Super Healer

Chapter 1089

Li Ji scolded and yelled that Yan Yan had made him go to bed, but when Yan Yan's fist was raised, he resolutely shut up. Then, in Yan yanmu's gaping stupor, he went back to the room to wash and then walked out with Yan le. So far, all the fools knew that they were resting in the same room last night.

Yan Yan has only one word about this. If you are not married, you are together. It's really open!

Li Ji has been completely numb to this, but Yan Le is said to be blushing, secretly pinching Li Ji.

Wenxinxue comes out of another room with white fox in her arms. Although she is awakened by Yan Yan, she doesn't have a sleepy look on her face. It seems that she will never be tired.

Chu Feng also slowly came out of the room, stretched out a stretch to breathe the fresh air of the morning. Last night, Chu Feng did not talk to them about the attack and Chu Bufan. He felt that it was not necessary. As for the assassin, he had no doubt about it.

As for why Chu Bufan wanted to kill him, Chu Feng didn't think about it deeply. Anyway, it didn't do him any harm.

Walking to the front yard, a middle-aged man standing alone there, Yan Yan quickly walked two steps in the past, spit out his tongue: "second uncle!"

"Yan Yan is back. It seems that I'm very happy to go out this time." It was the second master of Yan's family. He touched Yan Yan's head lovingly and looked at the people who came out later. Li Ji naturally knew him, but his eyes were more focused on Chu Feng, and he never moved away.

Frowning, slightly sighed: "Tianyuan quadruple state, unexpectedly has the vigorous momentum of Tianyang period, strange, is really strange."

Yan Yan opened his mouth when they came to Chu Feng: "this is my second uncle. Today it is he who comes to take us in."

Chu Feng just nodded gently, without too much fluctuation. However, he saw Yan Er Ye's cultivation realm in his eyes. As a strong man in tiannu's four realms, he was only Yan Yan Yan's second uncle. What kind of state would his father and his grandfather be? Chu Feng has a little more expectation.

Although he had met powerful masters in Shuidong at the beginning, Chu Feng had not met several powerful masters in the seven levels of tiannu period, and Xuanyuan family, it seems that only those three came out!

Calm eyes in the burning up a bear of war, Chu Feng on this trip to the Yan family, is no longer just a simple request for big return Dan to Murong Bing treatment.

Chu Feng didn't say anything. Yan Er Yeh didn't mean much embarrassment. He took a deep look at Chu Feng again and turned away. He was very puzzled. He could see that Chu Feng was just the breath of the four realms of Tianyuan. However, at the moment when he just appeared, he felt the momentum of Tianyang period absurdly.

Shaking his head, he sighed that the world was very big and there was nothing strange about it. Yan Er Ye was walking all the way in front of him.

Chu Feng didn't have much words either. He nodded slightly and followed up with the others. People who passed by nodded slightly when they saw Yan Er Ye. Obviously, they all knew who he was. Several people walked down the road, and half an hour later, they came to the mountains where Yan Yan referred to yesterday.

After looking around, Chu Feng's left eye had examined everything around him last night. There was nothing special about it. I don't know how the second master of Yan is going to take them into Yan's house.

"Come this way!"

After a pause, Yan Er Ye didn't know what he was doing, and then he threw out a sentence. He went out and took two steps into a path. Chu Feng felt something was wrong, but he didn't think too much. If Yan's family was really malicious to him, he would have been killed by thunder when he entered Yanjia town.

However, the danger did not come, does not mean that will not come, Chu Feng has always maintained a trace of vigilance, this era, living is the king.

After turning into the path that only can accommodate one person, he walked on for nearly an hour. The sun had already risen high, and the second master Yan stopped. Li Ji and Yan Yan did not show any curiosity. Obviously, they had already known how far to go.

Yan Er Ye looked at the front, then looked up at the sky, as if he was looking for coordinates. Finally, he shook his head and walked to a slightly more spacious place and sat down: "after walking for an hour, take a rest before you go."

Among the crowd, Li Xiaoying breathed out a long breath. She was neither a warrior nor a strong physique. After walking for an hour on the mountain road, she could not bear it. She went to find a stone and sat down and knocked her leg there.

Yan Le is not a martial arts person, but because her father is a branch of the direct line, and she is about the same age as Yan Yan, she grew up together. Although it is difficult to walk such a mountain road, it is nothing for her who also has the ability of a master level.

Together with Li Ji, who is not tired, he went to sit down and have a rest.

Yan Yan mumbled her mouth and looked back at wenxinxue, who had always been inseparable from Chu Feng. Xiaozui was dissatisfied with the opening: "wenxinxue, pay attention to my feelings."

Pay attention to her feelings?

Wen Xin Xue frowned slightly, and did not know what Yan Yan Yan said. He could not think about it. He handed the white fox to Chu Feng and said in a low voice, "I have something to do."

