Super Healer

Chapter 1127

The sun has gradually risen into the sky.

Chen's village is very lively today. In the past, there were not so many people gathering all year round, but today, nearly one village is gathered. All of them are at the end of the village, watching the farce made by the Chen Taiyang family.

Forced marriage!

Since ancient times, men forced women to marry, and women forced men to marry. However, such things rarely happen, which is not in line with Taoist legislation. However, today in this small Chenjia village, it is still unexpected forced marriage.

Chen Mei said that Chu Feng played with her, but not to die, but to marry her, which is a joke in itself.

Chen Mei can't be said to be very powerful, but in this remote rural area of shiliba village, she is a village flower. Many people pursue her, but she doesn't look up to any of them, but she won't be forced to stick it up to marry.

Although I don't know what happened, people who know Chen Taiyang's family all know that this is blackmail. They just know that none of them, who have been oppressed by Chen sun all the year round, dare to come out and preside over justice.

It was not until the sound of the wheels on the bumpy road in the distance that everyone could be regarded as dispersing their thoughts and speculations. Looking back, they saw that five police cars were coming, and they knew that it was the big people invited by Chen Taiyang. The villagers who had gathered around were scattered a little, for fear that they might collide with big people.

Five police cars stopped there like oxen and forks. After the doors were opened, more than a dozen of them looked untidy and looked more like ruffian policemen. Then the front car slowly opened the door.

The half bald man came out with the heavily made-up policewoman in his arms. The villagers immediately recognized who it was, Gao Buren, the director of the district police station!

As for the female police with heavy make-up nearby, they probably know that a newly married police school graduate has a slight disdain for this, but they dare not reveal it.

Chen sun saw Gao Bu Ren had arrived, gave Chu Feng a look that you want to be unlucky in the eyes, walked over with a smile and held out his hand: "Gao director, I should not have disturbed you, but there is no way. I can't handle this matter well."

After years of collusion, Gao Bu Ren has known that Chen Taiyang's little Jiu Jiu is nothing more than to show his identity in front of so many people. Of course, he doesn't mind showing a sense of superiority in front of these villagers. He reaches out his hand and shakes Chen Taiyang: "where, people's public servants will naturally work for the people."

"When I received your call, I kept coming and brought the Liu team leader of the affairs group. If the boy doesn't marry your daughter today, I'll let him go to prison."

Sure enough, Chen sun suddenly felt a light on his face and looked at the awe of the villagers around him from time to time. He seemed to say, see, this is the big man I know.

But in the eyes of Chu Feng and Yan Qiaoling, they are more scornful. They are holding a policewoman in their arms. They are public servants there. How can they all look like moths.

The two shook hands and let go. On the other police car, a middle-aged man with the same Mediterranean head and big ears stepped down. Although he did not hold a woman like Gao Buren, the Secretary like woman following him was very young and delicate.

Gao Buren turned around and said, "this is Liu buchai, leader of the district affairs group. If I know your difficulties, I will take him with me. Either you will marry your daughter on the spot or go to prison directly."

It was a time of old age, as if he were a judge, and said that whoever was sent to prison would be in prison.

Chen Taiyang was so flattered that he reached out and held Liu buchai with both hands. He ignored the latter. He never looked at him: "Captain Liu is here. It's a great honor for Chen Taiyang. You are the parents who are close to life and close to the common people. You are good officials who really work for the people."

Good words, no one does not like to listen to, Liu buchai gently glanced at Chen sun at the corner of his eyes and said in an official voice: "you are welcome, this is my duty!"

When Chu Feng heard the speech, his heart was full of ten thousand grass mud horses. When he saw Gao Buren and Liu buchai, their names were more distinctive than others. Now they are still so arrogant. In the past, they can't understand how to open their eyes and tell lies. But now Chu Feng has a deep understanding, and it's shameless to go to this state, which is also a kind of performance of comparison!

It is clearly that the birds of a feather are in collusion with each other, and they can also render themselves to be common people. Chu Feng is also drunk!

Because of the arrival of two "big men", Chen sun felt his face was full of face and his waist was quite straight. He turned and pointed to Chu Feng: "this boy is my sister's wild husband. He kidnapped my daughter and defiled her last night. I asked him to marry my daughter, but he refused."

