Super Healer

Chapter 1166

I'll take it!

The three words are very firm, and with a faint sense of murder, many people can feel that tinge's ambition is to get it. Maybe whoever fights with him, what he pays may be life. Those who still want to win a fortune, maybe they will be the rich and powerful people who are predestined to shake their heads and choose to give up.

No matter how dignified the status is, it will be powerless to encounter the brutal force and killing!

Chu Fengwei squints his eyes and is ready to raise his hand to raise the price. In the last row, a haze voice comes: "one hundred million!"

Chu Feng was slightly stunned, but he didn't have the idea of bidding. Looking back at the last stage, he saw a man with red hair, just like the Golden Lion King in the movie. His body was huge and bulky. He was nearly two meters tall, flowing with the smell of wild animals.

What's more interesting is that Chu Feng's left eye saw his realm. The master of tiannu's triple realm came from abroad!

There is a faint smile and a faint chance of killing. Since the verdict was published, Chu Feng has issued the highest order. Any master who surpasses the Tianyang period must say hello when he comes to the holy court. Now there is a master in the three realms of tiannu, which is already challenging the authority of Chu Feng.

Eyes a congealed, Chu Feng heart already had a decision!

Tiangeben has been determined to get it. He also thinks that as long as Gru doesn't intervene, he can take down the ancient ring of ethereal spirit steadily. However, he has just deterred most people from giving up and killed a Cheng Yaojin.

Tian Ge looks stunned and looks back. Seeing a man from the western regions who is even fiercer than him, he sneers: "do you want to rob me?"

Tiannu triple state can only be directly pressed against the red haired man by the powerful oppressive force perceived by the warrior. He wants to make the latter embarrassed by the momentum, but he doesn't want the latter to just smile contemptuously. Suddenly, the master power of the three levels of tiannu erupts, and he is bold and fearless.

The self-confident sneer on his face changed a little when he felt the breath of the other party and his own similar realm, and ignored the influence of this kind of pressure on normal people, and increased two points.

At this time, the red haired man stood up with a blue haired youth. Although he looked young, Chu Feng knew that he was definitely not what he looked like.

The next moment, the blue haired youth put his hand on the red haired man and patted him to sit down. His smile cast a chill on his face and looked at tinge: "it's worthy of being a master of the Dharma living Buddha. It's fierce!"

All of a sudden, a powerful force of the four realms of heaven's anger was vented. The blue haired youth looked at his face and said with a little uncomfortable tinge: "it's just that this is an auction house, which symbolizes fairness and justice. It's not that you say something is yours, so it's yours. If you want to, you can talk with money!"

Tinge's face changed slightly. He knew that he was not the opponent of the other party. He quickly took back the surging momentum. All the people in the hall felt that their breath was smoother, but they couldn't understand why they felt so hard just now.

Only a small number of people, vaguely guess what, but also glad that they did not participate in it.

The blue haired youth intimidates tinge, then sits down and no longer talks. He just looks at the direction of Chu Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

Tian Ge, who can't compete on strength, can only hold up one hand: "150 million!"

Without any accident, the red haired man just followed: "200 million!"

Tian Ge looks a little ugly. He stares at the direction of the red haired man and says, "300 million!"

With a scornful smile, the red haired man raised his number plate: "five hundred million!"

Almost all the white women have forgotten the reaction, and she doesn't care about it because it's too much for ordinary people to wear. When the price went to 13 million yuan, she thought it was almost the same. Now it's 500 million yuan.

Compared with the starting price of 100000 yuan, it was 5000 times more than the original price, which was unique in her career of hosting the auction. Then she was excited and said, "is there any higher price than him who has offered 500 million yuan?"

Tian Ge bit his teeth. He didn't expect that so many people would be killed out of a simple task. However, he must comply with the explanation of the people behind him, and said in a loud voice: "six hundred million!"

It seems that the red haired man wants to spend as much as tinge. Almost as soon as tinge's bidding voice falls, he throws a price: "seven hundred million!"

Tiange clenched his fist slowly. This time he came to participate in the auction to get all the things provided by the owner, but it was not unconditional, because the people behind him only gave him 5 billion yuan. If he could not win all of them at this price, it was his incompetence.

