Super Healer

Chapter 1161

"To be honest, where did you go last night?"

After seven o'clock the next morning, Chu Feng came out of the room. Ye Zixuan frowned and stood at the door and asked. Last night, she and Murong Bing came back more than ten o'clock. They thought Chu Feng had gone to sleep, but when they entered Chu Feng's room, they did not see Chu Feng.

At first, when Chu Feng was a little bored and went out for a walk, ye Zixuan didn't think so much about it. But when they all had to rest, Chu Feng had not come back. At that time, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning.

Ye Zixuan didn't make a phone call either. Holding her breath, she went to have a rest. When she got up at 3:00 in the middle of the night, she found that Chu Feng still didn't come back. Naturally, she was not very happy.

Murong Bing two people sat in the hall to see ye Zixuan's interrogation appearance. Murong bingjiao said with a smile: "Zixuan girl, this is my husband. I haven't asked him where he has gone. What do you ask? I'm the main room. I don't object to my husband going out to find someone to have a friendly competition in the evening to strengthen the palace!"

"If you are a small one, how can you ask your husband to do it? You have to know how to be three obedient and four virtuous."

"Shut up!" Ye Zixuan's pretty face was angry and she was always said by Murong Bing that she was small. She must be uncomfortable in her heart. However, Murong Bing could only spread this anger on Chu Feng: "quickly say, where did you go last night, did you roll the bed sheet with fox spirit again?"

Murong Bing curled his lips and stood up at the smell of speech: "I didn't roll the bed sheet with him, I think, but he can't do it!"

Chu Feng just came out of the door and met with such a thing. The corners of his mouth twitched violently and wryly waved his hand: "I didn't do anything yesterday. I just came back at 4:00 in the morning. I just went to deal with some things. After all, to finish today's affairs, we have to go to Xuanyuan family. We always need to prepare something."

Ye Zixuan looked serious and serious, and it was reasonable for ye Zixuan to listen to the words.

The doubt in the heart dissipated a little, but not completely believe: "you really did not go to hook up with women?"

Chu Feng rolled her eyes. How could ye Zixuan be more and more stingy: "in your eyes, am I such a person?"

All of a sudden, ye Zixuan and Murong Bing replied with one voice: "yes, absolutely stallion!"

Chu Feng instantly felt that there was no love in this world, and wanted to refute two sentences. However, it was useless to explain Murong Bing's appearance. He simply did not explain it. He turned his eyes and went to pick up a piece of bread on the table and threw it into his mouth.

The reason why Ye Zixuan always focuses on chufeng is not that ye Zixuan is stingy, but that chufeng and she have established a relationship for such a long time. Besides kissing Xiaozui for a warm embrace, ye Zixuan has not had any substantive contact. What makes Ye Zixuan unhappy is this.

Seeing Murong Bing doesn't care at all, ye Zixuan doesn't want to appear too stingy, even if she doesn't believe Chu Feng's honesty last night.

He avoided Ye Zixuan's question for the time being and ate a quiet breakfast. At eight o'clock, Chu Feng took the three men out of the door. Ye Zisheng did not know where he had gone, and Chu Feng did not want to disturb him for the time being. The evidence now shows that ye Zisheng is drunk and makes mistakes. It is impossible to do anything in a short time.

As for Yan Luo, Chu Feng didn't care too much about it. That guy ran to heaven and earth when he was free. This is not a secret in Fengmen, and even if Yan Luo is here today, he can't play a very important role.

As soon as the four people left the hotel, five cars stopped in front of the hotel. In the middle was a expensive Maserati, which was similar to Su Xinyu's, but Chu Feng was too lazy to see who was in it. Instead, he just looked at the people who came down from the front and rear cars, cold as an army.

Leng rujun strides up and politely opens his mouth: "little wind, Miss ye, the master asked me to take you to the great hall. The auction will officially start at nine o'clock."

Then he invited Chu Feng and them to get on the bus. At this time, the door of Maserati in the middle opened, and a cold voice came: "less wind, take my car!"

As cold as frost, she sat in the car with an icy smell on her face. She did not know what way to suppress the road yesterday. She did not ask people to investigate the car explosion. She was just here now, which surprised Chu Feng a little. What is this woman thinking?

Murong Bing nestled in the side of Chu Feng, narrowed his eyes and looked at the cold as frost, and said in a soft voice, "husband, how can I see this woman and feel disgusted?"

Ye Zixuan also added: "I hate it too!" Obviously, ye Zisheng was still in his mind. He thought of something close to Chu Feng and said: "although she is beautiful, I tell you that you'd better take care of your third leg. If you dare to have something with her, don't want to touch me in the future."

Chu wind mouth twitch, should not have happened all happened, what can not happen?