Following Chen Taiyang's fingers, Liu buchai and Gao Buren looked together, but they were immediately attracted by Yan Qiaoling beside Chu Feng, and their throats squirmed for a moment.

Feeling that the woman who has played for a lifetime, no one can compare with Yan Qiaoling in front of her eyes. Gao Buren's hands around the heavily made-up policewoman are released. Some of them don't believe it and ask, "that's your niece. Are you sure?"

Liu buchai is also nodding in the side. How can the poor bird in the valley give birth to such a beautiful woman?Chen sun saw the two people's performance that way, immediately knew their heart thought, patted the chest said: "100% such as false, I kiss niece, but also a unfilial person."

Gao Buren and Liu buchai looked at each other. At first, they just came for a walk. But now, because Yan Qiaoling had some other ideas, Gao Buren coughed and walked forward with a big stomach. He said to Chu Feng, "boy, what's your name?"

Chu Feng with a banter smile: "Chu wind!"

"Otherwise, I will arrest you and your husband and throw them into prison."

Chen Taiyang followed him and was stunned. His essence is that as long as Chu Feng has the money to marry Chen Mei, it doesn't matter who else he is with, and has never thought of doing Yan Qiaoling. After a meaningful look at Gao Buren, he immediately knows that this guy has moved his mind to Yan Qiaoling.

However, he doesn't care. He doesn't mind if he doesn't have any kinship, and he can take advantage of it.

Chu Feng coughed gently, and answered directly: "dream!"

Gao Buren's face was stiff and frozen. He blinked his eyes and doubted whether he had heard the wrong thing. Until the heavily made-up policewoman came forward and said, "director, he said, you dream!"

"Damn it!" Gao Buren showed his nature and pointed to Chu Feng and said: "boy, the Liu team of the affairs group is here. Those who are smart will register with Chen Mei immediately. Let your wife go to the district and explain what happened last night, and leave the case as the case."

"Otherwise, you can wait for the bottom of the prison to wear it."

Yan Qiaoling's cold and charming makes Gao Buren no longer want to talk nonsense. He is always arrogant and does not worry about who dares to say his right and wrong. Just as soon as his words are finished, his fingers are directly held by Chu Feng. Without an intermittent click, Gao Buren gives out a scream.

The villagers around, or the Chen Taiyang family, or the people who came with Gao Buren, were all in a daze. Some even rubbed their eyes and did not believe that the scene was real.

But all these are not finished. After breaking Gao Buren's fingers, Chu Feng steps forward and kicks Gao Buren, who usually only knows how much food and drink for public money, lies on the ground with one foot. His face is purple and he can't breathe. Therefore, the scene is more quiet.

Chu Feng twisted his neck and felt very angry. He kicked out again and immediately let Gao Buren roll out a few meters like a ball.

This time, the people who followed Gao Bu Ren finally reacted. More than ten police officers quickly took out their guns and said to Chu Feng, "don't move!"

However, in a flash, Chu Feng passed in front of the crowd like a wind. This is the reason why Chu Feng deliberately suppressed it. Otherwise, others would not even be able to capture his shadow.

When people saw Chu Feng clearly, more than a dozen police officers' guns fell to the ground. Everyone covered a hand and cried or jumped in pain. It was just such a short moment that the hand holding the grab was broken by Chu Feng.

Watching this scene, the breath stopped for a moment, which was even more shocking than Gao Buren. If it was not the day, they would all doubt whether chufeng was a ghost.

"Big man?" Chu Feng sneered at this. He never paid attention to the red literati. He could despise all the old people in huanxinghai. He was afraid of the district leaders in Xining?

As soon as he stepped forward, he stood in front of Chen Taiyang. When everyone was happy in the dark road, Chu Feng took Chen Taiyang's hand and gently swung it. Chen sun flew out more than ten meters and fell into a haystack.

Chu Feng clapped his hands and stood up with pride: "I am the head of the Dian Lan Department. Li Zong, the leader of Shengchao No. 1, did not pay attention to them. Tell me what big people they are, the first person in the alliance, or the chief of Tianchi? If so, I'm sorry. I don't pay any attention to it. "

"Now tell me what they are. Let me have a look at them."

Chen Mei's eyes twinkled with light. There was no fear, only obsession!

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