Super Healer

Chapter 1113

Will be lingjuding, a view of the small mountains!

This is the dream of countless heroes in ancient and modern times. Everyone wants to climb to the highest peak. Standing in the highest place, it is like a god overlooking everything in the world, enjoying the glory and loneliness standing on the top of the peak!

The eighteen peaks of Yanshan mountain, where the Yan family is, symbolize their authority and spiritual sustenance.

The main peak of Yanshan mountain is the sacred and inviolable God residence of every Yan family. It is said that the first person of Yan family to step into the realm of God was possessed by the devil and fell under the thunder. However, there are countless legends and feelings left here. As for the truth and falsehood, only the middle of them can know.

When the figures of Chu Feng and Murong Bing appear here, the top of the 300 square meter mountain is bare. There is only an ordinary hut and a lonely grave that can't see the traces of time. If you say what the meaning of hero's loneliness means, you can feel it deeply here at this moment.

Chu Feng looked back at the foot of the mountain and narrowed his eyes: "the eighteen peaks of the wild goose mountain don't seem to be accidental. They even saw the potential of Wolong here!"

The power of Wolong is an ancient geomantic theory. Chu Feng once saw it on an ancient book. To put out such a geomantic array, the manpower and material resources required are not generally large, and it is not the geomantic omen theory of future generations with good fortune. Therefore, there are not many people who are keen on it. It is more a theory of living comfortably.

At the moment, the trend of Fengshui formed under the eighteen peaks of Yanshan mountain is the trend of Wolong, and the main peak is respected. However, there is not much on it. There is only a small house and a solitary tomb. It seems a little strange.

"The spirit of later generations!"

Turning to look at the lonely grave in the distance, Murong Bing narrowed his eyes: "enjoy the incense, enjoy the respect, enjoy the popularity, gather the most mysterious power in the nature. It seems that the one lying in the solitary tomb is the ancestor of Yan family, an ambitious man who wants to wake up again, and thinks that waking up is God!"

Chu Feng didn't know this very well. He frowned and asked, "what do you mean?"

Murong Bing walked slowly towards the solitary tomb, and said: "if Yan's ancestors really stepped into the realm of God and died under the thunder, even if his bones and bones have disappeared, there will be all his remains in the place where he died, and give him a place to repose his soul, just like this solitary tomb.

In combination with the power of Wolong, the reverence and popularity of posterity and grandchildren will arouse the most mysterious force among the forces of nature, remodel the body, and to a certain extent, enjoy the respect of all generations of incense. Maybe you will wake up and directly stand in the realm of God, overlooking everything in the world. "

"Do you think the so-called human power is strong or not?"

At this time, the two had already stood in front of the solitary grave, with a tombstone standing in front of them, but there was no mark. What was the name of Yan's ancestor was just a mystery.

Chu Feng nodded his head clearly. If it was before, he could not accept that people who died for endless years could still survive. However, after experiencing Chang'e's affairs, Chu Feng believed that there were many things he could not understand.

All of a sudden, Murong Bing raised his hand, and the tablet without words directly rose from the ground and threw it to one side. A little bit of earth began to emerge from the mound. Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. Murong Bing was going to dig a grave.

However, he did not say anything to stop him. Unexpectedly, the eighteen peaks of Yanshan Mountain showed the trend of Wolong. Maybe it was someone with ulterior motives. In order to revive the popularity of later generations, he didn't mind to see why.

Slowly, like a fountain, the soil came out around, and gradually an old and dilapidated sarcophagus appeared in front of the two people. Although it was not as good as the sarcophagus in which Chang'e was sleeping, it can be seen that after endless years, the original colors above have faded and there is no trace of primary color.

Murong Bing took a step forward. After the return of the charming woman, she was less charming and more serious. With her hand lifted, the coffin cover of the sarcophagus flew over and fell heavily on the ground.

Chu Feng fixed eyes to see, eyebrow a pick, empty!

There was nothing in the sarcophagus. Seeing Murong Bing's face a little dignified, Chu Feng asked, "what's the matter? It seems that you haven't reshaped the body yet."

"Husband, is it hard to do that? Some people have no clothes to wear on the way, so they take the clothes from the sarcophagus?"

Chu Feng didn't think about it at first, but at the moment he also felt that things were not simple. He pushed Murong Bing aside and flashed his body. Then a figure flew out and hit the sarcophagus. It was Yan Cang who followed him. At this time, he had to be too embarrassed. Why did he have the dignity of the Yan Family leader?