Just around two women are in, Chu Feng coughs: "thank you for Miss Leng's kindness, I'll go with them!"

"You can't come up!" Cold as frost from the beginning to the end did not look at Chu Feng, was refused, just light mouth: "but you'd better be sure, you don't come up will encounter any small trouble."Threat!

Chu Feng immediately heard the threat of cold frost words. Seeing Murong Bing and ye Zixuan's suspicious looks, he knew that the two women were doubting something. He quickly coughed and drew attention: "Miss Leng is so kind, then I'll have a car with you!"

Not waiting for ye Zixuan's objection, Chu Feng hugged her waist and gave her a kiss on her lips: "I'll see you at the auction house, it'll be OK!"

Ye Zixuan blinked her eyes. When she realized that Chu Feng had already sat on the Maserati, she was as cold as frost and did not wait. She turned the front of the car and rushed out to leave first. Murong Bing frowned and stretched, and sighed slightly: "it's not good for my husband to pull the wind. How many times can I sleep in a year?"

Still very serious to break a finger to calculate there, immediately let Ye Zixuan in the heart of sullen increase, mercilessly glared at Murong Bing this day not afraid of the goblin one eye, casually sat on a car.

Murong bingjiao smiles and follows up. Yan Qiaoling is behind. She is not ready to get on the bus. Leng rujun stands in front of her: "are you miss Yan Qiaoling? My name is Leng rujun. Hello!" Also actively extended a hand.

Yan Qiaoling frowned, looked at the smile, polite cold rujun, and looked at the hand, and then walked directly from Leng rujun's side, completely as if he had not seen it.

Leng rujun was slightly embarrassed by the fact that he ignored the offer of friendly handshake. Leng rujun put down his hand and watched them all get on the bus. He was shocked when he saw Murong Bing and Yan Qiaoling that day. However, Murong Bing was a woman of Chu Feng. Leng rujun was afraid to show his mind.

What's more, Yan Qiaoling's indifference makes Leng rujun's heart beat. Therefore, she has been investigating the relationship between her and Chu Feng in the past two days. It is determined that there is no relationship between her and Chu Feng. Leng rujun moves to pursue her mind, but unexpectedly, Yan Qiaoling doesn't want to pay attention to him at all.

Although it was a little embarrassing, the Great Wall was not built in a day. Leng rujun also took a bus and asked the driver to drive to the Great Hall of Jicheng.

At the moment, Maserati has left the Jicheng hotel nearly two kilometers away. Chu Feng sits in the car and looks at the cold as frost, and his speed has soared to 150. In this city, such a speed is almost the same as looking for death.

What's more, Chu Feng also found that this road was not to the Great Hall of Jicheng at all. He asked, "Yinsha, don't you want to fight with me?"

"Call me as cold as frost!" Cold as frost, he threw out a sentence without slowing down the speed of his hands: "Yin Sha died a long time ago. Now it's cold as frost. One inherits memory and strength, but it's cold as frost. Of course, you can think of me as the second generation of Yin Sha!"

Chu Feng nodded and laughed: "it doesn't matter who you are. I just want to know, do you want to do now?"

Cold as frost, silent down did not speak, the car in the street quickly shuttle, and finally stopped in a shopping mall underground parking lot, this cold mouth: "have a chance, nature is to kill you!"

Suddenly, cold as frost, he started to move his hand. Chu Feng secretly said that he was insane. When his palm and cold frost were against each other, he also got out of the window. As cold as frost, he walked out like a shadow and flew out. The huge force broke the monitoring and lighting in the parking lot, and instantly fell into the dark.

Chu Feng can see all the tracks with her left eye twinkling. She clenches her teeth and doesn't want to waste time with her here. The force of taboo converges around her body, which is cold as frost. Because of the small space, she doesn't use all her strength to avoid the collapse of stairs and attract the attention of Xuanyuan family.

However, she was not Chu Feng's opponent at all. After more than ten rounds, she was completely suppressed by Chu Feng. In fact, xuanhuang's nine needles could not be prevented. As cold as frost, she lost her final strength.

Chu Feng was not so polite. He threw the cold frost into the car. Before the hotel staff found something wrong, he directly drove the car away from here and went to the city hall of Jicheng. When they arrived, ye Zixuan and they seemed to have already gone in. Sitting in the car, Chu Feng looked at the bitter eyes but could not move. He said, "can you have a good time to play?"

As cold as frost, hum: "as long as you live, as long as you appear in front of me, I will kill you!"

"Then let the hatred be more fierce." Chu Feng sighed with emotion. He flattened his seat and directly pressed it up. He also said: "after that, every time you kill me, I will give you one more time. Welcome to kill me. Anyway, I'm happy to play for nothing!"

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