Super Healer

Chapter 1142

On the street at 4:00 a.m., I unconsciously arrived at Jicheng for four hours. Chu Feng left the hotel and headed for Jicheng hotel!

A motorcade drove past him when he left the hotel. He could see Lin Yuner sitting in the car. He didn't feel much about Chu Feng. Everyone had his own choice of road to go. It was a blessing or a disaster, but it could not be avoided!

Everyone's future is in his own hands. Chu Feng is not a worrisome person.

Just out of a short while, a capable and hot figure stood in front of Chu Feng. Ye Zixuan stood on the street under the night with an angry look. Chu Feng was surprised how she came out in the middle of the night. She was ready to go up and make a fuss. A picture flashed through her left eye.

After a little pause, Chu Feng was still. She walked by her side without knowing Ye Zixuan. The angry color on Ye Zixuan's angry face faded like the tide. How could Chu Feng face her like this?

A flash of light flashed through Ye Zixuan's small head. She probably understood that she generally walked forward. When she passed through a flower cluster, she kicked her foot out of it. After that, a man fell back from the flowers and fainted.

Chu Feng also came back at this time, holding Ye Zixuan's small waist and looking at the man who fainted. He was one of the bodyguards who followed Shanren's side just now: "follow me, I'm full of food and support!"

"By the way, does Jicheng have any kind name?"

Thinking of the motorcade just seen, Chu Feng added: "it seems that the identity is not simple!"

Ye Zixuan looked at the man who had fainted. He was angry that Chu Feng had left in the middle of the night. He felt that Chu Feng might be going to deal with something. When she was held by the latter, she went to Jicheng Hotel and said, "there are some people with a good name in Jicheng, but if the identity is not simple, there is only one."

"Jinan Shanjia is second only to the cold family. The former ancestors are the imperial chefs of the founding leader. In Jinan, five of the ten hotels are Shanjia's, and even in the national catering industry, it also controls 10% of the hotels!"

Chu Feng stopped, surprised and said: "royal kitchen offspring, so cattle force?"

Ye Zixuan nodded and said as he walked, "it's really amazing, because he has been following the founding leader for nearly 40 years and is worthy of the title of the head of the imperial chef. Even now, many of the second generation of Shanjia are responsible for the food of the big men in huanxinghai."

"Even the chefs of Ye's family are good family people. Officials from all over the country, such as Leng family, also have good family people."

"It's no exaggeration to say that now the good old man, Li Ji's grandfather, should be polite when he comes, because he has been following the founding leader since he was 15 years old, and has been responsible for his diet until his death."

Ye Zixuan constantly throws out these messages, and Chu Feng slowly digests them. Although it seems that the good family does not have a trace of power background, their people are all related among the responsible persons. Although they are only cooks, they can get the trust of the big men, which is certainly not what ordinary people can do.

The house of the royal kitchen is well deserved!

However, Chu Feng is only a simple understanding, there is not much interest in this, the two sides will not have any intersection, also do not need to pay attention to these.

Just a few minutes after they left, the man who had been kicked unconscious by Ye Zixuan woke up and stood up, biting his dizzy head. He could not see the trace of Chu Feng. He was angry at the woman who had just kicked her, and also made a phone call. His face was ashamed: "young master, I lost my man!"

At the moment, Shanren, who has arranged for Lin Yuner to live in Jicheng and get on the bus to leave, receives a phone call and frowns: "lost with him, is he hiding something?"

"No!" The man who walked out of the flowers shook his head, touched the painful place where he was kicked and said, "I followed the boy all the time just now. He didn't find me following. Suddenly, a woman appeared and two people passed by. The woman came to me for no reason and kicked me dizzy with one foot."

For fear that Shanren said he was incompetent, the man added: "because I was hiding in the flowers at that time, so there was no time to block, will be hit."

"As for the boy, I saw him stop a taxi before I fainted. I should rescue Miss Lin tonight. It was an accident!"

When he said this, the man felt uneasy and was kicked unconscious for no reason. If there was no information, he would be swept out tomorrow.

Shanren was silent for a moment, and said faintly: "it's just an accident tonight. Come back. As for the relationship between the woman and the boy, do you see it?"

The man quickly replied: "it doesn't matter. When two people pass each other, they are very natural. They look like complete strangers. I suspect that the woman is a psychopath, and the man can't contact anyone when he comes out of the hotel."

Shanren didn't know that the man had something to hide. He nodded: "come back then. In two months' time, the Imperial City catering competition will start. This time, our good family must get the first place. In that way, we should have more opportunities to win the food monopoly in major areas such as Jinghai, Guangzhou and Shancheng."

