Super Healer

Chapter 1132

Who dares?

The two heavy words, such as the harsh sound of metal rubbing on the ground, let people not want to hear, but actually into the ears. The anger contained in the words has not been revealed, but has produced an extremely strong sense of oppression.

Lin kaiben, who was standing on the platform, was still annoyed at who was so uninteresting to interrupt himself, or even disobeying his orders to utter such threatening words. Looking sideways, he was about to shout out boldness.

However, Chu Feng, surrounded by dozens of people in black, looked stunned, and then a strong hatred emerged.

From the beginning to the collection, Lin Kai wanted to use the cheap family affection in his eyes to let Chu Feng transfer the things under his name to his own name, so that he could reap profits. It was not difficult to give 1.8 million yuan a year, but Chu Feng said that he would discuss with Lin Wei, and then there was no more.

Lin Kai, who has been looking forward to it, knows that he has been played, so he has always hated Chu Feng. He feels that Chu Feng has been adopted, but he has no gratitude at all. He has no filial piety to his adoptive mother. Should he be filial to her younger brother?

Therefore, for Chu Feng did not follow his words to do things, Lin Kai's heart has a grudge.

Cold hum: "who should I be? It's Chu Feng. Why, do you want to resist Dharma? But it's no use. There's nothing in Lin's village that belongs to you. I've transferred everything in your name from the court in the name of Lin Wei's mother's brother, so your opinions are not opinions. "

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and took a look at Lin cannon. Seeing the latter, he nodded slightly. He knew that Lin Kai had not deceived himself. Lin Kai did take all this secretly by using his power.

But Chu Feng didn't care too much about it. It was his thing that no one could take away!

Yan Qiaoling takes a look at Lin Kai and Chu Feng. She smiles with a light playfulness. History is so similar. What happened to her only yesterday, today Chu Feng has to face it. She just doesn't know whether Chu Feng can face her own affairs with the same iron and blood as yesterday?

Chu Feng ignored Lin Kai's words. He raised his hand and waved his finger forward: "throw out everything except Lin's village."

The dozens of big men who followed him all moved up, bringing out the powerful shock of the wild animals, which made Lin Kai's heart throb. At the moment, he remembered that these dozens of big men in black had followed the wind of Chu.

But that is to say, when he was in a panic, Lin Kai said, "stop for me. Do you know who I am?"

However, his so-called identity is insignificant in the eyes of dozens of big men in black. What they follow is Chu Feng's instructions. They go directly to fight several people he has brought. Then they carry one of them to the outside of Linjia village and throw them out according to Chu Feng's instructions.

Among them are Lin Sicong and Lin Kai. Chu Feng does not hesitate to let them all suffer.

For those who are satisfied, Chu Feng doesn't mind giving him something, but for those who are not satisfied, Chu Feng won't give him anything, let alone Lin Kai embezzled what Chu Feng wanted to leave Lin Wei with his power.

The reason why he wanted to leave Lin Wei was that Chu Feng thought over and over again. Although Lin Wei could live a life as a master as long as he wanted to, Chu Feng preferred Lin Wei to live a quiet life, because only when he walked higher would he find that the height was too high to be cold. When he fell down, he was absolutely right.

After Lin Kai and others were directly thrown out by Chu Feng, Lin Da Pao came to see dozens of big men in black. He was frightened and said with a smile: "you can come back!"

Do not need too many words to say what, a simple sentence, contains a strong feeling.

Chu Feng didn't put on a straight face. He took a look at the completely changed Lin Jia village around him with a smile. He didn't know how much better he was when he left a few months ago. He began to face Lin Kai's sharpness and sharpness, and restored the simplicity of the young Lin's Village: "just passing by, so come back and have a look."

"I'm leaving in the afternoon. Let's take me to see how my home is."

Lin Da Pao's smiling face suddenly froze down. His eyes twinkled and there was no words. Chu Feng was stunned. He patted Lin on the shoulder and walked to his former residence. Lin didn't say anything, but he already knew what happened.

Guess what else Lin Kai did!

Lin Dabao watched Chu Feng go home, and saw dozens of big men in black follow him. Although he didn't know Chu Feng's identity, he could see something clearly. Shaking his head and sighing, he knew that Chu Feng was no longer in Lin's village, but that feeling was holding him back.

He waved his hand to let all the villagers go back to work. Lin Dabao shook his head and sighed and went to the village committee. He would not take charge of what Chu Feng wanted to do. He just needed to know that after today, no one would dare to fight the Linjia village.

Chu Feng soon came to his former home. Because of the reconstruction of the whole village, he built a new house from the original site. His former home was made into a small three-story building with an independent garden, which was considered the best in Linjia village.

At this time, Chu Feng with dozens of people standing outside the gate, looking at the closed door of the small building, the left eye directly through and into, look gloomy and ugly: "you wait for me outside!"The two iron doors were originally closed, but under the violence of Chu Feng, they were opened directly to both sides. The sound also startled the people in the small building. Yan Qiaoling wanted to follow up and have a look. Zhang Hanyun said in a timely manner: "his affairs are solved by himself."