Chufeng knew wenxinxue wanted to be convenient, so she nodded and held the white fox and sat beside Li Ji. Yan Yan watched wenxinxue leave and walked to chufeng's side. She naturally took Chu Feng's arm and said, "well, I'm going to visit Yan's house soon. Are you ready to propose a marriage?"Chu Feng was full of black lines. He wanted to say that he was just talking at will. He saw that Yan Er Ye seemed to pay close attention to this side. He opened his mouth in his heart: "let's talk about it then. Isn't it right now?"

How can simple Yan Yan have so many thoughts, en en nodded: "anyway, I think you, no betrothal gifts, double dragon chaos Ding and Dan Jing, it should be your betrothal gift to me."

"What!" As soon as he finished, Yan Er YeYe jumped up as if he had been bitten by something. He suddenly came to Yan Yan's face, and his expression was excited: "Yan Yan, what did you say just now, Shuanglong chaotic tripod, and what's the matter with that Dan Scripture?"

Yan Yan didn't let Chu Feng's hand loose. She replied, "when I left dianlan, I saw a poster. There was a double dragon chaotic tripod at the Xiangjiang auction. It was intuitive that it was true. So I changed my route to Xiangjiang, but I didn't have any money. Finally, the Ding was photographed by Chu Feng and sent to me later."

"As for the Dan Sutra, it was given to me by Chu Feng, and his master gave it to him."

Chu Feng a burst of sweat, how can the world have Yan Yan so simple people, do not know the truth of innocence?

Even if the person in front of him is Yan Er ye, the double dragon chaotic tripod and the Dan Scripture are the best. Facing these rare and unique things, Chu Feng does not believe that no one is attracted. I just hope that Yan Er Ye is not that kind of evil person.

When Yan Er ye heard the words, he suppressed his inner excitement, and the overlord was extremely gorgeous. He not only reached the semi divine state at the beginning, but also became the first strong man in the hidden world and the present world. He also knew a lot of things. Although there was no alchemy, it was said that he controlled a Dan Sutra and recorded numerous lost pills.

Feeling inappropriate, but the inner excitement or let Yan Er Ye whisper: "that, Dan Jing, can I have a look?"

Yan Yan didn't have much thought, so she nodded and handed the Sutra that Chu Feng gave her to Yan Er Ye. She said, "I haven't seen many pills above, but there are legends in history. There are also some miraculous pills that surpass the heaven level pills."

"But I'm not good enough now, so I can't refine it."

Yan Er Ye's hands trembled a little, holding the Sutra in his hand. He opened it gently for fear that it might be damaged. But when he saw the things above, his excited look turned into shock. Wen Xinxue didn't find it when he came back. He just looked at it quietly.

For half an hour, Chu Feng was a little helpless about Yan Yan's simplicity, but it was not easy to say anything. She even gave it to Yan Yan. So, like everyone else, she did not disturb Yan Er Ye.

When the sun had risen to the highest point, Yan Er Ye closed the Sutra and sighed: "this is a common thing for ordinary martial arts, even for other hidden forces, but for the alchemy family, it is something that can upgrade the family level. Its value is limitless."

"Above things, not only need enough patience, but also need talent to refine, Overlord, worthy of the original genius."

From the heart of a praise, Yan Er Ye handed Yan Yan the Dan Sutra: "take it well, everyone is innocent and bear the blame, the second uncle knows it is OK, the rest of the family can not say, especially your grandfather, don't let him know that you have got overlord's Dan classic."

Inexplicably, he left a sentence that made Yan Yan very strange. Yan Er YeYe's eyes toward Chu Feng had not the kind of sharp at the beginning, but also with a little appreciation: "so precious two things, you can give Yan Yan. At first, I suspected that you were coming to Yan's house with bad intentions, but now my suspicions are reduced by half."

"Young man, you are very good, at least I am you, can't do these things!"

Chu Feng knows that the double dragon chaotic tripod and the Dan Scripture are precious, but how precious they are does not have too many concepts. Looking at Yan Er Ye's appearance at the moment, a strong man in the period of natural anger is moved. Naturally, it is very precious. Suddenly, he regrets how to give it to Yan Yan.

Just to go out of the things, also embarrassed to come back, Chu Feng reluctantly showed a smile: "Yan Yan than everything in the world, a lot of precious, any goods can not be compared with her."

Chu Feng's words, let Yan Yan blink her eyes, even show a shy low head, back to sit down Wenxin snow frown, in the heart, how did not say so nice words to me?

Hearing Chu Feng's reply, Yan Er Ye burst into laughter. This is the first time that he has been so disrespectful of his majesty. Obviously, he is very satisfied with Chu Feng's words. He happens to see something to stop laughing: "you can go!"

All of them stood up. Yan Yan took Chu Feng in his hand and saw that everyone didn't pay attention. He whispered, "you moved me. I'll give it to you tonight?"

Chu Feng's mouth corner mercilessly twitches for a while, helpless return way: "kidney is deficient!"

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