Super Healer

Chapter 1176

Outside the Jicheng Hotel, Chu Feng is standing at the door, but Yan Qiaoling has disappeared.

For what Yan Qiaoling said just now, Chu Feng didn't know how to guess, because his left eye didn't see whether what she said was true or not. Now Chu Feng is worried about the ubiquitous kuisha, and whether he will suddenly kill Yan Qiaoling and take away Yan Qiaoling. This is his most concerned problem.

After all, in ancient times, the root of destruction was dark eyes, but in the end, the destruction of Qisha Shengjun was the eyes of fate. Chu Feng did not allow Zhang yun'er to have any accidents, and did not want Qisha to take Yan Qiaoling down!

Standing at the door of the hotel, Chu Feng's left eye penetrates everything. Within five minutes, all the pictures appear in his left eye. Seeing Yan Qiaoling go to the right, he feels a little relaxed and ready to catch up. A similar sports car stops in front of him.

In the heart secretly scolds a rich willful, Chu wind is lazy to pay attention to.

But before going out a few steps, a cold drink came from behind: "stop!"

Chu Feng was stunned and looked back at the man who came down from the car. The good benevolence of the good family was curious about what nerves the successor of the good family made. Chu Feng also said without emotion: "what's wrong?"

"I don't care who you are, but you don't appear in yun'er's side." Shanren tidied up his collar. He didn't seem to be in a good mood, as if he was going to vent his anger with the help of Chu Feng: "don't think she will be moved by waiting at the door of the hotel. Although there is no evidence that you and your partner prescribed medicine last time, it does not mean that we have forgotten."

Speaking of this matter, Shanren's heart is particularly stuffy. That night, he was mainly aimed at Ye Zisheng. However, he thought of taking Ye Zixuan and Leng Rushuang together, in an attempt to become the son-in-law of one of the two families.

However, in the end, he failed inexplicably, and was ravaged by Ye Zixuan, telling the whole story. Fortunately, ye Zixuan didn't pursue it to the end. Otherwise, all the good families would be doomed. He could not afford to offend Ye Zixuan, and it was his luck that the latter did not investigate.

However, because of this, there is no way to take Lin Yuner down, which makes Shanren depressed for a few days. When he saw Chu Feng at the door of the hotel, he subconsciously thought that he was here to wait for Lin Yuner, so he didn't mind using Chu Feng as a vent to vent his displeasure.

The truth of the incident has been known by Chu Feng. Shanren is still lying here. Shanren almost forgets it. Shanren also takes the initiative to mention it. Chu Feng thinks that he is also one of the victims. If Shanren didn't ask Dan Dan to prescribe medicine, Leng Rushuang would not have lifted a stone to hit his feet, and he would not have any entanglement with that woman.

At the moment, Chu Feng is also very unhappy, cold voice asked: "what do you want?"

"Go away!" Shanren didn't care about Chu Feng's tone. He pointed a little far away and said, "I've got a crush on yun'er, and only someone like me is worthy of yun'er. Be careful later. If you dare to appear beside yun'er again, I will not only attack you, but also find out the guy who ran away that night."

"Don't doubt what I say. I never make fun of people who are not friends."

Chu Feng had the impulse to laugh at the moment. Seeing Yan Qiaoling's route in his left eye, there was still a lot of people. He did not worry about it. He was really a wonderful person. The villains would not tell me about it first. He even played a threat at the moment.

A little banter arose from the corner of his mouth, and he felt it necessary to knock the uninteresting guy: "shanshao, are you sure that the medicine was given by me and my brother, not by yourself, directed and acted by yourself, and finally suffered the evil result?"

"You should be responsible for what you say. Otherwise, if you expose the embarrassing things you have done, you may harm others, yourself and the whole family."

Just now Shanren just wanted to take the opportunity to put a cap on Chu Feng's head and see the latter's nervous and begging for mercy. He didn't want chufeng not only didn't mean to be afraid, but turned to say such words. His guilty mind made Shanren a little weaker.

For a while, I didn't know what to say. After all, all the medicine that night was done by him in the final analysis, and his motive was very clear, but his mood was a little more uneasy.

Squinting his eyes, he said coldly, "what do you know?"

Chufeng had a good laugh. He didn't mind letting Shanren have a sense of interest. He went to him and put out his hand to tidy up his collar. With a sarcastic smile, "I know what depends on how you want to do it. As for the matter that you say that I and my brother prescribe medicine, you can think about it in your mind. If you say too much, be careful to hurt yourself."

At the moment, Shanren really has a little bottomless. He thinks that there are no more than five people who know about that night, but Chu Feng seems to know nothing at all. He wants to say that he is just talking nonsense. However, there is no deep smile on chufeng's face, which makes Shanren dare not gamble. He also regrets that he didn't bring his bodyguard out this evening.