Gru himself does not intervene. He firmly believes that his strength can deter the public. However, the red haired man killed and the blue haired youth around him are not easily contested by tinge. How can he spend so much money to play?

When the white woman saw tinge's silence, she whispered, "seven hundred million for the first time!"

"One billion!" Hearing the voice of the white woman, tinge clenched his teeth and directly offered a price to overwhelm him.

However, his absolute momentum was overwhelming and useless. The red haired man turned his mouth in disapproval: "1.5 billion!"All the people present are numb and have seen people who don't use money as money. However, it seems that such a few hundred million plus people are still rare. What's more, the bidding is still a chicken rib like ring. Don't you worry that after the auction, you can't wear it. Many people are crying in their hearts, stupid!

Tiange is in a dilemma. Today, his main task is to win the ethereal and the last auction item. The last piece, twelve wings, is the most important thing. If he continues to follow, he will have no money and will be a little annoyed for a while. The people behind him will not give him more capital allocation.

Otherwise, why do you have to be pressed on this?

When he was in trouble, when the white woman was going to have psychological stimulation, Chu Feng stood up slowly and stretched gently to look at the red haired man: "700 million yuan!"

Seeing Chu Feng rise, everyone thought that he would enter the climax stage, but the price chufeng threw out made them speechless for a while. Although there was no limit on the number of shots of 100000, it was too rogue to add one yuan to a few hundred million yuan!

But because the person who bid is Chu Feng, even if someone wants to say that Chu Feng plays a rogue, they dare not say so.

And all this is not finished, Chu Feng in the daze of the people stood up a finger, and then a little red haired man, arrogant: "you can continue to shout, but Ben Shao also left the words here, you add a dime, I will overturn the rules, on the spot to kill you!"

The whole audience was shocked by his words, but no one dared to say anything. Chu Feng was the real underground emperor of the holy Dynasty. Even if he killed people in front of everyone, I believe no one dares to say that he started.

The red haired man frowned deeply. For a while, he didn't know whether to continue to bid. The blue haired youth opened his eyes, looked directly at Chu Feng, and said with a smile: "less wind, it's not appropriate to break the rules of the auction."

Chu Feng tugged at the collar, showing a rude posture: "I don't care about the rules. I only care about my rules being broken. So you can continue to see if I can kill you!"

When they heard the words, they twitched, and they saw those who were unreasonable, but they had not seen Chu Feng who was so unreasonable. However, they did not even have the courage to refute. At present, they were full of sympathy for the blue haired youth.

The red haired man was a little angry. As soon as he wanted to yell, the blue haired youth pulled him to sit down and lowered his voice: "ethereal is for us to have or not to have. The ultimate goal is twelve wings. This is also the main reason for us to come to the pilgrimage. Bear with it. Damn people, there is no need to worry about him so much."

"What's more, he's the one who ruled the least. If he enters the holy court above the sun, he has a reason to kill us!"

The red haired man heard the speech, and he could only nod his head if he was not willing to do so. He glared at Chu Feng fiercely. He had already decided that he would kill Chu Feng when he finished the task!

The whole scene was very quiet. The white woman blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at Chu Feng displeasantly. She knew that she had been completely deterred by Chu Feng, and no one would bid again. Although she wanted to say that all this was against the rules, the Rothschild family was behind Sotheby's family, and the white woman had received the above news.

Today, chufeng is going to kill everyone here. Sotheby won't stop it!

Unwilling to fix the price above the price of the pit father, the white woman also whispered: "is there anyone else who offers a higher price?"

Both the blue haired youth and tinge did not go on. They will not forget that Chu Feng, which is now a deterrent to hundreds of countries in the world, is unwilling to compete with Chu Feng for a time, at least temporarily!

There was no accident. Chu Feng took down the ancient ring with an extra yuan. Although he didn't know what benefits the ancient ring would bring him, he could be calm. There were two strong men in the western regions. It must be something not simple.

In my heart, I also expected that the last auction item, which was known from two powerful spiritual masters in Shuidong, is it really the unique artifact of the ancient demon king Satan!

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