Super Healer

Chapter 1178

At seven o'clock, the cold as frost knocked on the room where Chu Feng and his wife were.

The cold and beautiful woman did not have the kind of expression when she was ravaged by the Chu wind last night. As always, she was as cold as ice. She could not help sighing that the powerful woman was different. After more than an hour, she could still walk normally today.

But that is to say, Chu Feng was more interested. He did not want to take a look at lengrushuang. The accident when she got up just now still made Ye Zixuan sulky. If Chu Feng dared to show what had something to do with Leng Rushuang, chufeng did not doubt that ye Zixuan would turn over on the spot.

Cold as frost, the performance is also do not know Chu Feng in general, indifferent mouth: "my grandfather has been waiting below, can go?"

Chu Feng looked at it: "ice hasn't come back yet. Wait a minute."

"Come back!" As soon as he finished, Murong Bing, the evil spirit, came in. He threw himself into Chu Feng's arms. He said, "husband, where did you go last night? I came back to find you were not there. Then I went out again to tell you the truth. With whom did you go to roll the sheets and study life?"

At the same time, ye Zixuan, who was sitting there with a crooked body, glared at Chu Feng with a sad look in his eyes and scolded him in his heart. You bastard, I'm waiting for you when the waterway is open. You'll burst my dry road. Wait and see.

Only Yan Qiaoling looks the same. She just looks at Ye Zixuan with her eyes in her eyes. She thinks that her own foot has made Ye Zixuan suffer such a heavy blow. She feels comfortable in her heart and makes you fight with me. Next time, the whole waterway for you will be destroyed.

When the atmosphere was embarrassed, Chu Feng returned to normal, gently pushed Murong Bing aside and pinched her face: "Leng Lao has arrived, let's go!"

After thinking about it for a while, she went to Ye Zixuan and pulled the latter up. In the surprised eyes of several girls, she held her up. Her expression was gentle: "little wife, can I hold you down?"

Ye Zixuan's brain is at a loss, and Chu Feng has walked out of the suite with her.

Murong Bing blinked her eyes. When she was cold as frost, she frowned and went out. Then she pulled Yan Qiaoling and asked, "Qiaoling girl, Zixuan girl was eaten by my husband?"

"Eat fast!" Yan Qiaoling didn't know what she couldn't say. She threw out two words to see that Murong Bing didn't understand it for a while. When she went out, she whispered about this morning's affairs in her ear. Naturally, she didn't mention that she was in the same room with Chu Feng last night.

Yan Qiaoling is beside, looking at the surging waves, blinking her eyes, subconsciously looking down at herself. In her heart, how does this demon seem to be bigger than me?

Everyone's different thoughts have already arrived at the hall on the first floor. Ye Zixuan is still embarrassed to let Chu Feng hold her all the way and try to let herself go out of the hotel naturally. She just feels the hot pain behind her, but she still can't stand it.

But she didn't get angry with Chu Feng. She knew that it was Yan Qiaoling's foot at that time. She glared at Yan Qiaoling, who was stronger than her. She was gnashing her teeth. She thought evil in her heart. When I was more powerful than you, I would tie it up for you and look for ten cucumbers to serve you well.

After Murong Bing, Yan Qiaoling felt a chill on her back. On the other hand, she saw the look of Ye Zixuan, which was a little chilly. I don't know why Ye Zixuan looked at her like this. It was like a lamb being watched by a wild wolf. Her eyes twinkled and she didn't dare to look at Ye Zixuan.

Seeing her so, ye Zixuan took back her head with satisfaction, and nestled close to him with Chu Feng. Although she was a little disappointed this morning, it is undeniable that her relationship with chufeng has gone further.

If she knew that Chu Feng was thinking of finding a chance to visit her dry road, she would not have the idea now.

On the road outside the hotel, there was no luxury motorcade. Only two ordinary cars were parked there. It was as cold as frost and took the people. Chu Feng took Ye Zixuan and got on the car where Leng Wuxi was. The driver got off the car when they got up and changed to Ye Zixuan.

Murong Bing, Yan Qiaoling and lengrushuang got on the car in the back and drove by Leng Rushuang. It's obvious that cold Wuxi doesn't want too many people to know that the place where the Xuanyuan family is located is not even his driver.

After the crowd got up, the two cars began to leave here. In the front of the car, ye Zixuan drove according to the instructions of Leng Wuxi. The latter also looked at Chu Feng with a smile: "little wind, good spirit. It seems that Jicheng's Fengshui is OK!"

Chu Feng didn't have too much mood and cold Wuxi thought snake. Yesterday's things have been learned from the cold as Frost's mouth. He knew that cold Wuxi and Xuanyuan family played a little bit, but he got the dark magic wings. Chu Feng didn't care much about it, and didn't ask. The ring of spirit is not in Murong Bing's body.

He believed that Leng Rushuang did not deceive him, but he also believed that Murong Bing would not harm him. He did not give him the ring of ethereal spirit. It was estimated that there was some reason. Chu Feng was not in a hurry to know.

A window fell down, and Chu Feng said faintly: "the soil and water of the holy Dynasty have many places to raise people. The color of the spring city is natural and pleasant. I believe that it is not only the Chu wind, even if anyone comes here and I have the same idea. Half city spring scenery, Jicheng is worthy of these four words."Leng Wuxi felt the resistance of Chu Feng's words, and he didn't speak any more with a smile. Today, he was only responsible for sending Chu Feng and his family to Xuanyuan. He had nothing to do with him.