If you take a bodyguard by your side, you'd rather kill by mistake than let go and kill Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's left eye can't escape Chu Feng's left eye. With a smile of indifference, Lin Yuner and Dan Dan walk out of the elevator. Chu Feng pats Shanren on the shoulder and turns to chase Yan Qiaoling.Shanren stands in the same place with anger in his eyes. He has never been threatened by a person. However, he still has no way to deal with it. When he is angry, he is also thinking about whether to check the person who dares to threaten him.

At this time, Lin Yuner and Dan Dan also came near. Seeing Shanren looking to one side, they were curious to follow his direction. At the same time, Lin Yuner could also see the back of Chu Feng. Lin Yuner's eyes were complicated and said, "is it him?"

"Down." Hearing the voice beside him, Shanren's anger faded like the tide, showing a gentle and elegant side. He nodded: "it's really him. It seems that he knows that you are going to leave Jicheng and go back to the Imperial City tonight, so waiting for you in the hotel may want to have a bad intention again. But don't worry, I've already driven him away."

Speaking of panic, benevolent face is not red heart does not jump.

Dan Dan's meaningful smile, knowing that she is the most hated person in Shanren's heart, but she is also confident that Shanren dare not say it. With an enigmatic smile, she looks back at Chu Feng: "Ye Shao has something to deal with in Jicheng. Let me go back to the Imperial City, and then come to me."

"It's a good thing. You should add some oil and pay more attention to yun'er. Don't give the villain the opportunity to take advantage of it."

Dan Dan also knew that he couldn't oppress Shanren, otherwise both of them would be in bad luck. He pursed his lips and took Lin Yuner's arm: "and Yuner, you should also have bright eyes. That night, I saw that boy sneaked into the imperial food pavilion. He didn't pay attention to it at first, but now it seems that he is going against you."

Lin Yuner frowned: "really?"

"Am I still lying to you?" Dan Dan knows Shanren's Thoughts on Lin Yuner, and he doesn't mind a win-win situation at the moment: "that boy is very hypocritical and too good at pretending. Don't believe what he said. If shanshao didn't find it early that night, the consequences would be unimaginable, so you should be more careful in the future."

"Shanshao's Thoughts on you are in our eyes. Think about it carefully."

Shanren's depressed mood was relieved by Dan Dan's words. He secretly said, "Dandan, Yuner is an adult, so let her think about it by herself. I don't care. Even if Yuner doesn't accept me now, I will protect her and prevent her from being hurt by the same guy just now."

Dan heart disdain good benevolence really can install, pour also very cooperate: "good little words, I naturally believe, hurry to go, the flight does not wait for people."

Several people did not continue to discuss the matter that Chu Feng was a shameless guy. He got on Shanren's car and drove to the airport. On the way, Lin Yuner looked at Dan Dan sitting in the back through the rearview mirror. Since that night, ye Zisheng threatened to marry Dan Dan. After knowing the news, Lin Yuner felt a bit uncomfortable.

She knew what kind of person Dan Dan was, not to say dislike and despise, but also felt that ye Zisheng, such as the emperor, could not have taken a fancy to Dan Dan. She could only say in secret that he was very lucky.

As for what she and Shanren said just now, Lin Yuner believed half of what she said and didn't believe half of them. The reason why she believed half was that they didn't need to join forces to cheat her. The reason why she didn't believe half was that if Chu Feng really wanted to do something to her, Shanren would be a good opportunity after Shanren left that night.

But Chu Feng didn't have it at all. Instead, she solved the effect of her body. She didn't suffer from suffering. Her beautiful eyes flashed. Lin yun'er didn't bother about this problem. Before, she was not a vain person, but she didn't know why she saw all the stars in Dan Dan. She felt that she was no worse than Dan Dan, just a little less lucky.

Chufeng naturally did not know that Shanren and Dan said a lot of bad things about him behind him. He stopped Yan Qiaoling at the corner street two kilometers away from the hotel. At the moment, it was not late at night, and there were many pedestrians on the road. Chu Feng blocked in front of him so that some passers-by had a curious look.

Yan Qiaoling stood there with a stiff face. Chu Feng rolled her eyes in silence and went to directly embrace her waist. She also said in a loud voice: "it's necessary to quarrel and run away for a little thing for such a long time? Are you childish? "

Yan Qiaoling's body was stiff. She was hugged by Chu Feng and went out for a long time before returning to her mind. She pushed Chu Feng away: "get out of my way, you son of a bitch!"

Seeing that all the people around him looked and pointed, Chu Feng picked up Yan Qiaoling directly, no matter in the street. He also said, "don't talk nonsense. What's the matter to talk about later? On the street, is it disgraceful?"

Chu Feng's sudden behavior made Yan Qiaoling forget the reaction. After a while, she saw the people on the street pointing at him. Her face was red and her head was buried in Chu Feng's arms. Finally, she felt ashamed.

People on the roadside didn't think too much about it. They only thought it was a quarrel between lovers. However, what they slandered in their hearts was that the boy looked several years younger than the woman, and the pigs had already done the cabbage.

Although this pig, still very handsome!

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