Super Healer

Chapter 1154

Too sudden!

When it was about the same time, Chu Feng poured a glass of water and put a pill in it again. He helped the woman put it on her mouth and let her drink it slowly. After lying down on her back, her fingers flipped over the gold needle. Seeing that the flush on the woman's face seemed to diminish a little, Chu Feng's heart was slightly relaxed.

One hand brush, remove the gold needle on the woman's body, the latter is not Lin Yuner and ye Zixuan's kind of reaction, did not want to dispel the meaning.

Chu Feng inadvertently frowned, and heard the voice of enchantment in her mouth. He took up his hand and put it on his pulse to explore it. He shook his head: "who made this ghost thing? It's so amazing."

The medicine effect in the woman's body is not only not weakened, but also more vigorous than it was at the beginning. It seems that the treatment of Chu Feng has stimulated a stronger effect. It feels absurd to release the woman's hand. Chu Feng has no way but to make the latter endure for three hours.

I'm also glad that Lin Yuner and ye Zixuan found out early, otherwise they would lose their lives tonight!

Looking at the cold and beautiful woman who is suffering from tumbling and suffering, Chu Feng shakes her head slightly and gets up. Now there is no way out. Go and find Ye Zisheng again!

This time, the woman who was flicked away quickly approached again. Chu Feng turned around and ran into his arms. Meitao's small mouth directly clasped Chu Feng's mouth, and one hand directly held Chu Feng's lifeline.

Chu Feng spirit a shock, he is not a sage, in the face of the same thing, said not to move, that is false, just a simple harassment, there is a shameful reaction.

A surging force wants to shake off women, but the latter seems to know something. One hand is holding Chu Feng firmly, and the other hand is still there. It can be said that Chu Feng is still moving savagely. Chu Feng does not dare to use too strong force for fear of hurting this person who is also the victim of benevolence.

Chu Feng pupil fierce contraction, in the heart of 10000 grass mud horse galloping there, what rhythm?

The woman with blurred eyes and heavy breathing loosened her small mouth kissing Chu Feng, bit her lips as if she were squeezing out and said, "give me, I feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable!"

Chu Feng was speechless and wanted to get up, but the woman's stubbornness made him difficult to move at all. He was afraid to hurt her if she was shocked. Chu Feng's expression was shocked, and the woman's face was even mixed with pale color.

While being forced to kiss by a woman, Chu Feng held her hand to explore her pulse. She was shocked because the medicine effect in the woman's body seemed to be beyond control. Generally, it was impacting the meridians of the body. Chu Feng blinked her eyes and opened her mouth for a while, and the woman's tongue entered smoothly at this time.

At the moment, if not solved, her final result is likely to be a blood vessel burst to death.

Chu Feng was smiling bitterly. He was kind enough to do evil. He knew that he had ignored her just now. He could still do it in three hours. Now it's all right. It directly strengthens the efficacy. Is it God's destiny?

Feeling that the woman's dishonest hand has been stretched in and moving around, Chu Feng secretly said that he had done evil, turned over and pressed the woman under his body. Tonight, it was because of his kindness that Lengyan woman was even more serious. Now leaving her alone, it is no different from the best. It was unintentional, but there was!

Chu Feng can only carry a gun on the horse!

Chu Feng slightly Leng, but did not think carefully, began to attack!

Just just on the family, Chu Feng did not know what to say, picked up the clothes on the ground and went into the bathroom, take a bath again!

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng simply took a bath. He was surprised to find that Lengyan woman had already put on a black dress and stood there. He could not see the madness during the war just now. It was more like an iceberg without any emotion on her face.

Except for the footstep, it seems a bit empty!

Seeing Chu Feng come out, Lengyan woman looked at him faintly and said, "tonight, nothing happened!"

Leaving a word, Lengyan woman's feet with a bit of levity went over, opened the door, can see that she is strong from the pretence of normal, Chu Feng breath out, no responsibility is good, but also a bit dull.

However, everything is excusable, and Chu Feng would not say that he was responsible because of this. He turned around and was about to go out. He turned around and looked back at the big bed which had just been conquered. The plum blossom like red bloomed on the bed sheet.

Head bang, Chu Feng stupefied in situ, think of the moment just entered, feel special tight, dark pharyngeal saliva, damn, won the prize again!

The anger to benevolence also reached a climax, this damned fellow, it is he that causes trouble!

Scolding Shanren in his heart, Chu Feng rolled up the bed sheet and went to the bathroom to soak in the water. It was estimated that the woman just now would not want others to know about this matter, so she left the room. Seeing the woman standing at the door of a room, Chu Feng curiously walked over, his left eye seemingly unintentionally penetrated into it, and the corner of his mouth twitched violently!

In Chu Feng's secret way, Lengyan woman suddenly raised her feet. The jade leg that Chu Feng couldn't help but kick open the closed door with one foot. Inside, a woman sitting on a bed with a sheet covering her body and a man sitting on a stool with a bath towel were all in a daze.Looking at the door, the man's face was startled and stood up: "such as frost!"

Chu Feng was still there. As expected, the plot of benevolence was just like this. When he heard the man's words, the corners of his mouth twitched violently, and the expression on his face changed suddenly. Because the man was Ye Zisheng, the woman in the bed was Dan Dan, and his name was Rushuang?

Chu Feng, who didn't stand at the door, swallowed hard and looked at the cold and beautiful woman with no angry expression on her face. She scolded secretly in her heart and called her father a pit!

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