Super Healer

Chapter 1146

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Chu Feng and others appeared on time in the scenic Jicheng villa on the edge of the city.

Jicheng villa, the home of imperial kitchen and the property of Shanjia, covers an area of more than 1000 mu. It is built in accordance with the mountains and water. The pavilions and pavilions are completely modeled on the ancient buildings of Jicheng, with a different flavor of ancient color and flavor, and built on the terrain formed by water.

There is also another name of Yuquan villa.

Although most of Jicheng villa adopts ancient architectural style, some other places are still modern buildings, such as a five-star hotel, a nightclub and some shops, all of which are modern construction equipment.

But living in Jicheng villa, it does not appear to be a sudden contradiction, on the contrary, corresponding to each other, quite a city with two colors of charm.

Jicheng villa is famous for its delicious food in all provinces of Jinan. Most of the chefs here are from good families. Many years ago, Jicheng villa was just a gourmet villa. However, with the development of modernization, it has gradually transformed into a place that many people like to come to when they are leisure.

Whether it is a party, business talks or large-scale activities, as long as it is in Jicheng, most people will choose Jicheng villa.

Indirectly and directly, it can create a net profit of no less than 1.5 billion Chi Yuan a year for Shanjia. Under the five-star hotel of Jicheng villa, the original parking lot has been changed into a gambling house with two floors, covering a large area. It is also one of the sources of funds for Jicheng villa, which is expected to account for 40% of the annual income!

Chu Feng knew from ye Zixuan's mouth that these were not secret secrets for Jicheng dignitaries. When the car arranged by the Leng family drove into the parking lot and got off the bus, Chu Feng sighed: "a man can be promoted to heaven just because a good family ancestor follows the founding leader, and they will receive the gospel for several generations."

"Of course, this is also the reason why later generations followed suit and made a good family. If today's big men don't follow the style of the founding leaders, how can they be brilliant today?"

Ye Zisheng and others alighted and nodded slightly when they heard the speech. Today's scenery of the good family should have come to an end after the death of the founding leader. However, because of the founding leader's reason, the imperial chef, who was responsible for most of the founder's life, was destined to become the object of pursuit.

Just like a lot of brain palsy now, they like what their idols like. They think that they can be closer to their idols.

Although such a metaphor is a bit absurd, its meaning is not much different. Today's many big men know that it is impossible to surpass the achievements of the founding leader. Therefore, they can only be closer to the founding leader in terms of style and hobbies, which is also an indirect way of self indulgence and comfort.

Shanjia's brilliance can continue to the present, and the great reason is here, because they are the royal kitchen's home!

Ye Zisheng and others got off the bus, and then he said softly, "brother Ji once said when he was with us that such a tradition is old-fashioned. When the old men step down in the future, all the royal kitchen houses, Royal tailors and royal special confessions will be cancelled."

"Because only in this way can all beings be truly equal!"

When Chu Feng heard the speech, he laughed with astonishment, and suddenly felt a little sympathy for the people represented by Ye Zisheng's names. It can be expected that in 15 years or so, Li Ji, who does not care about secular vision and dislikes the traditional and old customs, will definitely be a nightmare of bureaucracy.

However, Chu Feng just sighed with emotion. He didn't care much about these things: "if you don't say this, now you've arrived at Jicheng villa. Where will your fiancee be?"

Ye Zisheng's elegant look is a little more embarrassed. He came here to find his fiancee, and he wanted Chu Feng to follow them. It was a little bit of a fear.

But no matter how afraid you are, you have to find it. After all, this is what ye Enzheng said. He looked at the number in his mobile phone and laughed bitterly: "I called her on the way just now. She said that she was in Jicheng villa, but I didn't say what to do. So now I don't know where she is, so I have to find her."

"Villa I have arranged, less wind, you go to rest, I take people to find some cold frost, then telephone."

Chu Feng doesn't want to follow Ye Zisheng to find his fiancee. He nods and leaves in the parking lot. Ye Zisheng takes his bodyguard to find someone. Chu Feng takes Murong Bing and other women to the villa area.

In order to make some dignitaries feel superior, Jicheng villa built ten villas in the villa, numbered from one to ten. What ye Zisheng ordered was the villa numbered one. Of course, it was also because he was the emperor of Ye family.

Otherwise, even the childe of a province will not be able to live here.

Just outside the parking lot, Chu Feng's phone rang happily, indicating that everyone would wait for a moment. Chu Feng went to one side and connected the phone. Yan Luo's voice was like a dead father and mother: "crazy boy, where are you now? I'm in Jicheng. My bastard master asked me to follow you."