Chu Feng also appeared behind him like a shadow, stepping on his body with a cold tone: "originally I should have killed you just now, but you are Yan Yan's father. I can not kill you, but not killing does not mean that I can't kill you. Yan Cang, tell me what the sarcophagus looked like when it was buried at the beginning?"

Yan Cang was humiliated by the Chu wind trampling on his feet. He took a hard look at the sarcophagus. His face was stunned, and then came the color of shock: "how can this happen?"

Chu wind feels Yan Cang seems to know something, loosen the foot mouth: "how to return a responsibility?"

Yan Cang did not care about the humiliation of being trampled on the ground by Chu Feng. He got up in a hurry and went to the sarcophagus. Looking at the empty inside, he shook his head in disbelief and said, "impossible, absolutely impossible. Is father cheating me?"Chufeng frowned and said, "say it!"

Yan Cang also remembered that Chu Feng was beside him, and subconsciously trembled. He said in an unnatural tone: "once my father told me, and every patriarch told me orally, that is, after the Yan Family's ancestor died, he asked his son to invite someone to build a crouching dragon on the eighteen peaks of Yanshan mountain, so that one day he would wake up and reign in the world.

When I began to know about this, I felt very ridiculous. How could this be possible? So my father told me that he also thought it was not possible. He said that only the skull was robbed and thundered at that time, how could he be resurrected? I thought so at that time

We can be sure that Yan Cang did not cheat, but if he did not cheat, we can be sure that the remaining skull must be in the sarcophagus, but now it can not be seen. Squinting his eyes, Chu Feng asked again, "are you sure that the skull is buried?" Ask this, Chu Feng also know is white ask, from Yan canggang just performance, can see.

The original skull must have been buried with it, but now, it's gone!

Sure enough, Yan Cang nodded and said with great certainty: "I don't know anything else, but I'm 100% sure about the existence of the skull. This is something that the clan leaders of all dynasties know, and this is not a tomb of clothes!"

Chu Feng nodded and waved his hand. The sarcophagus went directly into the ground, and the coffin cover also flew up. From the new cover, the earth pushed away by Murong ice began to return to the cage and bury it bit by bit. Chu Feng no longer looked at it, but went to the hut on the side.

It seems that the power of Wolong is not a legend. The ancestor of Yan's family, whose skull is only left in the sarcophagus, may have been born, but where has he gone?

Thinking about it, when he opened the door outside the hut, he saw Yan Yan, who was bound to a pillar by a chain link. With his big eyes blinking, Chu Feng relaxed his expression a little, and went over and broke the chain.

Yan Yan, who was free, threw herself into Chu Feng's arms and cried: "my grandfather wants to rob my Sutra, but also to separate me from the double dragon chaotic tripod. I'm so scared if I want to use the residual breath of the powerful one to enter the demigod realm."

Feeling the fragility of Yan Yan's appearance, Chu Feng gently patted her back and comforted her: "it's OK. Your grandfather can't hurt you any more. Put away the chaotic tripod."

"Hello, Hello, Hello!"

Chu Feng has not yet answered. Murong Bing, who followed him, came to me and opened his mouth directly. He snorted: "little girl, this is my man. I haven't even shed tears with him. Don't grab it with me, or I'll spank you!"

Yan Yan's small mouth pouted up, and he was infinitely aggrieved. Chu Feng laughed bitterly, and Murong Bing was still a monster. He coughed and said, "Yan Yan, put the tripod away and go down the mountain. There will be nothing in the future. Try not to come to the top of the main peak."

As for the sarcophagus, Chu Feng is not ready to speak out, and I believe Yan Cang will not say it at will, so as to avoid disturbance. He pats Yan Yan on the shoulder, and Chu Feng walks out of the hut. As for the future of Yan Yan and the development of Yan Cang, it is not the issue that Chu Feng should consider.

Yan Cang can begin to give up Yan Yan, so we should be prepared to sever the relationship between father and daughter.

Murong ice lagged behind a step, facing the face of aggrieved Yan Yan Yang Fist: "I am the main room, you are a concubine, can understand?"

Yan Yan, with her mouth full, turned to put away the double dragon chaotic tripod. At the same time, she murmured: "there's no corner that can't be pried down. Only the junior who doesn't work hard will get rid of you sooner or later."

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