In a room in the small building, two entangled bodies quickly separated after hearing the sound from the door. A fat middle-aged man was quickly dressed there. His face was tense, but he was not afraid.

Another woman also quickly got up. She even had no time to put on her close clothes and put on her skirt directly. She also said, "why did Lin Kai come back so early today, deputy technician Zhen, hurry up and hide for a while. Lin Kai should not have been back for a long time."

The middle-aged man nodded. He was the Deputy staff member of Xuancheng. Today, he secretly came to Linjia village to look for Lin Kai, but the latter was no longer going to work. He had been sitting waiting, but slowly he was seduced into bed by the charming bayberry. What he didn't expect was that someone would come back when he did something.

The two dressed quickly, but they were still a little slow after all. With a bang, the door was kicked open, and Yang men sat on the ground in terror. At the beginning, because of the two people who killed the Lin family, she had already had a lot of bad deeds. However, under her shrewdness and the strength of Lin Sicong, Lin Kai did not shake her off.

But she also warned that if she dared to do anything immoral, she would definitely get divorced. It was only necessary for bayberry to steal someone. But she knew that only by following Lin Kai could spring come. So now the door was kicked open and she was afraid.

Just look at the time, see is a face gloomy Chu Feng, a Leng immediately after the face: "is you?"

Chu Feng glanced at the red bayberry lightly. For the reason of sitting on the ground, the scenery inside the skirt could be seen. Obviously, he was still in the fierce battle just now. He despised him slightly: "Lin Kai is really generous. You are really open-minded, but it doesn't matter. I don't care about this problem. I'll give you three minutes!"

"Get out of here. Whose land was here before? That's who's got it. It has nothing to do with you."

Yangmei was afraid that Lin Kai knew that she had stolen people again, but it didn't mean that she was afraid of Chu Feng. She stood up and hummed: "boy, you are a wild animal. I didn't even settle accounts with you about the last time. I even played tricks on us and told you that I didn't care about it. Get out of here right away, or you'll have bad luck."

Then he nestled up to Zhen, who was not so worried: "do you know who he is? It's the Deputy staff member of Xuancheng. You can crush you for countless times. Get out of here

Chu Feng face no wave, light mouth: "there are two minutes!"

Yang Mei, who has always looked down on Chu Feng and others, frowned at his words. It seems that Chu Feng is so unintelligible. Even if he disturbs their interest, he still dares to do so. Where does the confidence come from?

Blinking his eyes, anger sprang up on his face: "you really can't see the coffin. I'll tell you, this house and this land belong to us and have nothing to do with you. Get out of here right now. I have something to do."

"One more minute!" Chu Feng reveals the rest of the time.

Yang Mei is really angry this time. The Deputy staff member Zhen is also very angry. Anyone who is interrupted by people when they are full of passion, especially the men, are not happy in their hearts. No matter what the image is now, Ju Gao Lin's opening: "boy, leave here right away. I don't think you've been here before, or I'll sue you for breaking into houses, which is going to jail."

Full of officialdom, Chu Feng indifferent opening: "you play subordinate wife, do not need to go to prison, really?"

Deputy staff member Zhen's face changed slightly. He didn't have to go to prison for playing with his wife. This was a matter of style, but he was absolutely dismissed. When he felt that Chu Feng was threatening him, Chu Feng looked at the time: "there are still ten seconds left!"

Deputy staff Zhen and Yang Mei are too lazy to talk. They stand together and are joking. Even for three minutes, Chu Feng dares to treat them?

Ten seconds later, the two of them were stiff with proud and proud red bayberry on their faces. They felt that the room was full of cold and depression. When the weather was cooling down, Chu Feng suddenly appeared in front of them, kicking out their feet mercilessly. They screamed and flew out of the window.

From the second floor, he directly hit the pool in the garden. Chu Feng jumped down from the window and looked at the Myrica rubra rising in the pool because it was only wearing a skirt. After being wet, the Deputy staff member was also in a mess. His pants fell down and the short things were in a glance.

Before the two men could vent their anger, Lin Kai, who began to be thrown out of Linjia village, came with nearly a hundred people arrogantly. It was the idle people who came to visit the village from door to door yesterday, but they all looked like barbarians.

As soon as he came over, he saw the situation in the garden. Seeing his wife's appearance, Lin Kai was stunned at first. Why didn't he wear close fitting clothes? Then he saw Deputy staff member Zhen who was wearing pants in a hurry. His whole face was black. All the fools knew what was going on.

Lin Kai is angry when he scolds you for wearing a green cap on me, but he does not dare to be angry with the people who control his future. He shouts at Chu Feng as if he is not filial. If he is not filial, his uncles will fight. If anyone comes, I will catch him and throw him into prison to reflect on himselfChu Feng took back his eyes and stabbed Lin Kai like frost: "it's sad, there is a kind of person who plays tricks on your wife and throws him into prison!"

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