The man should hang up the phone and stop a taxi to leave.A night without a word, the sky turned white!

Chu Feng went back to the hotel to take a bath last night. It was already five o'clock in the morning when she went to bed. She was sleeping alone. The door of the room was opened. Ye Zixuan closed the door and came to drink: "son of a bitch, you are still sleeping well. My grandfather just called and asked you to stop!"

Chu Feng vaguely opened his eyes, from Xuancheng to Kuncheng, and then flew to Jicheng. Last night, he slept so late. Seeing the time, he closed his eyes again: "it's still early. I don't go to the cold house until 12 o'clock. Call me again at 11 o'clock. I haven't had a good rest for several days."

Ye Zixuan was also a little sleepy, but not as tired as Chu Feng. She went over to tear off the blanket on Chu Feng's body, and her face turned red. She turned her back to the bed: "shameless, shameless, you shameless!"

Chu Feng opened his eyes and saw the posture of a giant. He rolled his eyes and put the blanket over his body again: "you are my little wife. You need to use it in the future. Shameless is shameless. If you have the ability, don't use it in your life. I don't care."

Ye Zixuan is still a big girl after all, blushed by Chu Feng's words. She turned around and glared at Chu Feng and said, "asshole, even if I want to use it, I'll be ready. If you're OK, let me see your sexual curse. If you scare me, I'll wipe it off."

"In addition, as cold as an army, that young soldier and fan Tong are kneeling at the door of the hotel last night, obviously asking for your forgiveness!"

It's impossible for ye Zixuan to make such a fuss and still want to sleep. He sat up and smelled the words and looked at the time: "let them kneel down. If they don't really fall on their faces, how can they understand how to write the two characters of convergence?"

Regardless of Ye Zixuan still standing beside the bed, Chu Feng lifted the blanket down. In front of Ye Zixuan's helpless and disdainful eyes, he went into the bathroom to wash his clothes. He came to the hall, picked up a cup of morning tea made by Ye Zisheng, and went to the balcony by the window. All the children of power and power were kneeling on the ground at this moment.

Kneeling in front of the people, it is cold as army and fan Tong!

After sipping a sip of tea, Chu Feng turned around and went back to sit down. Ye Zisheng was dressed more casually today. He did not look rigorous. He leaned on his chair and said with a smile: "they are very smart. They kneel down to ask for forgiveness as you said. Don't you need to kill them all? What's more, they've almost lost their face in broad daylight? "

"It's not their taste, it's ye shaorui!" Chufeng tossed out a sentence with a smile. According to Leng rujun's arrogance and fan Tong's arrogance, even if he knew that the consequences of offending him were very serious, he would never think of kneeling down to ask for forgiveness.

Then there is only one possibility, ye Zisheng's intentional guidance.

Ye Zisheng chuckled and didn't deny that it was his own arrangement: "yes, I did point them out. After all, fengshao wants to be deterred when you go to Jinan. Otherwise, the matter last night was not too big and needed such a big battle. The lottery is just below. Whether fengshao wants to make an example or just to deter, it is not my responsibility."

"Of course, we must take advantage of the situation to clean up a group of people to achieve a more powerful deterrent. Zixuan's information can be submitted at any time."

Chu Feng didn't immediately answer Ye Zisheng's words. He just walked from the new balcony. The people kneeling below looked up and looked up. Although they couldn't see Chu Feng, they could feel that Chu Feng was looking at them, cold as an army, kneeling in front of him, and his body was more straight.

Because Leng Wuxi also called him personally last night. If he wanted to live a stable life, he would do it according to the requirements of Chu Feng. It's not shameful to kneel down, and Goujian still has to live on his salary and taste courage!

So he knelt down here at six o'clock this morning with the powerful children who wanted to step on the wind of Chu last night. In addition, yuan Yuya was also brought by them. Now she is kneeling in the line. What's different is that she is wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask. She is afraid that she will be recognized and will lose face and go home later.

Chu Feng did not show too much pity, a little sigh, a few can not be heard: "had known so, why at the beginning?"

With a soft sigh, Chu Feng no longer looks at the people below. When they don't exist at all, he walks into the room quietly drinking morning tea and eating breakfast. The sky is falling down and he is still standing still!

Ye Zisheng and ye Zixuan looked at each other. They didn't know what chufeng was thinking. It was not appropriate for them to kneel all the time. At least they thought that.

Only Yan Qiaoling was so quiet from beginning to end. Even those people began to kneel at the door of the hotel. She did not look at them curiously. She thought that if she had been her last night, those people would have only one result.


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