The situation is now between the top of Wudao pyramid and the cloud. He, the top man of the holy Dynasty, has not much to do. Xuanyuan family wants to see Chu Feng, and he won't ask how to do it. He just needs to know that Xuanyuan family is always the guardian God of the Holy Dynasty.

The two cars were driving on the streets of Jicheng one after another, but they did not drive to the outskirts of the city as Chu Feng imagined. Instead, they turned around several times and stopped at a place about 30 kilometers away.

Ancient temple of Yellow Emperor!

Chu Feng looked out of the window. He had heard of this place and understood it simply. One of the two emperors of Yan and Huang, the Yellow Emperor, was one of the places where people worshipped in the holy Dynasty, but he didn't want to go to Xuanyuan family. How did he get to the ancient Temple of Yellow Emperor?

Seeing Chu Feng's doubts, Leng Wuxi opened the door and went down from the other side to the front. Chu Feng was curious, but he followed him down. He looked at an ancient ancestral temple with 19 steps. However, because it was in the center of Jicheng, there was no shortage of worshippers for years.

Every time to those major festivals, here is a sea of people.

Cold Wuxi looks at the four big characters hanging on the gate of the ancient temple of the Yellow Emperor on the nineteen steps, and says: "Xuanyuan family, the ancestor of the holy Dynasty, has passed on countless years and stands on the top of the cloud as the highest existence. However, no one knows that the Yellow Emperor was born in the Xuanyuan family."

"He has another name, xuanyuanhuang!"

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed in an instant. Xuanyuan emperor, the first generation of powerful people in Xuanyuan family, once fought against countless evil peaks, so that the holy court would not be in chaos. He led Xuanyuan family to check and balance the great turmoil in the holy Dynasty in the hidden world. Unexpectedly, he was emperor Xuanyuan.

We can also understand why the Xuanyuan family was called the ancestor of the holy Dynasty.

Reluctantly digested the news, Chu Feng was calm: "Leng Lao, it seems that we are going to the Xuanyuan family, not their ancestral hall?"

"No hurry, no hurry!" Leng Wuxi smile, can not see the depth of the said: "small hidden in the wild, big hidden in the city, Xuanyuan family, since ancient times, only the owners of the cold family and individual lineage can know, and only the cold family owner's approval can freely go in and out, and then only the Xuanyuan family's people come out by themselves."

"Can I bring you here? Is it too windy to penetrate?"

Chu Feng's eyes coagulated, his eyes showed a touch of surprise, pointing to the top of the ancient temple: "you don't want to tell me, this is the Xuanyuan family?"

Not to mention Chu Feng's surprise, even ye Zixuan, who once went to Jinan and even accepted the cultivation of Xuanyuan family, was shocked, not to mention Yan Qiaoling, a member of Yan family, who was not hiding in the wild, blocking everything with a border, while Xuanyuan family was hiding in the downtown.

Even if Chu Feng's psychology is so strong, he is surprised. But if you think about it carefully, you can realize the great wisdom of Xuanyuan family.

No one can imagine that Xuanyuan family is here, but it is here. Can it explain anything?

"Let's go. The three elders should have come out."

Leng Wuxi smiles and doesn't admit or deny it. She says lightly and goes up the 19 steps. Chu Feng also accepts this fact and signals to Murong Bing that they follow Leng Wuxi.

The staff of the ancient temple of the Yellow Emperor all know Leng Wuxi. They are curious to see him coming early in the morning, but they don't say anything. They all nod and do their own things. Because Leng Wuxi comes every month and sits in the backyard of the ancient temple for several hours. This is not a strange thing.

as like as two peas in the ancient temple, Chu Feng looked at the majestic statue of the Yellow Emperor. He was attracted by a sword that was also sculpted in his hands, and it was just like the Xuanyuan sword.

It seems that Xuanyuan emperor once got a sword. In the name of Xuanyuan, there is no water!

Through the main hall, we followed Leng Wuxi to the backyard. A big tree called bodhi tree stands in the backyard, covering the backyard with luxuriant branches. If you sit below, no matter how fierce the sun is, it is impossible to shine down. It is expected that it will last for more than a thousand years.

Leng Wuxi said faintly: "in this place, only a few people can come in, the demon lord long Haoran, the Tibetan Lord, and the people who are admitted by Xuanyuan family under my cold Wuxi and the lineage. The rest of them are not qualified to enter the backyard."

Chu Feng smelled the breath of a warrior in the air and knew that there was a strong man in the dark. He nodded with a smile: "even if you want to come in, you have to see if you have the strength."

"It's just cold old. Is Xuanyuan family in this small place? Is the Xuanyuan family still not prosperous after countless years of inheritance

Corners of the mouth slowly involved in the arc of fun: "I read less books, you can not cheat me!""Less wind, no loss of domineering and humor Almost when Chu Feng's voice had just dropped, a laugh came from the air. Chu Feng squinted and saw the light shining on the bodhi tree. A light door appeared, and a white bearded Xuanyuan mirror came out of it, implying that "one flower, one world, the ancients never deceived people!"

Chu Feng feels that with the appearance of Xuanyuan mirror, the strong man's breath in the dark has faded away, squinting at the bodhi tree, one flower, one world, one Buddha and one Buddha.

Xuanyuan family, hidden in the bodhi tree!

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