it. This time, you must fulfill the bet!As time went by, many people couldn't stand it. However, because Zhou Xiaoxuan and other instructors were there, no one dared to say anything. The sun was rising slowly, and there was a little sweat on everyone's faces.

Chu Feng hate to stand there, looking at Zhou Xiaoxuan's eyes, eager to beat her, but also understand that now training camp instructors are the biggest, if you offend too deep, it is estimated that it is not easy to mix up in school.

At eight o'clock, some of the punished teams can move before they can go to breakfast. But more people sit on the ground with soft feet and stand for two hours. Who can stand it?

At 8:30, Chu Feng's place is not only for him, but also for the rest of the people. All of a sudden, many girls sit on the ground, quietly vent their dissatisfaction, and knock their legs there, saying that Zhou Xiaoxuan is a mother of night fork.

However, when we could have breakfast, we still went slowly towards the canteen. Many people prayed in their hearts that such a day would pass quickly. On the side of Chu Feng, he was standing there alone. Huang Jingyin came over and said, "don't worry, I'll help you get a breakfast, so that you don't have to eat at nine o'clock!"

Chu Feng wants to say thank you, but to see a Zhou Xiaoxuan staring at her can only blink, I endure!

Nine o'clock finally arrived. Zhou Xiaoxuan came to her in time, but before she opened her mouth, Chu Feng whispered, "tonight, collect the debt!"

Leaving a word, Chu Feng walked directly to the dining room, leaving Zhou Xiaoxuan there. The latter clenched his lips and clenched his fists. She thought that he would compromise to deal with Chu Feng in this way, and finally begged for mercy. Then she could say that the conditions were cancelled, but she did not want Chu Feng to change them immediately.

Hum a: "Stinky boy, see how I teach you this afternoon!"

Thank you When they got to the canteen, everyone had finished eating and left. Chu Feng met Huang Jingyin in a corner. At the moment, she was sitting there chatting with several girls. Seeing Chu Feng coming, she immediately handed him two steamed bread and a cup of soybean milk. Chu Feng nodded to express his thanks. After all, the dining hall stopped eating at nine o'clock, and there was nothing left.

Huang Jingyin sat next to Chu Feng under everyone's ambiguous gaze, and her voice was sweet: "Chu Feng, that week, the drillmaster seems to be against you. What do you do?"

Chu Feng was not afraid of the training, which was nothing compared with his previous study with his master. But he also bent his arms jokingly: "no, I'm a man!"

"Man, can you help me get some welfare?" As soon as Chu Feng finished, a voice came from behind. Then two girls suddenly appeared and pulled Huang Jingyin up. Then a girl with rich makeup sat down: "if you can let me not work so hard, not only our contradiction, but also your chance to pursue me!"

Chu Feng looks at the people around him, who is not the man who has contradiction with himself?

But for her words, Chu Feng just whispered a smile: "I don't need such an opportunity, and I don't need to help you either." With that, he stood up directly and had nothing to say with her husband. Even if she was the daughter of the Wolf Gang leader, she was not afraid!

"No face to face!" Lang's eyebrows snorted coldly, and then he waved. Two girls came over and hammered her legs: "I'm so tired. Such a day is the first day. Next, I don't know how these abnormal people will torture us. Bad luck!"

Huang Jingyin and several other girls left here. Although they are little girls, they can't be compared with each other.

The people who followed her said nodded: "that is, my skin seems to be sunburnt a lot!"

"Why don't we talk to the instructor and see what kind of methods we don't need training? I think the chief drillmaster seems to be very good at speaking! "

Hearing the words of his little companion, Lang Meimei thought about it as well: "then wait for a rest and go to the chief instructor. If I can do without training, how can I be willing to give him one hundred and eighty thousand?"

When people around heard the words of Lang Meimei, they clapped their hands together. There were all kinds of praises. Some people in the distance shook their heads one after another. People said that men's legs came out of dogs. But now it seems that these women's dog legs are not worse than men's!

Of course, these words are said in my heart. If you want them to say it to the people around Lang Meimei, you'd better beat them directly!

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