"Say, let me protect you

Chu Feng blinked his eyes, understood to smile bitterly. Eight wolves knew his strength, and how could he let Yan Luo come to protect him. He just wanted to learn something from him.But everyone came, and Chu Feng was not good enough to let him go back. Maybe it was Zhang yun'er's way, which was not suitable for Yan Luo to learn: "I'm now in Jicheng villa. Come here!"

"OK, pick me up at the door. I'll take a taxi and get to the door in five minutes." Just finish saying, Yan Luo satisfied voice to spread, and then the phone beep has been hung up.

Chu Feng stood in the same place, dumbfounded, and finally had no choice but to smile. He knew that Yan Luo was the first to act and then to act. However, he did not have much feeling. This shows that Yan Luo regarded him as a real brother, otherwise he would not be so casual.

Let Murong Bing and their first villa to live in, Chu Feng alone to go out of Jicheng villa, although Yan Luolai can not play a role, but sometimes it does not mean that there is no role.

In less than two minutes after arriving at Jicheng villa, a taxi stopped at the door. Yan Luo, who was wild and arrogant but not obnoxious, came down from the top and strode towards the Chu wind, shouting: "your woman is not a human being. You can't shake me for more than ten meters."

"I can't stand it. I can't stand it, so I'm here. Don't let that woman teach me. That's not what people can bear."

Knowing that he was talking about Zhang yun'er, Chu Feng amused himself with a smile, and separated from the embrace of a man who came to Yan Luo, and took the latter's shoulder to walk inside: "I forgive you once, but next time, don't say yun'er's wrong in front of me, because I'm not careful and may give you a foot."

Clap Yan Luo on the shoulder, meaningful: "because, I value color light friend!"

Yan Luo pushed Chu Feng away with a sound of hurt: "bad friend, you hurt my fragile soul. I heard that there is a gambling house in Jicheng mountain villa. You must give me 1.8 million yuan to let me have a good time. If I don't lose 1.8 million yuan, I will feel uncomfortable. If I don't feel comfortable, I will talk nonsense."

"If I say how many women you have out there, then it's not beautiful."

Chu Feng laughed bitterly, but it was still early to see. When he first came to Jicheng villa, the outside world spread it so well. It was a good thing to go and have a look. He nodded: "go, there is no 1.8 million yuan. You only have 10000 yuan. You can give you 9000 yuan, I only need 100 yuan!"

Yan Luo pretended to be thoughtful, and shook his head heartily: "how can you be a brother of life and death? Your stinginess is really shameful to me. However, if you only keep one hundred yuan for ten thousand yuan, it's enough. I won't say anything about you. Let's go. Win some money. I'll find ten eight women tonight, and I'll shed my youth sweat."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes. Yan Luo had been a little nervous before. He became even more nervous after learning from the eight wolves, just like a wild wolf who couldn't eat enough.

However, they are also more sincere. They smile and shake their heads. They head towards the underground gambling house. Jicheng villa is better than other places. The casinos give people directions and don't worry about being checked. From this, we can see that the royal kitchen's home is different.

At the same time, at a place 500 meters away from Chu Feng and Chu Feng, it was like a yellow crane tower. At the top of the building, there were 20 or 30 young men and women. Everyone looked polite. Lin Yuner, who had a simple intersection with Chu Feng, was also here, surrounded by several girls.

Not far from them, Shanren stands out from the crowd with several male classmates. You can see that he is the center of these people. He is holding a glass of red wine. His eyes sometimes look at Lin Yuner in the crowd, flashing a light.

Next to a flat headed man said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the yun'er monitor, who was still mediocre in high school at the beginning, was so charming in the past few years that he directly killed the original class flower. It's a pity that he didn't have a vision at the beginning and knew that he would pursue her."

Several people nearby nodded deeply. They naturally knew what Lin Yuner looked like, and they knew what she had changed over the years.

Shanren just smiles at this. He organized the party, which is because he found Lin yu'er as she is now and moved his mind. When he heard the words of his old classmates, his smile was scornful.

At this time, a bodyguard in black came to Shanren's side and said respectfully: "young master, the villa No. 1 ordered by the emperor of Ye's family has been occupied!"

Shanren's eyes brightened slightly. As the young owner of Jicheng villa, he paid great attention to the ten villas. He knew when ye Zisheng wanted to book No.1 villa, and arranged for people to pay close attention to it. Now he heard that someone had already lived in it, and knew it was an opportunity to get closer to each other.

The banquet started at 7:30. Shanren patted his classmates on the shoulder: "you talk first. I'll deal with some things."

Just now people have heard ye jiahuang Shao's four words. They all nod in fear and say that it's OK. But looking at Xiang Shanren's eyes, they are more awed and blazing!

Especially those who have seen the scene outside the Jicheng Hotel today believe in Shanren's strong contacts!

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